Restart the world

Chapter 199 Basong

Chapter 199 Basong
Simulating magic is an ability set for oneself. Of course, Wanli does not limit it in the comics, and he can simulate it as soon as he sees it.However, under the framework of the aura system, the imitation of magic is restricted.

Wood-type magic was successfully simulated, and the improvement in strength was secondary. The more important thing was to allow Wan Li to determine the trigger conditions for the current simulated magic: to have enough physical contact with the person being imitated, basically to touch the other party all over.

He was a little regretful for a while, if only he had moved faster when he saw Shi Yan three days ago, he would have touched his face too...

There are 18 kinds of magic, 9 elements and 9 special.The strength of elemental magic is divided into three levels, light and dark, wind and thunder, ice, wood, water, fire and earth. Wood magic is not a very strong ability, but it is a supplement to Wanli's strength today.

Finally, there is a long-range attack method!

Wan Liping stretched out his right hand, his aura circulated, and several wooden thorns shot out from the palm of his hand. The speed was exaggerated, the tip was sharp, and they sank into the small tree ten meters away in an instant.The spiritual energy circulated again, and a round wooden pillar stretched out from the palm of his right hand, 5 meters, 10 meters, knocked down the small tree with a bang, and the wooden pillar fell to the ground with a bang.

Wan Li kicked it away, and with a thought, the soil under Xiaoyu's feet beside him trembled suddenly, and a vine broke through the ground, wrapping around three times and tightly binding her who was stunned.

Xiaoyu struggled a few times, the vine snapped, and she moved a few steps sideways: "Are you...?"

"It can only restrain Class B for about half a second, but it consumes a lot of spiritual energy, which is a bit tasteless... No, it's because the amount of spiritual energy in my body is too little." Wan Li murmured softly, and replied to Xiaoyu with a smile: "Try the superpower."

"Old boy, plant a small tree, hehe..."

"Okay, plant a small tree." Wan Li nodded, raised his hand slightly, and next to the broken small tree that was knocked down by his wooden pillar, a branch suddenly broke through the ground, quickly grew high, and grew into a bare small tree.

He stepped forward to touch it, and the touch felt real, and he couldn't help feeling: "It's possible to make a fortune in greening. I can plant about ten of this kind of tree at a time, and one tree... 2000 yuan?" He paused for a moment, and poked out a tree again. Logs, nothing does not burn!

The log burst into flames in an instant, and the releaser of Wanli was shocked. He shook the log and threw the log on the ground. Weeds on the ground were ignited. flames.Wan Li hastily cleared the surrounding flammable vegetation with three punches and two kicks, and controlled the fire within a certain range, "Hey, let's warm up the fire, let's go on the road after the fire goes out."

Xiaoyu shook her head speechlessly, wondering how many superpowers Wanli had.Yu Wei foolishly leaned over to reach out her hand, and said to Wan Li with a bitter face after a few seconds: "My dear, warm up to the fire, it's hot..."

"You really enjoy the fire." Wan Li smiled and pulled her away, pondering in his heart: "Wood magic can be used in combination with non-combustible, maybe it can also be used with invisibility? There are more abilities and more diversified attack methods. Now the problem arises. In terms of my spiritual energy... I don't know how long it will take to reach A-level, the spiritual crystal has successfully manifested, how about the detection crystal?"

He looked at the burning flames, and sighed faintly: "It will take a while, I can't bear the crime of setting fire to a mountain, I don't want to follow Wen Jing's footsteps and go to reform through labor... It really is a lack of cold Ice ray ability, where are you, Shi Yan, come here and let me touch your face..."


At this time, on the Shan Plateau, Shi Yan, who was talked about by Wan Li, was in crisis.Like Zhai Wanli, he also led a reform-through-labor team, with five B-levels in the team.But these five people are no better than the five people in Zhai Wanli's team who were manipulated. Facing a strong enemy at this time, the reason why they didn't escape immediately was because Shi Yan sent a letter to the base by special means...

In fact, there was only one enemy, a man about 30 years old, with a strong body and a fierce face. He was only 170 tall, but standing in front of the six people brought a heavy sense of oppression.

He is the strongest in Siam, known as the strongest Bassong in Southeast Asia.Whether he is the strongest in Southeast Asia is irrelevant, but according to the information, he is indeed a strong man at the same level as Yue Heng!
Shi Yan's face was serious.The Chenla Alliance has been established for four days, and it has brought a lot of trouble to the Huaxia Warrior Base, but nothing major.Bassong in front of him is the most troublesome.

He formed a single team, specializing in sniping the elite squad of Huaxia warriors. Yesterday, an A-level soldier was seriously injured by him. After returning to the warrior base, he was in a coma and has not woken up until now...

Shi Yan recuperated for a month after the First World War in Xiling, Xiema Village, so he was still close to A-level, and even more incapable of facing Basong.However, since they met, if they wanted to escape without a fight, they would definitely not be able to escape. There was still a language barrier between the two parties, and they couldn't communicate, so he chose to strike first.

All arrows fired!

Shi Yan didn't yell this time, he read the skills in his heart, and more than a dozen blue beams twisted and shot out in a fan shape, and they arrived in front of Basong in an instant!
Basong didn't hide, stretched his right fist backwards, surrounded by white light, and punched head-on when facing the light beam!A terrifying sense of crisis hit, Shi Yan hurriedly jumped away, "Get out of the way!"

Two of the five members of the team reacted quickly and jumped to hide away, but the other three paused for half a second, and there was no chance to escape.

boom! !

There was an explosion-like sound. Bassong's fist did not come into direct contact with the ice ray. When the two were separated by a few centimeters, a shock wave exploded along his fist, and the blue beam collapsed at the touch of it!
Shock waves scattered along Basong's fist, and the ground was churned with sand and rocks. The three people who hadn't escaped in time didn't even let out a scream, so their faces twisted, and they drew a parabola in the sky like a kite with a broken string. Both internal and external injuries, deep coma!
The team was reduced by half with just one blow, and the remaining two criminals turned around and fled without hesitation. Shit, I never heard that rays can be shattered..."


Afternoon, three fifty.

The three of them finally arrived at their destination: Xicheng Jindi Hotel.Lin Yuling was waiting for them outside the was about three o'clock, but it was delayed to this time because of a fire in Wanli.

Wanli explained the identities of Xiaoyu and Yu Wei to Lin Yuling through WeChat. After greeting Wanli, Lin Yuling smiled warmly at Yu Wei and said, "Hello, little sister."

"Sister, hello. My dear boy, you... know how to babble?" Yu Wei asked curiously.

Wanli Fu forehead, silly girl, you should remember this kind of thing firmly.Lin Yuling was startled, looked at Wanli sullenly, and replied, "Yes."

"Yes, yes, yes, hey, it's fun... Sister, teach me."

Lin Yuling looked at Yu Wei with loving eyes, stepped forward and rubbed her head, and said sweetly, "Okay, my sister will teach you tonight."

She turned to Xiaoyu and stretched out her right hand: "Hi, I'm Lin Yuling, please take care of me."

Xiaoyu was stunned: "Please take care of me."

Wanli looked at it with a smile.Originally, he thought that Lin Yuling's coming to Xicheng would cause trouble, but now it seems that she has helped him a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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