Restart the world

Chapter 200 Conspiracy

Chapter 200 Conspiracy
With a few words, Lin Yuling and Yu Wei became friends.Xiaoyu walked out of the mountains for the first time, and she was wary of the city. She didn't get too close to Lin Yuling for a while, but Wan Li felt that Lin Yuling and Xiaoyu were as close as sisters for two days...

Two double rooms were opened not far from Lin Yuling's room. Wan Li was still thinking about how to get Yu Wei to agree to live with Xiaoyu, but Yu Wei came to find her by herself: "Honey, tonight, I will sleep with...Sister Yuling A room, okay?"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, looked at Lin Yuling's reassuring expression, and smiled, "Of course."

Ten minutes later, Wanli sent Yu Wei and Xiaoyu to take a bath on the grounds that they were covered in ashes all the way, and Wan Li thanked Lin Yuling.

"You're welcome, I'm the one who troubled you this time, I didn't expect you to be able to find me a B-level bodyguard."

"I didn't even think of that." Wan Li chuckled: "Although the west city is chaotic, it has a B-level military force. Be careful, and your safety should be fine. And now I will run at both ends, starting at about six in the morning and six in the evening." Just click back, if there is anything Xiaoyu can't solve, just tell me."

"Well, I won't be polite." Lin Yuling smiled: "Run at both ends? You are really good to Xiaowei, Wen Jing is not jealous?"

"Why don't you eat, eat. But there is no way, Yu Wei's situation is very special, I don't care if I encounter it." Wan Li sighed softly: "Let's not talk about her, let's talk about you. Why don't you stay with Lao Wang in Bincheng? Traveling all the way to the west city to swim in the muddy water? A little sister was injured, do you know her well?"

"Well, elementary school classmate, you have seen her, she was there when the alien danced."

"Huh?" Wan Li was taken aback, remembering that Lin Yuling and the others had a total of seven people, but now he knew five of them, and two of them didn't know each other. It seemed that they were a man and a woman, and the woman was in Xicheng?
"Well, is she seriously injured? How about I go with you to see her? "

Lin Yuling shook her head and said, "I went to see her in the morning, the injury is not serious, and she needs rest."

"Oh..." Wanli nodded: "She is also a loan from your potential warriors? Speaking of which, the West City is in such a mess now, why can't we withdraw the branch first?"

Lin Yuling smiled: "Xicheng is one of the cities with the best performance of our company. Shan girls want to go back to the village to marry a husband after finishing high school, but many girls don't want to go back after seeing life in the city. If you don't want If they want to go out to work and want to go to university, our potential warrior loan is the best choice for them.”

Wan Li blinked: "No wonder you came here to make a fortune and go back to marry Lao Wang?"

Lin Yuling also blinked: "Yes."

"Ha, waiting to drink your wedding wine."


After that, Wan Li gave Lin Yuling a detailed introduction of what he knew about the situation in West City, until Yu Wei came over after taking a shower.Looking at her new Shan skirt, Wan Li's heart moved, and he and Lin Yuling made up their minds, and went to the mall to buy two sets of clothes for Yu Wei and Xiaoyu.

Yu Wei, who had changed into a dress she hadn't worn in three years, was very happy. She went shopping with three girls and almost ruined Wan Li's inexhaustible body... When she returned to the hotel, it was almost nine o'clock, and Wan Li took a shower , Put on pajamas and lie on the bed.

"Sleep well tonight."

The environment of Yu Wei's house is mediocre, and what's more important is that she and Yu Wei slept in the same bed these days, tightly huddled in the corner of the wall.There's no point in sleeping if you can't roll around.

Yu Wei isn't here tonight, so I'm going to learn from Lin Yuling.No matter what the hell she has learned, Wan Li is relieved, if they can be separated for one night, there will be two nights, and it will be perfect if they correct the name of old boy.

Chatting with Wen Jing in daily reports, listening to her talk about how tired she was on the first day of the special training, how unreasonable Liu Miao was, Wan Li gradually felt sleepy, until Wen Jing sent a voice message. 'ah!Wan Liyang, look at the martial arts forum!Something big happened! '

Blindfolded, Wan Li clicked on the Martial Arts Forum app, and received a text message. 'Warmly congratulate Wang Yuxin for becoming the world's first S-class! '

"S-rank?!" Wan Li stared, sat up suddenly, and all sleepiness disappeared, "It's Wang Yuxin again, didn't he change his qualifications after awakening?"

He flipped down, frowning slightly, and then slowly relaxed. 'This morning, Basong, the Siamese country that claims to be the strongest in Southeast Asia, crossed the southwest border of our country without authorization and attacked our Chinese warrior team.Wang Yuxin arrived in time, defeated it with one blow, chased it for dozens of kilometers, broke its arm, and deported it back to the territory of Siam. '

"Shocking? This way, the environment in the West City will be much better?" Wan Li murmured, and was surprised to find that there was a video below.Wang Yuxin floated in mid-air and swung his fist downwards. A bright white beam of light shot out along his right fist, hitting a man with a fierce face.There is also a close-up here, which clearly captures the astonishment on the fierce man's face.

I wanted to see the effect of this punch, but the video stopped abruptly. Wan Li was taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "What a genius, did you bring a camera when you went to the rescue? And the filming is so short, is it because you are afraid of being exposed? I don't believe it anymore."

From the video, we can only see the two characteristics of S-level, flight and aura long-range attack. After thousands of miles, I turned down and found some dry goods. introduce.

It varies from person to person, after the accumulation of aura is five to eight times that of when you first entered B-level, you will be able to attach aura to the body surface to be A-level. The speed of A-level absorption of spiritual energy has increased significantly, and the amount of spiritual energy continues to accumulate. After reaching a certain point, the spiritual energy will no longer increase, and the internal organs will be nourished with spiritual energy again like D-level. This state can be called a pseudo-S level, until the internal organs change qualitatively and the food intake increases sharply. , a hundred poisons are invulnerable, and it becomes an S rank.

"The food intake has increased dramatically, and a hundred poisons will not invade?" Wan Li blinked, "Peeling to detoxify? My internal organs..."


Meanwhile, Siam.

Bassong was furious and smashed most of the things in the room.Just now, five small countries announced their withdrawal from the Chenla Alliance.

"It's all idiots, idiots! Wang Yuxin is not that strong!" Ba Song roared: "If he can really defeat me with one blow, how could he not kill me! He has no ability, give me another two months, and he can do it with one hand." Tear him apart!"

"What a mess, Bassong."

A hoarse voice suddenly sounded, Bassong paused, frowned, and turned his head, "It's you bastard who hides his head and shows his tail. How many times have I said that I won't join, won't join your rotten organization."

"If you don't join, we can cooperate. If you lose a hand, your strength has weakened a lot. Don't you want to take revenge?"

"Revenge? Hmph, S-class can fly!"

"It's not revenge for Wang Yuxin, he doesn't have superpowers, he's just one step ahead of us temporarily.

Yue Heng is the real trouble.Wang Yuxin will not stay on the Shan plateau forever, let's find a chance, let's join forces and kill Yue Heng! "

"...You want to kill Yue Heng?"

"In 26 days, Yue Heng will go to a Shan village far away from the Huaxia warrior base to accept the teaching task of a teenager..."

(End of this chapter)

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