Restart the world

Chapter 194 Waiting

Chapter 194 Waiting
Shao Laofat originally wanted to correct evil and return to righteousness, but when he saw the Lingshi, he wanted to take it. If he took one piece, he would get a second one. Later, after adding up, he took it all, so he just took more at once.

1000 yuan of spirit stones is enough for him to go from B-level to A-level. Originally, it took half a year to get to A-level, but now it has been shortened to about one month. This temptation is unstoppable for most people, let alone him, a habitual offender...

"The crime is even more serious. Stealing 1000 million worth of Lingshi, you can hide it so that you don't meet me again." Wan Li smiled secretly in his heart... He actually didn't have any ill feelings towards Shao Xiaoli's boss Fei.

After changing his clothes, he followed Yue Heng out of this simple prison. What appeared in front of Wan Li were tents and lights stretching for miles, large and small, with a simple building occasionally interspersed between the tents.This sight made Wanli a little disappointed, he thought he could see a magnificent fortress...

"That's right, it's only been two months since the Lingshi was discovered. Even if there are A-level sand and soil manipulators, the number is too small to build a fortress." Wan Li looked around, "Deputy Chief Yue, what did the leader of the Red Organization say? 11 small countries formed the Chenla Alliance Elite Squad to attack the base... Is it cheating on you?"

"The Chenla Alliance is real, and so is the elite team. They didn't dare to attack the camp, but today the casualties are twice as high as before... Those turtle grandsons really dare to do anything for the spirit stone!"

"There really is such a thing." Wan Li frowned, suddenly a familiar figure appeared in his sight, he was startled, and whispered: "Yo, Shi Yan!"

In the distance, the yellow-haired young man paused, turned around and walked quickly, greeted Yue Heng, turned to Wanli, and turned his eyes on his arm injury: "brother, you are... to find Ai Huizhi injured?"

"I...uh..." Wan Li blinked, and suddenly stepped forward to give Shi Yan a tight hug, "It's been a long time, I miss you so much!"

Shi Yan was taken aback, did we two know each other that well? The hug was so tight, it was a bit awkward...

Wan Li let go of his hand, remained silent for two seconds, and suddenly turned behind Shi Yan, and said slowly: "I remember the last time we met, you fired all the arrows and fell straight to me after losing strength, but I avoided it. If you can do it again Once, I will hold you tight!"

Shi Yan:? ? ?
Feeling Wan Li who was close to him from behind, his face turned green, he frowned, cursed in a low voice, turned around and left after breaking free, he didn't even say goodbye to Wan Li, his friendship was over...

Wan Li blinked, then patted his clothes in disgust, "No way? Did you not touch his face?"

He cast his eyes on Yue Heng, thought for two seconds, and said: "Deputy Chief Yue, this time you saved me, I can't repay you, I can only..."

"Don't come here, I'll electrocute you to death!" Yue Heng raised his hand: "What is the trigger condition for your newly awakened superpower? Can you imitate Shi Yan?"

"I can't...Deputy Director General Yue, why don't you find two people to help me try... Oh forget it, I'll think about it." Wan Li shook his head and sighed: "I just remembered one more thing, can you try your best to help me?" Help me hide my new ability, especially don't tell me that Zhai Wanli is dead, and that I am the one who attacked the leader of the red organization, this time the hatred is too much..."

Yue Heng laughed: "Try your best."

"Why are you gloating... How could she be a woman? If it was a man, you would definitely be able to stay with me... The special meritorious service has flown... If it's okay, I'll go back, Deputy Chief Yue, Where are you going?"

"East. Go east and turn over two mountains, and you can see the traces of my battle with her."

"...Which side is east?"

Yue Heng was taken aback for a moment: "Over there... are you sure you want to go back at night? Not with Bian Ting?"

Wan Li scratched his head: "It's not a big problem, is it over there? No one in the base will stop me?"

"I'll take you out." Yue Heng said: "There are two more things you need to pay attention to. The Wohong gang in Siam has been confirmed as the stronghold of the red organization, and the transaction with Manga Village has been interrupted, but there will probably be new ones in the near future. The gang took over, you know Siamese, right? The communication is left to you. Also, you have to pay attention to your mother-in-law, she may go back at any time."

"Mother-in-law?" Wan Li was startled: "Mother Yu Wei, the one who controls the whole village? You really have to be careful..."

Half an hour later, in the forest, listening to the distant howling of wolves, Wan Li sighed deeply: "Which side is coming from the east?"

At the same time, another meeting was held at the Huaxia Warrior Base. There were fewer participants than Zhai Wanli and more Bian Ting... She was talking about the status of the members of the camp who were controlled by mental abilities.

There are tens of thousands of members of the Martial Arts Bureau and elite soldiers in the Huaxia Martial Artist Base. The spiritual crystal shows dozens of people besides Zhai Wanli, which is why Bian Ting came here.But it's okay to check, only two of them did it voluntarily, and the others were just manipulated.

"Well, let's work hard tomorrow. There are more than 400 villagers in Manga Village who are affected by unknown spiritual abilities. Let Wan Liyang cooperate with you." Yue Heng said: "Let's put the red organization aside and discuss the Chenla Alliance... ..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly, a young soldier walked in, and whispered a few words in the ear of the soldier beside Yue Heng.

"Huh? Say it out loud!"

"Yes! 15 minutes ago, Wang Yuxin successfully broke through to the S rank, and his strength has changed qualitatively. He can fly in the air and use spiritual energy to attack from a distance."

"S-class?" Exclaimed voices were everywhere.

Yue Heng grinned: "Wang Yuxin is one step faster, this news is just in time..."


the next morning.

Wan Li looked at the villagers of Manga Village who were repairing the gate in the distance and almost shed tears of excitement. The lost child finally found a home!

He spent most of his time in circles in the mountains and bullied most of the beasts. He didn't know which side was east until the sun rose...

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of a familiar figure approaching in the distance from the corner of his eye, and was stunned when he saw him, "Wan Liyang, are you waiting for me?"

"Bian Ting, hehe..." Wanli's mouth twitched, and he couldn't say a thousand words, "I'm waiting for you, in case you get lost. Since you can find Manga Village, then I'll be back, see you later!" "

As soon as the words fell, Wanli disappeared with a whoosh. The villagers who repaired the gate only felt the strong wind blowing by, but there was no sign of Wanli.Bian Ting pushed the sunglasses: "Afraid that I will get lost? What the hell are you doing?"

She looked at the villagers in the distance, "Strange spiritual ability, very strong, close to A-level, more than 400 people, it will kill me..."

Wan Li ran all the way back to Yu Wei's house, and couldn't help but stop before the stairs from the first floor to the second floor.Yu Wei was sitting on a step with her arms around her knees, her eyes were empty and downcast, like a kitten or puppy abandoned by its owner...

"Girl, I'm back!"

Yu Wei's body trembled, her eyes gradually focused, "My dear? My dear! Ah..."

"I knew it was like this, that's why I wanted to come back sooner." Wan Li strode forward, catching Yu Wei who fell down with his right hand, "Didn't sleep all night? Let's go home and catch up on sleep."

"Well, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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