Restart the world

Chapter 202 Bandaging

Chapter 202 Bandaging
Wan Li guessed right, there were indeed some troublemakers, but he was overthinking to stop the giant elephant with all his strength in order not to scare away the person behind the scenes. Even if he showed his full strength, this person would not be scared away.

On a high ground ten kilometers away, Bassong is holding a binoculars in his right hand to observe Wanli, who is fighting with giant elephants—boars and giant elephants are driven by him with painstaking efforts.

A few days ago, people from the Chi organization asked him to besiege and kill Yue Heng together. He was full of annoyance when Wang Yuxin had just lost his arm, so he immediately agreed.But after calming down these few days, he felt something was wrong again.Yue Heng often goes deep into the Shan State Plateau to drive out wild beasts and hunt down super-intelligent creatures. There are many opportunities to besiege and kill him. Why did he do it in Manga Village?

Bassong has always been wary of the red organization, and he is still not satisfied with the answers he asked through the special contact method, and he was a little confused.

The leader of the red organization said that he wanted to kill two people named Zhai Wanli Yang by the way. Zhai Wanli and Yang Mingming are alone, although four-letter names are relatively rare in China... This can only be blamed on the fact that the leader of the red organization speaks very poor Siamese. Average.

With your strength, you still need a plan to kill the two of them?Thinking of this, Basong became more vigilant.Originally, he was a little weaker than Yue Heng, but he was even weaker after breaking his arm. The leader of the red organization can fly, but he can't.

But he was not reconciled to not venting the anger in his heart, so there was this temptation today.

Seeing Wanli circling the giant elephant in a state of embarrassment, Basong frowned: "Peak B-level? The one who was killed casually...Could it be that another Zhai Wanliyang is very strong? This wild elephant can't force the other person, and how can he be so strong?" It takes a little effort to get to the two ends..."

However, at this moment, Basong suddenly felt a sharp gaze piercing him behind him.He frowned and turned his head, looking into a pair of dark green eyes, "Wild cat?"



On the other side, Wan Li turned sideways to avoid a blow from the giant elephant's trunk, and hit its front leg with a whip leg. The effect was not great, and he quickly retreated, passing another swift and violent blow.

Without superpowers, strength and endurance are at a disadvantage, only speed is superior.But that's enough, the giant elephant must be tired after a few more minutes...

While circling around, Wan Li was also speculating about the identity of the person behind the scenes, thinking about what he had done recently that was outrageous.

But after thinking about it, he didn't offend anyone after removing the red organization.But if the leader of the red organization wants to come, he won't be able to drive the giant elephant to be the vanguard, right?
No matter how much he guessed, it is impossible to think of Basong, who has nothing to do with him.

"I don't know why, it's not aimed at me, but at the village?" Wan Li pushed the elephant's trunk with both hands, "Damn it, can you please explode on the spot?"

Suddenly, there were two explosions in the distance.

Wan Li paused, and was pulled out several meters by the giant elephant's trunk. He rolled over in embarrassment and rubbed his chest with grinning teeth, "It really exploded?"

Seeing his "disadvantage", the villagers of Manga Village finally stopped worshiping the elephant god. Several people dragged Zhang Juwang to come to help, and some people were helping with words, shouting "the elephant god calm down"...

This elephant has a little IQ, but after hearing the explosion, it became even crazier. After a long cry, it rushed desperately towards thousands of miles.

"What are you talking about? It's the first time I've seen an elephant in my life, and I can't understand it even if I know the language well." Wan Li sighed secretly, shaking his shoulders, shaking his spine, twisting his whole body together, and his arms muscles swelled slightly. Get up, "Don't come here!"


He grasped the elephant's trunk with both hands, and the veins on his face popped out. The giant elephant weighing more than ten tons was thrown off the ground by the force of the giant elephant's forward rush!
Bang! !

The smoke and dust billowed, the ground shook violently, and countless stones jumped. The villagers who were rushing towards this side sat down on the ground, stunned.

Wan Li gasped for a few breaths, then turned to face the giant elephant that threw a hole several meters deep with its legs upturned, "Isn't it a little bit too much? Don't be scared away from the people behind the scenes... huh?"

However, the giant elephant's ability to resist blows was somewhat beyond his expectations, and it rolled over quickly after being hit so hard.But this attack seemed to wake it up a bit, and it didn't attack again.


"……Can't understand."

Moo~! !Moo!Moo?
Wan Li pursed his lips and turned his head to find a villager to listen to the teachings of the elephant god, to see if they could understand the elephant language roughly.At this moment, there was a feeling of being locked on by his eyes. The eyes were like needle pricks. Just staring at Wanli made his heart go numb, and he turned his head stiffly.

A tabby cat with a body like a leopard appeared at some time, sitting on top of the giant elephant, licking its right paw gracefully, staring at Wanli with its dark green eyes.

Shocked, he immediately jumped away, feeling serious... How did this cat appear, he didn't see it at all, super intelligent creature?


"The... mount that bullied you?" Wan Li murmured softly. After getting along with Banana for a while, he still had a little understanding of cat language. "No, no, no, it attacked me first."



"Meow, meow~"

"Pippi Elephant, shall we go?"


The giant elephant neighed jubilantly, raised its front legs and waved them, causing the ground to tremble miserably again. It turned around and walked away from Manga Village with the cat on its back.

Wan Li pursed his dry lips, secretly rejoicing that he escaped unharmed, and now he was completely worthy of the queen bee back then, but he didn't want to try his hand at a cat-like super-intelligent creature.That represented a frightening speed, and I knew it was not easy to mess with just seeing that I didn't notice it at all when it was approaching.

"Is the giant elephant its mount? Will the person behind the scenes be killed by it? The explosion just now... Did that person come with explosives?"

Seeing the giant elephant go away, some villagers began to talk about the elephant god again, and the female director walked quickly to Wan Li's side: "Xiao Mao, are you okay?"

Wan Li shook his head: "I can't eat lunch for the time being. Someone is targeting me, er, maybe targeting the village. I'll go and have a look."

The female director also had guesses in this regard, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Little Mao, be careful."

"Yeah." Wanli jumped out and ran towards the place where the explosion sound came from.

Two minutes later, he came to a high ground.This place seemed to have been bombed by a bomber. The soil was overturned, and most of the trees fell down. Looking around, my eyes quickly caught a strong man sitting cross-legged against a tree and panting violently.

His left arm was broken at the elbow, his upper body was stained with blood, and there were three scratch marks with deep visible bones between his chest and abdomen. He was lowering his head at this time, tearing the clothes of his upper body with his mouth and right arm and bandaging the wound one by one.

Wan Li squinted his eyes, "Is this the mastermind behind the scenes? I was scratched badly..."

The sound of footsteps startled the man, and the man raised his head, revealing a fierce face that was familiar to Wan Li, and his face was full of annoyance.

"Basong?!" Wan Li's face froze, how could it be him?What a hell of a day!

"...Old Tie, do you need help bandaging?"

(End of this chapter)

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