Restart the world

Chapter 207 Measuring the Crystal

Chapter 207 Measuring the Crystal
Hidden in a hidden corner, Wan Li watched as Old Fatty Shao sneakily sent two sacks into a small man-made cave, and then he left the cave empty-handed, walking swiftly towards Wan Li, who met him an hour ago. run in the direction.

Waiting for him to stay away, Wan Li blinked, walked quickly into the cave with the rice dumplings in his hands, and saw four big sacks placed against the wall at a glance.

"Cough..." Wan Li coughed lightly, hooked the corner of his mouth, stretched out his left hand and shot out a branch, tied four sacks into a huge package, then pulled the package on his shoulder, turned around and left, and moved Very smooth.

"For the sake of saving me two red lines, not only will you not be arrested this time, but only four bags of Lingshi will be confiscated. Isn't that interesting? Hehe..."

Ten minutes later, Shao Laofat returned with two sacks on his shoulders. Facing the empty cave, his face trembled, his hands loosened, and the two sacks fell to the ground with a bang. One of them was damaged, and spirit stones scattered all over the ground. .

"...Who the hell! It must be that kid, a brazen person!"


At this time, Wanli has already returned to Manga Village, returning home with a full load.The spirit stone on his left shoulder is roughly estimated to be around [-], and the value of Basong's corpse on his right hand is even higher. For a long time, he won't have to worry about spirit stones, which is enough to reach A-level and be rich. .

More than an hour later, the two bamboo buildings knocked down by wild boars have been cleaned up with the concerted efforts of the villagers. The female director is still there. She was relieved to see Wan Li Hui Hui and hurried to meet her.

"Xiao Mao, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it took a while to chase the man behind the wild boar and wild elephant."

"Someone is really targeting the village?" The women's director frowned: "Who is it? Why?"

"It's inside." Wan Li lifted the big rice dumpling in his left hand, "It's a master from Siam, maybe the target is me? Or maybe it's Yu Wei's mother? Oh, I saw Yu Wei's mother."

"Did you see Miss Xiaoli?" The women's director was shocked: "Is she okay?"

"Fortunately, she helped me a lot. I was beaten by the enemy, but the injury should not be serious. I didn't see her again after I hunted down the enemy and returned."

"I was beaten..." the female director murmured worriedly, and cast her eyes on the rice dumplings carried by Wan Li, "Is the enemy dead?"

"Well, he's dead. This person's identity is not simple. I have to take him to the warrior base. This afternoon's class... Let them study by themselves, or you can arrange for them to build a bamboo building."

The women's director nodded: "Go to my house to eat something first, I have left some food for you."

"No, if you go now, you can come back before dark, and you have to go back to the city at night... Do you want to tell Yu Wei about seeing Yu Wei's mother?"

"……better not."

Wan Li thought for a moment: "Okay. About Yu Wei's mother... You seem to be hiding something, can't you tell me?"

The female director sighed and shook her head: "I'm just guessing, so let's not talk about it."

Wan Li nodded, carrying the package and walking to Yu Wei's house, pondering in his heart.I only saw the cheap mother-in-law for a few seconds, but her figure seemed to be extremely thin, plus the words of Tuogu...

"Could it be some kind of disease? But what kind of disease can threaten A-level?"


More than half an hour later, outside the warrior base.

This time without Yue Heng leading the way, and two kilometers away from the warrior base, Wan Li, who was carrying a rice dumpling Basong, was stopped by two soldiers who asked him for identification.Wan Li had prepared for a long time and took out his ID card, but it didn't work...

One of the soldiers took out a dark green crystal and handed it to him.

Wan Li took it, and the crystal quickly turned dark blue in his hands: "I am Wan Liyang, a student of Martial Arts University who is on a mission in Manga Village. I am not organized by Chi. If there is something urgent, see Deputy Chief Yue."

"See Vice President Yue? What's in the package, let's check it out. Also, explain your martial arts level and whether you have superpowers."

"B-level peak, with super powers, but the power is kept secret." Wan Li replied: "The package is a corpse, Siam's...enemy."

He didn't directly say it was Basong, he was afraid that he would face a series of doubts and cross-examinations after he finished speaking, and he might have to pretend to be self-proving to meet Yue Heng, which would cause a lot of trouble... But he didn't expect that the part of self-proving would end up in the end. Still haven't escaped.

After he finished speaking, one of the soldiers took out another colorless crystal and handed it to Wan Li.Wan Li took it in a daze, and the crystal slowly turned light yellow in his hand.

"The second means of measuring the crystal for the red organization is also effective! The seven colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple represent magicians of level 1~7, and the corresponding reality is D~SSS. The darker the color, the farther you go at this level, so I, at the peak of B-level, should correspond to dark yellow... er, why is it light yellow?"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, then found that one of the two soldiers walked behind him, surrounded him one after the other, and shouted: "Who are you, what is your purpose, and what is in the package!"

"I...uh..." Wan Li looked confused.Why, can't I be a B-level peak?Even if I don't have enough aura, it shouldn't be the light yellow that represents the early stages of B-level, right?

"Did the crystal apparition go astray? Judging by their appearance, they should be right?" Wan Li frowned and put down the rice dumpling Basong, and said helplessly, "Well... I'm really a B-level peak, how can I lie about my strength and report it to the top?" , what am I planning?"

"Don't move around, hug your head and squat down!"

Wan Li's face darkened, this f*ck was teasing him, he knelt down with his head in his arms, he didn't want to lose face?Looking at Brother Bing who was shouting, Wan Li sighed in his heart, tipped his toes, swayed, and came behind him in an instant, with his right hand on his shoulder.

His body shook, and he slammed his left elbow, but Wan Li easily grabbed him, pulled and pressed.

"I'm sorry, I offended you. Do you believe that I'm a B-level peak now?" Locking Brother Bing for half a second, Wan Li let go to express his apology.

The B-level self has no power to fight back. The two soldiers looked at each other. They didn't have the self-proving method of annoyed Wanli, but they were still a little hesitant. The colorless crystal was not at fault, should I call someone...

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly came from behind Wan Li, Wan Li frowned slightly, his figure flashed, and he caught the sudden kick, followed by the second and third strong wind... Wan Li looked puzzled Besieged by two men and one woman.

"Who dares to attack the warrior base!"

"What the hell is it going so badly? Who are these three?" Wan Li looked a little distressed, took a deep breath, straightened his back, stepped up his fists and kicks, and knocked the three of them backwards for several meters almost at the same time.

The three of them staggered and stabilized their figures, looked at each other solemnly and wanted to go up again. The two soldiers reacted and quickly intercepted them. At the same time, a female voice came from a distance: "Senior and sister, don't do it, you are an acquaintance!"

The voice was slightly familiar, and Wanli turned his head, and saw a pair of big-nosed boy and dark-skinned girl.

"Eh? Sun Kai from Yanjing and that...Wang Yuqing? Why are they here?"

(End of this chapter)

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