Restart the world

Chapter 193 Chapter 14 Yue Heng

Chapter 193 Chapter [-] Yue Heng
Clean white ceiling, no smell of disinfectant, this time it's not in a hospital...

This thought flashed across Wan Li's eyes as soon as he opened his eyes dimly, and then he shook his body. He felt pain in his left arm and felt a sense of restraint. It seemed that a plaster cast had been tied on it, but the other parts were intact.

"It's lucky that he didn't die, and he didn't lose an arm or a leg." Wan Li smiled wryly, "Hehe, what the hell is going on this time, what the hell!"

He sat up and looked at his image at this time, dressed in... a prisoner uniform?With a cast on his left arm, he was weak and sore, with a slight injury.

Wan Li was stunned when he saw the hands and feet, and raised his hand to touch his face, it was full of wrinkles, completely different from the handsome young man before.

"Zhai Wanli's face? Oh yes, the simulated appearance is solidified magic, it will not change back to the original appearance depending on the injury and consciousness."

"Yo, are you awake?"

A woman's voice came suddenly, causing Wan Li to look up in a daze, and his heart skipped a beat. A beautiful woman dressed as an urban beauty was sitting on a chair not far away with her arms around her arms.

"Bian Ting?!"

"You still know me, Lao Zhai."

"Uh...Old Zhai?" Wan Li blinked and breathed a sigh of relief, "Didn't you read my memory while I was unconscious? Where is this?"

"Been beaten so stupid that you can't even recognize the simple prison in our base?" Bian Ting stood up and said with a smile: "For the sake of you knowing your way back, Deputy Director General Yue said to give you a chance to confess and take the initiative Tell me, and save me the trouble."

Looking out of the window, Wan Li could only see the pitch black sky, "Have you been in a coma for a long time, a day and a half, or longer?"

"For a long time, Ai Hui treated you." Bian Ting took off her sunglasses, and stared at Wanli with her beautiful eyes, "Stop rambling, tell me, why did you join the red organization?"

"You don't need to ask, the crystal shows red."

"With your strength, if you are not voluntary, no one can control your actions with spiritual superpowers."

"Then I don't know. God knows what Zhai Wanli thinks."


Wan Li slowly changed back to his original appearance, smiled at her and said, "Beauty, we meet for the second time, hello."

"...Wan Liyang?!"


5 minute later.

"New super power?" Yue Heng appeared in front of Wan Li with his upper body naked and dense bandages wrapped around his body, "What's the specific effect?"

"Imitating a person's appearance, as well as his ability, consumes a lot of energy. The trigger conditions are not yet clear. At present, I can only imitate Zhai Wanli."

"Very useful ability... It's good luck, you have caught up with three awakenings of abilities, and not many people have caught up with two." Yue Heng shook his head: "I thought Lao Zhai had repented... You boy is brave enough, How dare you sneak attack."

"I'm confident that I can protect myself... Then there was just a little accident, did you leave the leader of the Red Organization?" Wan Li asked.

Yue Heng shook his head: "That Guisun was seriously injured by me, but unfortunately he ran away."

"...Eh?" Wan Li blinked, "Why didn't you kill that turtle?"

"...Haha, you know? Have you heard my cross talk before the era of practice?"

The corner of Wanli's eyes twitched: "My God."

"Didn't you recognize it for a while?" Yue Heng smiled with joy on his face, "Oh, the past is too bad to look back on. Have you been to the scene to see it?"

"No money, just listen to the recording."

"It's a pirated version..." Yue Heng put away his smile and pouted, "Then let's not talk about cross talk."

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

Yue Heng pouted for a while, then shook his head and laughed: "Speaking of which, you are really a bad guy. You sneak up on people's lifelines, and you still hold on to them after you hit them. His eyes are green. You hit him and run away quickly." Ah, if I hadn't tried to save Lao Zhai's life, you would have died."

Wan Li pursed his lips, and immediately suppressed his smile when he mentioned this matter: "It was said to be an accident. At that time, I prepared various countermeasures, and I could escape as quickly as possible if the sneak attack was successful or not. In the end... accidentally God left."

"Wandering? Do you think you're dying too slowly?"

"She's a woman."


"The leader of the red organization is a woman... er, maybe a eunuch?"

Yue Heng stared: "What did you say?!"

Wan Li sighed and shook his head. At that time, his reaction was exactly the same as that of Deputy Director General Yue. He was dumbfounded and unbelievable. He was stunned for a second, lost the chance to escape, and didn't even double up...

Thanks to the killer move of the leader of the Red Organization being blocked by Deputy Chief Yue, otherwise he would be dead... This is not good, the leader of the Red Organization is like crazy, before Wanli lost consciousness, he was spinning around in the sky, countless The tornado turned and turned, and when the mountain disintegrated as a whole, he also passed out...

"Female." Yue Heng pondered: "Yao Yao? No, it shouldn't be, that girl used to say that I was her idol, and her fans turned black? She almost revealed her mask..."

Wan Li asked: "Those people you have been talking about are the pilots brought by Yu Wei's father?"

"Well, there are six of them. One died with Yu Cheng at the hands of aliens, and there is Liu Ying, whom you know, who returned to the army not long ago. The other four disappeared at the same time during the Spring Festival three years ago, and their whereabouts are unknown." Yue Heng said : "I went to their training base to perform in the desert..."

"How do you confirm that the leader of the Red Organization is one of them?" Wan Li frowned.

"God knows, I don't believe it all the time, and I don't believe it even after this time." Yue Heng shook his head: "Don't look at me, I have been the deputy director general for no longer than Hei Danyan. Who knows."

"Oh... what about Yu Wei?"

"I don't know. The chief told me to leave her alone. Her mother seems to have a problem. She abused her psychic powers and controlled the entire Manga village. The problem at the base has been solved. I have to let Bian Ting go there tomorrow. You and her Let's go back together."

"No, I have to go now. I don't know what will happen to Yu Wei if I don't go back tonight? I don't feel relieved that there is still Shao Laofei staying there... The B-level prisoner brought by Zhai Wanli, Shao Minqiang, although He said he was going to get back on track... oh, and there's a class B criminal you knocked out."

"I've already sent someone to transport the spirit stones, and I'll deal with them by the way." Yue Heng said, suddenly turned his head and listened: "I'm back, you stay here first, I'll send someone to send you a set clothing."

In less than 2 minutes, he came back in person, threw a set of martial arts bureau uniforms to Wan Li, shook his head and said with a smile, "Put it on. Those who were knocked out by me and those who were transported by the Siamese National Mine were all brought back, but what do you say?" Shao Minqiang, who wanted to change his ways and return to righteousness, is gone."

Wan Li was startled: "It's gone? This bastard... is the village okay? Is Yu Wei okay?"

"At the same time, one-tenth of the spiritual stone that was shipped this time is missing, which is about 1000 yuan."


Dogs can't change...


The next chapter is coming soon, you guessed it right, I want to change the text, but after thinking about it, I didn’t change it in the end...

(End of this chapter)

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