Restart the world

Chapter 198 Xiti Wood Element Magic

Chapter 198 Xiti Wood Element Magic
Yu Wei didn't have much luggage, a few sets of clothes, a photo album, and some daily necessities were packed into a big package, which was carried by Xiaoyu on her body.

"Goodbye, goodbye to the director and the others?"

Wan Li rubbed Yu Wei's head: "No, I'll say goodbye for you, let's go."

The three of them stepped out of the gate one after another, Wan Li's expression was slightly concentrated, and he frowned and looked around.Dozens of villagers from Manga Village were gathered outside Yu Wei's house, each holding a small bag with some messy things in it.

He instantly thought of the rotten eggs and rotten leaves that corrupt officials encountered in ancient times when they were escorted by prison cars. These villagers would not want to attack Yu Wei once, would they?

Yu Wei was still smiling foolishly: "Everyone, will you see me off? Goodbye." She waved her arms.

Wan Li looked at her, his expression became serious, if someone dared to throw something at this moment, don't blame him for throwing it back at a faster speed.

Unexpectedly, nothing was thrown over. Instead, a 50-year-old Shan aunt stepped forward and said, "Three sweet potatoes with yellow flesh, take them with you to eat on the way...Xiao Mao, take care of Xiao Wei."

Wan Li took it in a daze, and then one after another villagers came forward and brought all kinds of things, until they set foot on the road to the west city in big and small rolls, Wan Li still hadn't recovered, what's going on?To sink them with these things?

"Everyone, I'm so enthusiastic, I don't want to give up..." Yu Wei murmured with tears in her eyes.

Wan Li hesitated for a moment. These dozens of villagers were calm and calm, but that didn't mean the others were the same. Let Yu Wei maintain a good impression of Manga Village, "Big girl, don't cry, be ashamed. Let's go." Come on, if you can’t walk anymore, tell Laoguai, Laoguai will carry you on your back.”

"Oh, don't cry, Xiao Wei, don't cry."

Xiaoyu sighed softly: "Give me the things. Before she planted abilities on us, she... was a very gentle and kind person. People in the village have more or less accepted her help. It's not too strange to come to give things. .”

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, understanding that the "she" in Xiaoyu's mouth refers to Yu Wei's mother, who is gentle and kind...Why did it become like this?


The three of them embarked on the mountain road to Xicheng. At the same time, the woman in Manga Village was in charge of the house.A thin middle-aged woman was sitting opposite the women's director. From her skinny face, she could vaguely see her youthful beauty. At this time, she was looking in the direction of Yu Wei's house with a dazed expression.

"Xiao Wei was taken away by the boy sent by the Martial Arts Bureau, can you really rest assured?"

"He's the best choice right now, ahem..." The middle-aged woman suddenly coughed violently.

The female director's expression became tense, and she immediately got up and patted the middle-aged woman on the back, "Your illness is serious again, and there is really no way to cure it? What is the illness? There are not many illnesses that cannot be well adjusted through practice."

The middle-aged woman breathed a sigh of relief: "It really can't be cured. This is not a disease, but an injury."

"Injury? How could it be an injury!" The women's director was surprised: "At that time, who could hurt you, there were several people stronger than you. Didn't you say that you were terminally ill? And the control you exerted on us is what happened?"

The middle-aged woman shook her head slightly: "It's an injury, not a terminal illness. It was my fault for secretly planting spiritual seeds. Please apologize to everyone for me."

"He refused to say anything." The female director sighed softly: "If it weren't for you, when the cultivation era first opened, the village would have lost countless lives and injuries under the attack of wild beasts, and few people would blame you. I can only blame you for hiding everything... Who hurt you?"

"Cough..." Coughing violently again, the middle-aged woman said slowly, "I'm dying."


"Well, I'm dying. These eight months... have been really hard," the middle-aged woman murmured, "Xiaowei has finally found her home, so I can rest assured. That young man is not bad, but it's a pity that he treats Xiaowei... There doesn't seem to be any emotion in that regard."

"No, no, don't talk about them, how could you die? You are so could you die?"

"Yeah, I'm going to die, and I can last for half a month? I'm going to visit Xiaowei a few more times. I probably won't come back to the village."

The women's director was silent for a moment, and her words were choked with sobs: "Miss Xiaoli, there is really nothing I can do? Don't you have superpowers that can heal others? Go find..."

"Cough, it can't be done. I've tried all the methods I can think of. If it wasn't true that it couldn't be cured, how could I let Xiaowei be taken away like this."

"...Miss Xiaoli, why don't you let Xiaowei stay in the village?"

"The village can't keep it. Xiaowei has a terrifying power. After I die, the red organization may not take care of certain things. I'm afraid they will take her away and use her as a weapon. If that boy didn't happen to appear, I would take her with her." Going to Guo Zhan and letting the Martial Arts Bureau use that power is better than being used by the Red Organization." The middle-aged woman sighed.

"Terrifying power? Superpower?"

"Ah." The middle-aged woman stood up, with a smile on her skinny face: "Don't tell her."

Don't tell her?The female director was slightly startled, and the middle-aged woman in front of her disappeared instantly, leaving only an empty room and a half-drunk glass of water.

"Terrifying power, more than eight months ago, the awakening of superpowers...could it be Miss Xiaoli who was injured by Xiaowei?!" The female director murmured softly, and sat back on the chair.


In the mountain forest, Yu Wei had already been carried on her back by Wan Li, her mouth was twisted by the strong wind, but she was still very happy to feel the speed of the wind.

"Oh, so fast, so comfortable..."

Wan Li also smiled and said, "Is it fast? I can go faster, I'm afraid your sister Xiaoyu won't be able to catch up."

"Oh, slow down, wait."

Wan Li slowed down, and Xiao Yu, who was not far away, followed with two packages on his back, gasping for breath: "Your...physical strength...huh..."

"Tired? Then let's take two steps slowly." Wan Li said with a smile: "At this speed, it will take the afternoon to reach the city, and it will be noon to clean your body."

He dragged Yu Wei with one hand, took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket with the other hand, and sent several messages to Lin Yuling, asking her to wait for him at the hotel where he was staying at three o'clock in the afternoon.Suddenly, there was a tingling sensation on the right side of his neck, as if something was tickling him.He turned his head and saw Yu Wei scratching him with a leaf with a silly smile on her face.

"Hey, boy, is it itchy?"

"Itches, itches to death. When did you pick up the leaves?" Wan Li said helplessly.

"Hey, I didn't pick it up. Just now, I transformed it into a leaf."

"Huh?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully at Yu Wei's palm. The leaf seemed to be connected with Yu Wei's palm, and he immediately froze in place.

"This is... wood magic!" Wan Li swallowed, "Have you awakened wood magic? I'm sorry, the temptation is too great."

He hesitated for two seconds: "Girl, I'm a little tired, can I hold you for a while?"

"Tired, I...go by myself."

"No need," Wan Li shrugged his shoulders, and instantly adjusted his posture. Instead of being hugged by the princess, Yu Wei was riding on him head-on.

Xiaoyu was startled: "You..."

This gesture was very ambiguous, and Wan Li apologized to the ignorant Yu Wei in his heart, held her buttocks with one hand, and pinched her face with the other: "Girl, do you feel the aura?"

"Aura, no..."

"You haven't reached the limit of your body yet, so come down and walk around by yourself. After the exercise, the girl can raise her hand and transform into a cute little tree." Wan Li quickly put her back on the ground, took a deep breath, and calmed down the little restlessness in her body. grinned.

Hi Timu magic!

(End of this chapter)

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