Restart the world

Chapter 206 Ghost and Jin'er

Chapter 206 Ghost and Jin'er

Wan Li felt through the wooden thorns piercing Basong's heart, that Basong's heart had indeed stopped beating and died completely.

The one-hour life-and-death fight came to an end, and his own injuries were smaller than Wanli imagined. Except for a few scratches on his clothes and the consumption of most of his spiritual energy, he had no broken bones or broken bones, which made Wanli, who is used to this kind of injury, feel a little uncomfortable... …

Recalling this battle, Wan Li can't help feeling that Ba Song was too unlucky. He was first scratched by a cat, and then beaten by his cheap mother-in-law. He tried his best to find the hope that seriously injured Wan Li, and even killed an old fat Shao on the way...

Feeling relaxed, Wan Li also guessed the reason why Shao Laofat appeared there.At the beginning, Shao Laofei took away 1000 yuan of spirit stones. It is impossible for one person to transport them all. It is estimated that they were transported there in several trips, where they 'reclusively practiced'.

"His kick saved me two red threads. Let's pretend I didn't see him this time. I'll see you later...Let's talk about it later." Wan Li murmured softly, showing a little worry, "Cheap mother-in-law...should be all right?"

He felt that there should be nothing wrong with A-level not being hit head-on by Basong, but the mouth shape that the cheap mother-in-law made for him at the moment of being hit made him feel uncomfortable, taking care of Xiaowei, and the feeling of being alone...

"Unqualified son-in-law, in that situation, he doesn't know how to chase after his mother-in-law's injury." Wan Li shook his head, and controlled the three wooden thorns interspersed with Basong to slowly retract to the ground.

He took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand to turn Basong's body over, and then backed away with a frown.He didn't see the front when he was chasing, but after looking at it, he realized that Bassong's injury was more exaggerated than he imagined.

Originally Basong was scratched by cats with deep bones, pierced by Wanli's wood magic, beaten by his cheap mother-in-law, burned, his upper body was blurred and blackened without a piece of good flesh, his face was also burnt black, his eyebrows and beard were all black. Gone.

As for Basong's lower body, Wan Li has three things to say...

"What a fart, his appearance is simply making it harder for me..." Wan Li cursed secretly, took a deep breath, suppressed the nausea, and touched the corpse!

Two minutes later, Wan Li's face turned dark as he repeatedly wiped his hands on the smooth wooden pillar, and failed to simulate the Exploding Fist. "Damn it, it's impossible to imitate after being burned, right?" Wan Li was shocked by this discovery, he suppressed his nausea and touched Basong's body again, but it was still impossible to imitate.

"I'm so stupid, really." Wan Li sighed, stretched out his right hand, and a secret numb wicker shot out from his palm, binding Basong into rice dumplings and tied a bow.

"Hey, let's go give Deputy Chief Yue a gift... No, let's go see the cheap mother-in-law first!"

Wan Li picked up Basong and walked back along the traces of where he came, comforting himself that he hadn’t lost anything anyway, the Explosive Fist hadn’t been simulated successfully, and getting merit and spirit stones wasn’t a bad loss, but the duck flew away and brought The sadness couldn't go away for a while, so I had to touch Shi Yan's face to make up for it.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly hit. The noisy wind was fierce and familiar, and Wan Li stopped in his footsteps, his face became darker, and he roared, "You f---ing again?! There is no end!"

As soon as the words fell, Feng'er calmed down, and Wan Li was stunned: "Could it be that I shouted back? Or was it just a natural wind? It's not like..."

In the distance, the leader of the red organization did appear again. She wanted to launch an attack on Wanli, but a figure wearing a grimace mask suddenly appeared beside her, pressing her hand on her shoulder, and the gust of wind stopped suddenly.

She froze, and looked at the figure who was nearly a head taller beside her, "Brother Ghost?"

The person next to him took off his mask, revealing a sunny and handsome young face: "It's me, I've worked hard for you during this time, Jin'er."

"It's really you, brother ghost! Why did you come to Huaxia? Could it be... you are about to start acting?"

"No, it's very early, the strength of S-level is far from enough." The man shook his head: "Jin'er, your injury is serious, you should rest quietly. That bastard Yue Heng is really merciless, thanks to the fact that we liked him so much before cross talk."

"The position is different, and I will use all means to face him." The leader of the red organization sighed softly: "Are you here to prevent me from taking action against Wan Liyang?"

"Ah, pancakes can't persuade you, so I can only come here in person."


"Wan Liyang is still useful. Besides, your injury is too serious. If he can still show the strength he used in Xinghai Square, you will be in danger."

"But he... grows too fast."

"There is no need to worry in a short time. And maybe, in the future, he will become a like-minded partner with us?" The man chuckled.

The leader of the red organization was silent for a moment: "I don't have to kill him, but I must kill the damned traitor Zhai Wanli. When I find out his whereabouts..."

"You don't need to check, he's already dead. The person who attacked you a few days ago is Wan Liyang in front of you. He has awakened a superpower that can simulate both appearance and ability."

"It's him?! I..."

The man sighed, and put his hand on the shoulder of the leader of the Red Organization again: "I know why you are angry, but I hope you can control yourself. As long as there is a one in ten thousand possibility of being exposed, I can't make a move, otherwise the few of us Years of hard work will be in vain, and you... the current injury is really dangerous to kill him."

"But he..."

"Jin'er, the only helpers I can fully trust and have sufficient strength are you and Panzi! The sudden appearance of crystals has caused many places in the country to be rearranged. You can't have any accidents, and you can't be in danger!" the man said in a deep voice.

"...I see, brother ghost. It's just me and the third angel untrustworthy?"

"Temporarily believable, but he has great ambitions and talents, and lacks strength. In other respects, he is far behind you and Panzi, and he may be discovered at any time. The fourth and fifth envoys are not Chinese, and domestic affairs can only be left to you. Make it with pancakes."

"That's it..." The leader of the red organization looked at Wanli who was carrying Basong's body away, and sighed softly: "Then ghost brother, where are you going next? Back to Africa?"

The man was silent for two seconds: "No, the death of Basong means that the warriors of Siam have lost their leader. It's a good time to make arrangements. You can rest assured and give me your clothes."


Wanli was on guard while walking, but Feng'er never made any more noise.He breathed a sigh of relief, but also a little disappointed.After killing Basong, he was a little swollen, and wanted to kill the leader of the red organization...

It doesn't matter if it doesn't show up, save the red line.After patrolling the traces of the battle, Wanli found the mountain forest where the cheap mother-in-law was blown away. In front of her eyes were collapsed trees and a huge pit. There was still some blood in the pit, but there was no sign of the cheap mother-in-law.

"Sure enough." Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief, looked around, found nothing else, and turned to return to Manga Village to report safety.

However, at this moment, at the end of the line of sight, there was a stout figure bent over and running sneakily with two big bags on his back...

(End of this chapter)

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