Restart the world

Chapter 201 Giant Elephant

Chapter 201 Giant Elephant
A few days later, at Yu Wei's house.

The bright white spirit stone was turned into powder in Wan Li's hands, and the number of red dots on the right shoulder increased to 99, shining brightly, rotating and cohesive... For the first time, there were two red lines of spirit stone in Wan Li's body at the same time.

Take out the last piece of spirit stone, shoot it with the red line of spirit stone, turn it into the essence of spirit stone, lick it, feel the spiritual energy in the body has increased a little, Wanli exhales long and long, and controls the spiritual energy in the body to rotate three times to the left and three times to the right.

Familiar with and control this small piece of spiritual energy, Wan Li closed his eyes and sensed it.According to official data, after the aura grows to five to eight times that of entering the B-level at the beginning, it may enter the A-level at any time.At this time, the aura in my body... is about five times that of entering the B-level, that is to say... not far from the A-level?

"According to the worst case, I need eight times, and it will only take half a month... If the spirit stone is enough." Wan Li raised his arms, his brows moved slightly, "Why does it seem that my physique has begun to strengthen again? ? The reason for breaking the limit?"

He shook his neck and didn't think much about it. It's a good thing to be stronger.Stepping out of Yu Wei's house, he walked towards the woman director's house. At 11 o'clock, it's time to eat...

These days, Wanli’s life is very regular. He runs for an hour from Xicheng City to Manga Village at [-]:[-] in the morning. North Mountain Treasure Hunt.

Beishan, which was destroyed by the leader of the Red Organization, still has a lot of spirit stones, but unfortunately most of them have been crushed by the tornado, and the remaining and complete ones have been cleaned up. In total, nearly a hundred spirit stones have been contributed to Wanli. All used up.

So while walking on the road, he was also thinking about which village he would pass along the road to buy some spirit stones when he returned to the city at [-] o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise and shouting sound from afar, the sound was mixed with panic, causing Wan Li to turn his head with a frown.There were two loud bangs again, with several screams mixed in between. He was startled, and immediately ran towards that side.

As fast as the wind, the distance of a kilometer was crossed within ten seconds, and thousands of miles rushed to the northernmost end of the village.The place was already in chaos, the collapsed bamboo buildings, the injured and groaning villagers, and the billowing smoke and dust all merged together. He glanced around, and quickly locked his eyes on a huge wild boar.

He had dealt with wild boars many times, and the boar in front of him was a bit smaller than the boar that jumped off the cliff, but it was estimated to be C-level.At this time, several E-level villagers were wandering around it to restrain it, and there were still a few people in the distance pulling a large net and rushing towards it.

Wan Li frowned slightly, his figure flickered, and he reached the front of the rampaging wild boar in an instant, clenched his fist with his right hand and slashed... Boom!One hit kill!
The dead wild boar rushed forward according to its inertia, Wanli opened his right hand and pressed lightly, and the wild boar fell to the ground with another loud crash.


Not far away, his students shouted in surprise, Wanli nodded slightly, frowned, looked at the huge wild boar crawling on the ground, and then looked into the distance: "Where is the wild boar?"

After Beishan was destroyed, the nearest mountain to the north was seven or eight kilometers away from Manga Village. How could there be wild boars for no reason?
Two students leaned over, showing the expressions of little fans, and touched the wild boar's deeply sunken skull, looking at Wanli in admiration.The other villagers had a clear division of labor. Some people treated the wounded, some cleaned up the collapsed houses, and an older woman came to thank Wan Li.

"You're welcome." Wan Li replied, "What's the situation? Seeing that you are familiar with it, wild beasts often come to attack the village?"

"Yes, since the beginning of the practice era, wild beasts have indeed often attacked the village. However, in recent months, because of the spirit stone mine, the wild beasts have been driven into the mountains, but they have not been attacked again." The woman nodded: "This wild boar Perhaps it failed to fight other wild beasts and was expelled?"

Wan Li bowed his head and turned around the dead wild boar: "It's not like, it doesn't have any injuries... Forget it, it's a stupid pig, who knows what kind of madness it is, let's take stock of what this unreasonable disaster brought. loss."

There were two houses that collapsed, and four villagers were injured by wild boars. Fortunately, they were all bruised. Arms and legs may be broken, but none of them will be life-threatening.Hearing the sound, more and more villagers rushed over, and the female director also hurried over. After asking about the situation, she was slightly relieved, and said to Wan Li, "Xiao Mao, thanks to you for taking action this time."

"Thank you again." Wan Li smiled and shook his head: "You can't eat your lunch for free. There is nothing polite about what you can do. But Manga Village is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Who can bear the frequent attacks of wild beasts? ? In the past, due to wild beast attacks, the village suffered a lot of losses, right?"

The women's director was in a daze for two seconds when she heard the words, and sighed softly: "The loss is not much. In the past, there was Miss Xiaoli... Xiaowei's mother guarded the village."

Then why... Wanli was taken aback.He had a lot to ask about the cheap mother-in-law, but suddenly found tears brewing in the eyes of the female director, which made him hold back the question, and more questions followed.

"Xiao Mao, go to my house for lunch. My boy is at home. I can't leave for a while." The female director wiped her eyes and said with a smile: "Let me cook wild boar meat for you tomorrow. I haven't seen you for a long time." Eat, this time I will enjoy the food with you."

Wan Li pursed his lips, sighed softly in his heart, and was about to agree, when he suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly.At the same time, countless exclamations sounded one after another. He raised his head and looked to the north, where an exaggeratedly large giant beast was rushing towards the village. "...Wild elephants? Are you kidding me? Don't these things live in the center of the Shan plateau? How did they come here?"

The Shan people are a people who are friends with elephants, and elephants are like totems to them.As the giant elephant approached, many villagers showed reverence, clasped their hands together, and called it "the elephant god".

The female director was quite sober, and immediately asked Wan Li for help, only to find that Wan Li had already rushed out beside her...

This giant elephant is nearly five meters tall at the shoulders, and one of its legs is taller than Wan Li, which is extra thick. Wan Li remembers that the elephants he saw in the zoo in his previous life were not even half the size of this one.A huge body represents great strength. Facing the flexible and muscular three-meter long nose, Wan Li did not dare to neglect. He took a deep breath while running and clenched his fists.

"Teacher! Don't kill the elephant god!"

There was such a cry of content, which made Wan Li feel helpless: "Idiot, I have to give these students an ideological education class."

He swung his fists with all his strength, facing the coming elephant trunk head-on... Boom! !
After a loud noise, the ground under the feet of one man and one elephant exploded. Wan Li's face changed, and he stepped back a few meters, his arms were slightly sore, but the giant elephant only paused for half a second before rushing towards him again.

"A-level strength, it's a bit troublesome not to use superpowers. But first there are wild boars, then giant elephants, ghosts only happen when no one is messing around... If you are in a mess, you can be in a mess. If you kill it in seconds... don't scare away the people behind the scenes!"

(End of this chapter)

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