Restart the world

Chapter 195 The Seed of Spirit

Chapter 195 The Seed of Spirit
After coaxing Yu Wei, who hadn't slept all night, to sleep, Wan Li ran up the back mountain with his mobile phone.I told Wen Jing that I would try to contact her once every night, but the pigeons were released on the first day, and it happened to be the end of the city election. I don't know if she has been eliminated, and if she needs to comfort her...

Finding a place with a strong signal, Wanli found that the account named 'Little Fairy' had sent more than a dozen messages... At first, his comment to Wen Jing was Wen Bianbian, but later... it was changed by the mobile phone without authorization. .

The first message was sent at eleven o'clock last night: "How about contacting me in the evening?"I'm tired of waiting (angry.jpg)'

Wan Li pursed his lips, he was still playing with the little animals in the mountains at eleven o'clock last night...

Five or six messages came one after another, and after confirming that he couldn't receive them, Wen Jing started to leave a message, the content of which was probably: "This lady has shown her skills, and none of the young girls who participated in the city election is my enemy. She passed the city election smoothly."Among the 10 spots selected by Martial Arts University City, 6 were selected, and the super class had 5 exclusive places, as well as Lao Wang, Xiao Qi, Ni Er, and Yang Chaofeng. '

"Yang Chaofeng?" Wan Li was a little surprised, and recalled a small boy in the class in his mind, "Constant explosive super power, he is C-level? Yu Shuang should also be C-level, lost?"

"Your manga will be released soon. I secretly followed my dad to take a look at Cong Qi. I'm just a little taller. How can I be so beautiful as a fairy..."

'The province is selected on May [-]th, and there is still one and a half months left, can you come back?Go to Shencheng and cheer for us...'

'Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are holidays, and I'm really tired during this time, so I need to take a good rest.The day after tomorrow, the class guide will give us ten special training, it will probably be even more tiring, but I heard that Director Liao has approved a lot of spirit stones for us, and when you come back, I might be a B-level girl...'


'It's 12 o'clock, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to fall asleep if I don't answer any more. '

'Respond, ghosts and sheep! '


"Asleep?" The news ended here, Wan Li scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong... "Oh, naughty."

He thought for a moment, and described to Wen Jing every detail of his arrival in Manga Village, including being picked up by Yu Wei to be a good girl, and the leader of the red organization reappearing, and the battle with Yue Heng. Only certain dangers.

After waiting for a few minutes without a reply, Wan Li shook his head helplessly: "Nine o'clock, are you still asleep? Little lazy pig, hehe..."

He left a sentence, "I still have something to do, I will talk to you later", browsed the martial arts forum, and saw that there were no news that needed attention or posts showing off awakening magic, so he put his phone back in his trouser pocket, yawned and turned to go down the mountain.


At the same time, in a business hotel near Budo University, on the double bed in room 307, a pair of young men and women who were breathing evenly and sleeping were covered by a thick white quilt.

On the unattractive bedside table, a white mobile phone that was charging suddenly rang a text message, and the sound of even breathing was interrupted. Two seconds later, a white arm poked out from under the quilt and pulled the mobile phone and charger together. past.

Another five seconds later, the woman under the quilt suddenly stood up and sat up, revealing a round face, wearing untidy women's pajamas.

"What, what's wrong, Yu Ling? Whose text message, so early..." The person next to him murmured.

"It's getting late, it's already nine o'clock." Lin Yuling replied with a smile, then lowered her voice suddenly, and said, "Wang Bo, it's a text message from the head office."

"The head office?" Wang Bo poked his head out from under the quilt, "Your boss? What's the matter?"

"Ask me if I accept a job transfer."

"Tune, transfer? Where to go?"

"West City."

"Xicheng...Xicheng?!" Wang Bo sat up in an instant, exposing his naked and strong upper body: "Wanli is there now, but I heard that Xicheng is in chaos. You, you want to go?"

"Well, it's very messy. But it's not a forced transfer, I guess it's a group text message... A colleague in Xicheng was attacked yesterday and suffered a little injury. Three times the commission for one order." Lin Yuling replied.

"Don't go to Fenghou, Fenghou."

Lin Yuling looked at Wang Bo with a smile: "Are you underestimating my combat effectiveness?"

Wang Bo showed embarrassment: "No, no, that's no, it's different."

"I want to go and see. The one who was injured was a little sister I used to be close to. Don't worry, I know how to defend myself. Don't you say that Wan Liyang is there? Can you contact him for help?"

"That's right, it's been a month and a half..."

"Didn't you just start the special training the day after tomorrow? It will definitely be very tiring. I guess we don't have much time to spend together. Video contact... I don't want to part with me? If I want to go, I have to leave tomorrow afternoon. As for today and tomorrow morning..." Lin Yuling turned around and put her arms around Wang Bo, "You can figure it out."

Wang Bo's face turned red: "Yu, Yuling, I asked sister too much, Martial Arts University doesn't care about students' love and... marriage."

Lin Yuling was taken aback: "Are you proposing marriage? Isn't it too hasty? Nothing?"

"No, no, I'll ask first..."

"……alright, I got it."

"You, you agree?"

"Agreed ghost, did you take me to meet your parents? Have you seen my parents? Wait until I come back from West City." Lin Yuling shook her head.

"Oh, okay." Wang Bo scratched his head, the two looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the room became more charming.


Manga village.

After going down the mountain, Wan Li wanted to catch up on sleep, but was stopped by Bian Ting outside Yu Wei's house.

"Assist you in completing the task? How can I use me? You just... eh?" Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, thoughtfully, "You don't want to decipher the abilities that Yu Wei's mother exerted on the villagers one by one, do you?"

"Of course, you have other ways? To crack the spiritual ability, you must find the capable person, or cover it with other spiritual abilities."

"This kind of ability is not the same." Wan Li thought for a few seconds, "Didn't Deputy Director General Yue tell you? No matter where the villagers in the village are, they can find that Yu Wei is in danger at the same time. There must be someone triggering conditions."

Bian Ting was startled: "You mean..."

"There is a master valve, and the other villagers are just branches. The master judge judges that Yu Wei is in danger, and the branches will gather here."

"Branch, branch... is it true or not, and there is such a strange spiritual ability?"

Wanli smiled, then you don’t know who set it up... the superpower of the spiritual seed, and which row 22 and row 23 he can’t remember clearly, is a stronger spiritual ability than Bian Ting’s mind stealing , can create 'Legion'.

Large seeds control medium seeds, medium seeds control small seeds, layer by layer...

"If I'm not mistaken, the main valve is Xiaoyu next door to Yu Wei. Shall I take you there?"

Bian Ting hesitated for two seconds: "It's troublesome."

Wan Li smiled, took Bianting to the next door, pushed open the door of Xiaoyu's house, and a slender arm hit her head and face...

(End of this chapter)

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