Chapter 196
After seeing shallow footprints on the decayed stairs of Yu Wei's house, Wan Li guessed that the criminal who came to attack Yu Wei had been stopped in front of him, and it should be Xiaoyu who stopped him.

Wanli was surprised that Xiaoyu had B-level strength, but Yu Wei's mother had at least B-level or even A-level. It is normal to train a B-level Xiaoyu to protect Yu Wei... But he never expected that Xiaoyu would suddenly treat him Launch an attack.

The punch that came head-on was so powerful that it caused the wind to howl, and it was about to hit the top of Wanli's head in an instant.Wan Li's eyes froze, his body quickly moved to the left, and he received the attack with his right shoulder, his legs sank, and he rushed forward, straight into Xiaoyu's arms!
Xiaoyu soared into the air, adjusted her body shape and kicked her legs on the bamboo building, slamming her body again with a creaking sound, but Bian Ting suddenly stopped in front of her and easily locked her with both hands.

"Why did you attack me?" Wan Li was puzzled, and suddenly heard the sound of many footsteps running towards this place in the distance, getting closer and closer, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Stun her!"

Xiao Yuruan fell into Bian Ting's arms, and Bian Ting frowned and said, "If she is the chief executive, if she is attacked, the villagers will besiege her?"

Wan Li listened, and the villagers who came from a distance slowed down after Xiaoyu fainted, but they still surrounded him.Wan Li and Bian Ting looked at each other, jumped up at the same time, leaped onto the roof of Xiaoyu's house, and then led the unconscious Xiaoyu up the back mountain.

After confirming that no villagers were chasing after her, Bian Ting raised her chin to signal Wanli to watch over her, while she adjusted her breathing, calmed down, and prepared to crack the spiritual seed in Xiaoyu's brain.

"Wait, don't do it yet."

Bian Ting was startled: "Huh?"

Wan Li frowned, Spirit Seed could be one-to-one, many-to-one, but not one-to-many.

The trigger condition for the spiritual seed in Xiaoyu's mind should only be that Yu Wei is in danger. She attacked her earlier and the villagers gathered, which proves...she judged that she and Bian Ting would bring danger to Yu Wei?
These can't be explained to Bian Ting, seeing that she is going to crack it on her own, Wan Li suddenly leans over and pinches Xiaoyuren hard.

Bian Ting was taken aback: "You are..."

Xiaoyu in her arms slowly woke up, and when she realized the situation she was in, she immediately struggled violently, but shouted: "Why don't you remove her ability while I'm unconscious!"

"Who said we're going to remove her ability, it's better to keep and protect Yu Wei."

Xiaoyu's body froze, and her struggling movement stopped instantly: "No release? You..."

Stop struggling?Wan Li nodded ponderingly, is it really controlled by the spiritual seed?
"I'll give you big eyes, why are you nodding there!" Bian Ting said dissatisfiedly, "Tell me what's going on, I'm busy!"

Wan Li thought for a few seconds: "Okay, let Wan Ermosi analyze it for you. First of all, Xiaoyu, you should hate the fact that you are being manipulated. In order to avenge Yu Wei's mother, you gathered a group of Yu Wei to find the old boy. , and she said that the old boy can make her very comfortable at night and tempted me, but luckily I withstood the test."

"...Hold it! Xiaowei told me all about it." Xiaoyu's face was full of disdain.

"She said it was very comfortable, right? It seems that my massage skills are good." Wan Li smiled, "This is just a trick to test you."


"Yes, it's just a back massage." Wan Li scratched his hands and said with a smile: "So you admit that this is your revenge, right? Then you must want to get rid of Yu Wei's mother's manipulation in your heart, you shouldn't attack me, manipulation Your ability has exploded?"

Xiaoyu was silent for a moment: "I don't want to treat Xiaowei like this, that child is innocent and cute...but her was indeed her mother's ability to manipulate me to attack you just now."

"The trigger condition of the ability should only be that Yu Wei is in danger. The content of danger is probably natural disasters and man-made disasters. Since it does not include looking for Laoguai and being with Laoguai... applauding for love, it should not include you being released from control, right?"

"It's a little word..." Bian Ting shook her head with a smile: "There is a problem with your analysis, why is helping her release the control not included in the triggering conditions?"

"Indeed it doesn't include it." Xiaoyu said.


Wan Li smiled: "I heard Wan Ermosi's analysis, why did you interrupt?"

The 72 kinds of superpowers are the product of his careful design for half a year. There are many superpowers in it that "whatever the setting is, it must be what it is" and will not change.For example, Shi Yan's icy ray shoots out threads, not ice cubes...

Although it has caused him some troubles, superpowers have always been his favorite work. Magic is much rougher. There are only [-] types, nine elements and nine special ones. However, people with different brains should have different performances when using magic... …

"Analysis, why are you still in a daze?"

Wan Li blinked, and came back to his senses: "What else can we analyze, the rest of Xiaoyu just say it, how can we judge that releasing you will bring danger to Yu Wei?"

Xiaoyu was silent for a moment: "After yesterday, the villagers all know that they have been manipulated."

"Of course, uh..."

"Yu Wei's mother's ability is good. If she is not here, the villagers will not be protecting Yu Wei. I am afraid they will besiege her. The best result is to drive her out of the village." Xiaoyu said slowly.

Wan Li smacked his lips: "This mother-in-law is really worrying, add to the chaos..." He looked at Bian Ting: "Can you do amnestics?"

Bian Ting shook her head again and again: "It is possible, but there are more than 400 people, it is too dangerous."

"Then..." The two looked at each other, hesitant for a moment, they couldn't let the villagers be controlled all the time, but Yu Wei was released from the control...

"Then just wait." Wan Li said: "The ability has repeatedly taken effect in the past two days, and Yu Wei's mother will definitely come back. Let's discuss it with her when the time comes. She will definitely not ignore Yu Wei."

Bian Ting frowned: "There are still a lot of troubles at the base. I can't stay in Manga Village forever. Her mother's release ability is close to A-level, and it is probably A-level now..."

"I won't fight with her. Although she is a bit paranoid, with Yu Wei around, we should be able to communicate, right?" Wan Li looked at Xiaoyu.

"No, she is a lunatic and will kill you directly." Xiaoyu shook her head.

"I don't think so." Wan Li smiled: "Besides, I'm not that easy to kill, just wait and see."


This matter was settled in this way, and Wanli's life returned to peace. He practiced and worked as a coolie. He took the boys and girls of Manga Village to "picking up treasures" in Beishan, which was destroyed by the tornado, and guided them to practice, while waiting for the arrival of the mother-in-law.

Wanli was mentally prepared whether it was persuasion by mouth or after a fight, but he never expected that this mother-in-law...

Do not play cards according to the routine.



(Huojiujian Chapter 1 was transferred by me to the work related to this book, Chapter 2 is being written, if it goes well, it will be posted today, if it doesn’t go well, it will be posted tomorrow.

Also, is there any college entrance examination?I wish you normal performance and satisfactory results.Cough, it's a little late, it should be blessed yesterday...)
(End of this chapter)

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