Restart the world

Chapter 203 Chapter 15

Chapter 203 Chapter [-]
Basong is the man behind the drive of wild boars and wild elephants to attack the village, which is completely beyond Wanli's expectations. Even if the three bloodstains on Basong's body were not obviously from cat's claws, even if Wanli saw him, he would have taken this incident as a crime. coincide.

Out of the humanitarian spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded, seeing Basong bleeding profusely, Wan Li asked him if he wanted to help bandage him up, and then took action.

On the big tree that Bassong was leaning on, dense branches grew in an instant, wrapping him up. At the same time, in order to prevent him from falling into a coma due to excessive blood loss, Wan Li made sharp barbs grow on the branches to help him wake up. one time……

Bassong was suddenly sober, his eyes widened and he waved his right arm.Snapped!The branches burst, flew, and shot thousands of miles like bullets!
Wan Li retreated quickly, and while waving his hand to block, he shot two wooden thorns from his palm, piercing Basong's eyes straight.From the moment he saw Ba Song, he knew that he couldn't be kind, and that taking action was a killer move!
The two wooden spikes fired extremely fast, if they could break through the space, they would be in front of Basong in an instant.However, Basong's speed was even faster, with a sway of his arm, he grabbed two wooden thorns and crushed them to pieces.

Then his right fist was shrouded in intense white light, and he swung it in the direction of Wanli!

Wan Li, who was retreating rapidly, was stunned. The distance between the two was a hundred meters. Although this distance was nothing to Basong, he punched...

"This guy doesn't know how to rank S, right? No... Explosion!" Wan Li was startled, and immediately crossed his arms in front of him.The next moment, with Basong's fist as the starting point, a terrifying shock wave hit thousands of miles away, and the earth flew up wherever it passed, plowing the ground into a ravine more than ten meters wide and several meters deep!
The terrifying force hit the intersection of Wanli's arms, so he had already prepared himself and let his body fly out with the force, minimizing the damage he suffered, but a trace of blood still spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Basong, who was leaning against the tree, stood up, shook his neck, pulled his right arm back, with a ferocious smile on his face, and was about to hit Wan Li with a heavy blow, but was suddenly taken aback, Wan Li...disappeared?

"Huh?" Basong frowned, he was sure he didn't even blink his eyes, this situation reminded him a bit, he touched the three wounds on his chest and abdomen with a little lingering fear, that cat came back again?

The previous battle left him a little shadow, that cat is definitely an S-level creature, and it is not a half-baked guy like Wang Yuxin who just entered the S-level!
"Why did it come to rescue Zhai Wanliyang and attack me suddenly? Could it be... huh?"

Suddenly there was a slight sound of falling to the ground, and the scene of Wanli falling to the ground flashed in Basong's mind, and he cast his eyes there, but he only saw a mess on the ground, and could not find Wanli's trace.

"...Isn't that the cat? Is it invisibility? I have two kinds of super powers, but it was useless when I was fighting wild elephants, you cautious guy."

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked around, "Where is it hiding? Or... escaped?"

He did not escape for thousands of miles, and still stayed at the landing point, using the tactic of "the most dangerous place is the safest place", maintaining stealth, minimizing his own sense of existence, and secretly observing Bassong.

Bassong is very powerful and possesses the eighth superpower: Burst Fist.The shock wave of long-range attack can be punched out with both fists, producing an explosion effect.What's even more terrifying is the melee combat. If you get hit by him, it will really explode instantly!
The shock wave just now should have been done casually by him, and he was able to plow a deep trench on the ground that could not be punched with all his strength. There is obviously a huge gap between the strengths of the two.It stands to reason that Wan Li should flee incognito now, but he didn't.

He wants to fight back!

The benefits of killing Basong are too great, at least there will be first-class meritorious service and countless spirit stone rewards, and more importantly, the Explosive Fist, Wanli wants it!
What's more, it was a godsend opportunity at this time, Bassong was missing an arm, so he couldn't exert the full power of the Exploding Fist.The three wounds on the chest and abdomen from being scratched by the cat were still bleeding, and the wounds seemed to have expanded by half due to his bandaging.

An A-level physique might be able to automatically stop the bleeding after a few minutes, but it's an SSS-level, too much blood loss will cause dizziness and weakness, right?
So Wanli chose to hide here and wait for Basong to act. If he dares to continue bandaging himself, he will bandage him. If his chest and abdomen stop bleeding automatically, he still needs to find an opportunity to bandage him...

Kill him!
"I'm afraid that if he chooses to run away, I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up... The man who dares to call himself the strongest in Southeast Asia won't be so cowardly?"

While thinking about it, Basong had checked the surrounding environment all over and found no trace of Wanli, so he shouted in a deep voice: "Come out! There is another Zhai Wanliyang, don't hide, come out!"

"...Who?" Wan Li was confused.

"come out!!!"

At this moment, Basong actually used a trick that Wanli had seen for the first time, attaching the spiritual energy to his throat, and his shout suddenly amplified dozens of times, like a lion's roar, shaking the stones on the ground to jump , Wan Li couldn't help but frowned, his body trembled slightly, and then he saw Basong's gaze cast over him, and he showed a ferocious smile again.

"Damn it!"

Wan Li shouted abruptly, causing Ba Song to stop with his right fist, and looked around him vigilantly, his face darkened after two seconds. "Cunning bastard, where is the other Zhai Wanliyang hiding? What kind of strength? You bastard red organization!"

Wanli, who was hiding in another direction, muttered inwardly, why does this guy think there is another person on my side?What the hell is Zhai Wanliyang?

In other words, why did he attack me, or attack Manga Village?I have no enmity with him, could it be that he is a member of the Red Organization?Or... the cheap mother-in-law offended him?It is possible!
In this way, the two had their own misunderstandings, and the scene was tense and stalemate for a while. Two minutes later, the wound on Basong's chest and abdomen stopped bleeding automatically, and showed signs of healing. The terrifying physique of the A-level peak was vividly displayed.

Wan Li took a deep breath, the next period of time will be the most dangerous, if a link is wrong, I am afraid it will have to burn the red line again...

He raised his right hand flat, and a round thick wooden pillar protruded from his palm, like a golden cudgel that stretches at will, growing continuously, hitting Basong directly!
"Sure enough, he didn't escape!" Basong said secretly, and became more vigilant towards the other Zhai Wanliyang, waving his right fist casually facing the wooden pillar.

Wan Li roared in his heart, the spiritual energy in his body was consumed rapidly, and the thick wooden pillar burst into countless willow-like branches in an instant, covering Basong in all directions, wanting to bandage him again!

Basong's complexion remained unchanged, his right fist turned into a palm, and he drew a semicircle in front of him, all the branches protruding through were cut off, but the branches protruding from Wanli's palm continued to grow, trying to bind him.

After several cuts, Basong showed a little impatience, his right fist shrouded in white light, boom!

However, at the moment when he punched, dozens of branches suddenly rose from the ground under his feet, surrounding him in an instant, and then these branches ignited raging flames again!
(End of this chapter)

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