Restart the world

Chapter 204 Protection

Chapter 204 Protection
Wan Li, who was invisible, was kneeling on one knee at this time, with his right hand raised flat, and his left hand pressing on the ground beside him.There were branches sticking out from both hands, one was tied to Basong, the other let the branch stick to the ground, and walked around him quietly from the gully of Basong's first punch, making a sudden attack!

Invisibility, wood-type magic, and nothing is inflammable are used together. Even though Wanli's spiritual energy has improved a lot in the past few days, it has also consumed nearly half of his effort in this short period of time.

But in order to control the burning branches to cause enough damage to Bassong, Wanli couldn't dodge the shock wave that was a bit more powerful and had to block it!

He forcefully breathed out, exerted strength on his feet, and three thick wooden walls broke through the ground in front of him. This time, more than half of his spiritual energy was really consumed...

The wooden wall only stopped the shock wave before it shattered in an instant, and the shock wave that was weakened by a few points was wrapped in stones and wood chips and hit head-on.

Wan Li's left hand was still manipulating the burning branch, his right hand was protecting his face, and his body was curled up...

Spinning [-] degrees in the air and falling to the ground, Wan Li leapt up, wiped the blood from his mouth, changed direction to hide it, and then poured out the space to put on a grinning expression, "I was almost beaten to pieces, was worth it!"

tick tock... tick tock...

On the other side, Basong's face was ugly, and he covered his chest with his hands. The wound that had just healed was burned by the flames, and blood dripped down his feet.As soon as he was enveloped by the flame branches, he enveloped his whole body with spiritual energy, and rushed out in a chosen direction, but the flame temperature was higher than expected, and it scorched his wound.

But this is not the reason for his ugly face, or it is not the main reason.Another Zhai Wanli Yang Mingming attacked him with Huo Chao, but he still didn't find that guy's location!

That's right, Bassoon misunderstood again.

But normal people's thinking should be like this, Wan Li has already shown invisibility and wood-type abilities, so where does the flame come from?Obviously there is a third person here, waiting for an opportunity to attack him!
He is far more wary of this Zhai Wanliyang who has never shown his face than he feels that he has figured out the low-level Zhai Wanliyang.

"The hiding ability is very strong, or both Zhai Wanliyang have stealth superpowers?" Basong frowned, "The strength doesn't seem to be strong, but the combination of the two is a bit tricky. Chief Chi is afraid of their potential ?”

The chest injury was relatively minor this time, and the bleeding stopped within half a minute. Bassong's face turned a little pale, and he showed fierceness again, "Although I helped the bastard who kept his head and tail showing off indirectly, but it can make the two Huaxia Genius is killed here..."


A louder roar than before came out of Basong's mouth, Wan Li was ready this time, and forced his body not to move at all, but found that Basong locked his position again somehow.

This time Basong didn't punch out of thin air anymore, his figure flickered, and he came to Wan Li who was squatting on the ground in an instant, and punched down with all his might!

Wan Li was still in a state of invisibility, so Ba Song's punch was a little bit off, and his chest and stomach were wide open for a while.Obviously it was a good opportunity to tear his wound open again, but Wan Li retreated without hesitation, and quickly distanced himself from him.

Bassong paused, and retracted the fist that was about to hit the ground, "Smart guy, trouble..."

Several wooden spikes spun towards him, he grasped them with a wave, crushed the wooden spikes, kicked his legs on the ground to shatter and crack the ground, and chased in the direction of Wanli Escape.Wan Li, who was lying prone on the ground, heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Basong chasing him, and frowned, guessing how Basong determined his position through his voice...


The earth trembled, and the stones jumped in front of him. Wan Li was slightly startled and suddenly realized: "The stones will not jump where I am pressing!"

The hidden position was revealed again, and Wan Li rolled over to avoid Basong's right leg.This leg split on the ground, and the ground suddenly groaned miserably, shattered and exploded, and suddenly formed a crater, and the broken stones hit Wan Li continuously, and the force of the shock took him into the air.

Seeing that Basong was about to approach him again, a vine suddenly shot towards him from a distance, and instead of attacking Basong, it bound Wanli, pulled him away, and then pulled Wanli away like a relay of several vines. , and soon Bassong could no longer discern his position.

"Drink!" Basong yelled again, but failed to find Wanli again, so he couldn't help but frowned and looked around: "Escaped?"

On the other side, Wanli touched the ground with his right foot, maintaining the posture of just touching the water, all the muscles in his body were tensed so that he would not shake, and his mind was calm, planning to tear Basong's wound again.

At this moment, a figure covered in white light suddenly jumped out from nowhere and rushed straight at Basong. The speed was extremely fast, like an agile leopard, and it slammed straight into Basong's arms!
Ba Song grinned ferociously, and finally appeared. Is the other Zhai Wanliyang A-level?Dare to attack me close... I was startled, my pupils shrank suddenly, there is really a second person on my side?

"Be careful! Don't get hit by his fist!"

The hasty reminder was obviously too late, Basong's right fist was wrapped in white light, and he pierced the figure's head from the side.Seeing that a watermelon bursting tragedy was about to happen, Bassong showed a little bit of impatience, and paused for a while when he punched.

Blood was flying from the wound on the chest, and Basong showed a frightened expression on his face. The white light of his right fist was so intense that it almost turned into substance, his feet exploded, and his figure bounced behind the figure who turned and fled after the blow took effect, and swung his fist!

Countless vines grew out from under his feet, bound him up and blocked him, and the barbs pierced his body, causing him to pause slightly. After a low growl, the vines burst and he continued to punch.

Wan Li's obstruction prevented him from hitting the figure's back head-on, but it was only a hair's breadth away.The shock wave, which was not as powerful as before, submerged the man. Wanli tried to pull it with the vines, but found that the vines would collapse under that force.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of that mouth, she barely turned her head, moved her lips towards Wanli, and was engulfed by the shock wave and flew to the distant mountains and forests.

The sky full of crushed sand and gravel covered Wanli's eyes, and also cast a shadow over his heart: "Take care of mother-in-law? Why did you suddenly attack, I can't fight and I can run away!"

Ba Song walked up to him, with blood gurgling from his chest, his face pale, and panting violently: "The other Zhai Wanliyang is actually a woman? You two are really good with dual superpowers of spiritual flames and A-level... Except for Wang Yuxin, there is no People can make me so embarrassed! Only you are left, come out!"

Wan Li took a deep breath to calm himself down. The cheap mother-in-law is A-level, and she might not die if she is not hit head-on. Kill Basong as soon as possible!

In the distance, in the mountains and forests.

Yu Wei's mother was lying flat in a huge pit, with blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, she closed her eyes slightly: "This dilapidated body is really useless, I want to help... Xiao Wei can't do it even if she kills a person, heh, This time... Is it true that I am going to die, or I can die here silently, or my body will be eaten by wild beasts, right? Xiaowei, please be happy..."

The wind blew past, and for 1 minute, 2 minutes, Yu Wei's mother sat up straight in a daze: "The impact didn't hurt the internal organs, but was it wiped out by Xiaowei's power? Xiaowei's power...was also cancelled?"

She moved her sore arm, stood up staggeringly, her whole body was in pain, but she felt that she was in a good state after a long absence. "In the end...was it actually Xiaowei who protected me?"

(End of this chapter)

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