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Chapter 197: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 197 Two birds with one stone

Yu Wei's house.

Wan Li spoke to the women's director of Manga Village with a distressed expression: "Please go back and persuade the villagers more. It's all done by Yu Wei's mother. It has nothing to do with Yu Wei. Please try not to blame them."

"Yes, I know it must be very uncomfortable to be manipulated for no reason, I understand, I feel the same..."

"Okay, I'll think of a way. You also know about this situation. I'll skip work today and let the students follow yesterday's practice task."

Sending off the women's director, Wan Li rubbed his forehead and looked back at the other two in the room.Yu Wei looked confused, she still didn't know what happened, while Xiaoyu looked relieved and gloated a little.

"Girl, shall I take you to live in the city?" Wan Li thought for a few seconds, and tentatively asked.

"Okay, where are you going, boy, where am I going?"

Wan Li was taken aback, agreed?Didn't you have to wait for your mother to come back in Manga Village?

"My dear, last night, I dreamed about my mother, she said, follow you, when she finds you, father, come to me." Yu Wei said again.

Wanli Fue: "That's not a dream."

Wan Li was really speechless about this cheap mother-in-law. She thought she could communicate with her, but she didn't communicate with him at all.


Back to last night.

Wan Li and Wen Jing were finally online at the same time. The two chatted for more than an hour, mostly Wan Li was talking about his situation and... Yu Wei's situation.I thought that telling the truth would avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, but Wen Jing still got a little jealous of Xiao Fei, and Wan Li had to coax her for a while.

After chatting with her, Wan Li confirmed Lin Yuling's itinerary in the temporary small group with Wang Bo and Lin Yuling, and learned that she had already checked into the Xicheng Hotel, and asked her to be careful not to go out, and see you tomorrow when I get back to the city. She chats further.

After everything was in place, Wan Li went down the mountain to return to Yu Wei's house, and Yu Wei was lying on his bed half asleep, waiting for him to massage... This is a must-have program for the two of them every night.After pressing it for about 2 minutes, Yu Wei fell asleep completely, and Wan Li also went to bed and curled up in the corner of the wall with his back to her, slowly falling asleep.

I thought that another day would pass peacefully like this, but Wan Li suddenly heard Yu Wei talking to someone while he was half asleep and half awake.

With heavy eyelids, Wan Li finally opened his eyes, turned over, and vaguely saw a figure standing leaning against the door. He couldn't see his face clearly, but his eyes were frighteningly bright.

Startled in his heart, he straightened up and sat up immediately, but his eyes were in a daze, there was no one standing leaning against the door.He rubbed his eyes, then looked at Yu Wei beside him, who was sleeping soundly...

"Did you have a dream?" Wan Li murmured, got up and went to the bathroom, returned to the bed and looked at Yu Wei's sleeping posture: her body was curled up tightly, her hands were folded, her eyebrows were lightly furrowed, a typical lack of security Performance.

He couldn't help feeling affectionate, went to bed and put Yu Wei in his arms with both arms, seeing Yu Wei's body slowly relaxing in his arms, her expression became soothed and serene, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will always be here in the future be with you."

At this moment, there was a quick knock on the door, Wan Li frowned, got up and opened the door, and Xiaoyu was standing outside the door, she said eagerly: "She is back, the ability on me has been removed!"

"Who? In the evening..."

"Yu Wei's mother, haven't you seen her?"

"Huh?" Wan Li was refreshed for a moment, and looked back at Yu Wei who was sleeping soundly: "Don't wake her up, let's go out and say, did you see Yu Wei's mother? She released her control over you? How come... ...Does she want to take Yu Wei away?"

Xiaoyu shook her head lightly: "I don't know, I thought she would come to Xiaowei's place."

Wan Li was slightly stunned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.He looked at his two arms, and then took his mobile phone to look at the chat records with Wen Jing... When comforting Wen Jing, who was eating vinegar, he vowed to promise not to have any intimate behavior with Yu Wei as much as possible, massage is fine, how could it suddenly happen Hold her in your arms and 'promise for a lifetime'?
Simulate brainwashing ability!

The strengthened spirit made Wanli feel that there was something more in his mind. He was silent for a long time, and slowly uttered a word: "Day!"


Just like that, Yu Wei's mother, who had been waiting for a long time, did come back, but she refused to even chat with Wan Li, and directly lifted the control over the villagers, and then gave Wan Li the most powerful spiritual seed, and then disappeared without a trace no trace.

Wan Li wandered outside Manga Village for most of the night but couldn't find her, so he had to admit that she entrusted Yu Wei to him as if she depended on him...

The spiritual seed was instantly crushed after he simulated eight brainwashing abilities at the same time, but Yu Wei's mother did not appear again until dawn.The meaning is obvious: if you don't have the ability to control, will you ignore Yu Wei?
Wan Li didn't know where this cheap mother-in-law had confidence in him, and even suspected that she was secretly observing nearby.

"If I had known this result, Bian Ting would have directly cracked her ability, and I could have prepared more. What should I do now? The mission is still 27 days away. Send Yu Wei to the warrior base first?" Wan Li sighed: "This is a cheap mother-in-law's brain!" It seems to be a bit abnormal, Yu Wei... probably hereditary?"

At this time, Xiaoyu on the side suddenly said: "The control is lifted, I want to go to Xicheng to see and experience...the city life she said."

"To the west city?"

Yu Wei said in a daze: "Sister Xiaoyu, do you want to leave?" She showed a reluctant expression: "Go to the city... I will go with Laoguai, okay?"

Xiaoyu smiled at her: "Okay."

"My dear, how are you?" Yu Wei cast a hopeful look at Wan Li.

Wanlilu thought.There are more than 200 kilometers of mountain roads from the urban area of ​​Xicheng to Manga Village, but for him who is inexhaustible, it is only an hour's journey at full speed. Xiaoyu can take care of Yu Wei when she is not around.

But he was a little worried about Xiaoyu, not too afraid that she would play tricks on Yu Wei again, but worried that this girl who had never been out of the village would be deceived in the city even if she had B-level strength...

"Hey?" Wanli suddenly thought of something, and said to Xiaoyu: "I happen to have a friend in the west city, female, E-class, let me introduce you to her? She is very smart and can familiarize you with city just need to drop by Protect her."

Xiaoyu nodded thoughtfully: "Yes."

The corner of Wan Li's mouth twitched, and he turned to Yu Wei: "Girl, pack your things, I'll take you to the West City, where I can meet a young lady who can be sweet."

"Will... babe?"

"Hehe, pack up." Wan Li smiled: "Xiaoyu, do you have anything to pack?"

"No, it's not that I won't come back."

"After seeing the city life, you really might not want to come back." Wan Li secretly said, "Yu Wei's resettlement problem has been temporarily resolved, and Lin Yuling's safety problem has also been solved, killing two birds with one stone... What a coincidence."


Later in the next chapter, Huo Jiu Jian Fan Wai Chapter 2 has been posted on Works. )
(End of this chapter)

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