Chapter 208
"Why are you here, Wan Liyang?" Wang Yuqing asked first, "It seems that the contestants from Bincheng didn't come?"

Wan Li paused, understood something from her words, and said, "Mission."

"Mission? Is it a direct mission? The candidate for the direct mission in Bincheng is indeed you!" Wang Yuqing became excited and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, let's fight!"

" it really me?"

"Only one person will be selected from each city to participate in the Martial Arts Contest, a maximum of two people," Sun Kai hummed lightly, holding his arms in his arms, "You don't even know this, which proves that Bincheng didn't even conduct a simple selection, and directly decided The strongest student is you, but this is expected."

He was very calm when he spoke, but his nostrils were dilated more than before, his eyes were still a little excited, and he obviously had some fighting spirit, wanting to fight Wan Li.The two men and one woman who had previously besieged Wanli joined them and looked at Wanli. One of the men apologized: "I'm sorry, I saw you attacking them earlier, and I regarded you as an enemy. Is it the direct mission taker of Bincheng? Really strong."

Wan Li could see that although the three of them had just been instantly repelled by him, they were still full of fighting spirit against him at this moment... This is also normal, they are all young people in their 20s, how could they easily admit that others are stronger?

"Reality makes people despair." Wan Li thought, scratching his head honestly: "It's okay, the method of self-proving strength just now is really inappropriate, but it's a bit unacceptable to treat me as an enemy and make me crouch on the ground and hug my head. Forgive me."

"It's okay, this crystal is probably out of order, I mistakenly thought that you lied about your strength, I'm really sorry."

The two soldiers also apologized to Wan Li. After a round of apologies, the atmosphere on the scene became extremely harmonious...except for Wang Yuqing who had been clamoring for a fight with Wan Li.

"Wait first." Wan Li picked up Basong, the rice dumpling, "I have an urgent matter to find Deputy Chief Yue, and I will accompany him anytime after I see him."

"Okay, you're better off! Let's go, I'll take you to find Deputy Chief Yue!"

Wan Li smiled and followed Wang Yuqing and the other five towards the warrior base, and learned from Wang Yuqing why they came here.

Since Wang Yuxin's S-class broke Basong's arm, the situation on the southwest border has improved a lot, and it is far less dangerous than before.These days, players from many cities who have passed the martial arts competition have come to 'experience' one after another.People from Yanjing also came, divided into two teams of five people.

Wen Jing didn't even mention this matter, and the ten players from Bincheng obviously wouldn't come.This is also normal. Compared with Yanjing, a martial arts university that has been established for four years, and other cities that have been established for two or three years, Bincheng is much worse. Apart from myself, the strongest Lao Wang has just been promoted to B-level.

Looking back at Yanjing, the five members of this team are all B-level, and even ordinary A-level may be able to fight together. The ability to manipulate sand and soil is not weak. ability.

"Look, it's Heicheng over there," Wang Yuqing pointed and introduced to Wanli after entering the warrior base, "That fat boy is quite strong, but unfortunately he's too dark. beated."

The chubby boy she pointed at looked at her with a bitter expression, and quickly walked away with his teammates.

"The one over there is from Jicheng, and they don't want to fight with me, it's so boring!"

Wan Li smiled: "You won't challenge all the students who come here, will you?"

"Except for the C-level ones, almost." Wang Yuqing nodded: "There are two who won me, but they refused to fight me again. The ones who tied and the ones who lost to me were even more unwilling, even Sun Kai. Don’t dare to fight with me anymore, it’s so boring!”

Sun Kai said quietly: "I have a fight with you, and I have to take a bath for two hours." The other three nodded with emotion, and looked at Wanli with a smile.

Wang Yuqing's face tightened, and she quickly looked at Wan Li, only to be relieved when she saw that his expression was normal: "Wan Liyang is not as clean as you guys!"

Wanli:? ? ?
My body is quite dirty now, but that's because I had a fight with Bassong, and I also like to be clean, old girl, I am willing to fight with you just because I am confident that you won't get me dirty...

"Speaking of Wanli Yang, if you reveal your identity, there will definitely be many people who will challenge you. Most of the people who come here will think this way: 'I didn't become the candidate for the direct mission because the strongest person in our city is too strong. Strong, the strongest in other cities must not be as good as me.'”

Wan Li couldn't help laughing, this is too offensive, isn't it embarrassing to see your senior sister and senior?He changed the subject and said, "Where is Deputy Chief Yue?"

"It's not far, it's not far away." Wang Yuqing turned to look at him: "By the way, what are you looking for with Deputy Chief Yue? Submit a task? Carrying such a big rice dumpling with a bow tie, is it a gift?"

"Ah, presents. There's a dead man inside."

Wang Yuqing was stunned, and moved a few steps away. The others also frowned: "Dead? Did you kill it? The red organization or..."

"Siamese, crossed the border without authorization, let me kill them."

"After Basong lost his arm, there are people from Siam who dare to cross the border?" Sun Kai snorted, "He deserves his death."

"Kill..." Wang Yuqing murmured, and came back together again: "Hey, Wan Liyang, is this the first time you have killed? How does it feel? Will you accumulate murderous aura after killing? Try using it on me in a fight later." ?”

"The second time. you have it?" Wan Li frowned, "Maybe you have to kill a lot of people to have such a thing as murderous?"

"With a character like ours, no matter how many kills there will be." Yue Heng's voice came, he probably received a report from two soldiers, and he waited outside the camp, smiling and said: "The gloomy guy There will be that kind of thing, like Chi Zhao."

Do you also think that Deputy Chief Chi is upset?Wan Li almost blurted out, but luckily he re-sent his greetings in time: "Deputy Chief Yue, hello."

Yue Heng nodded: "What's the matter, why did the fighters from Siam come to you?"

"God knows." Wanli looked around: "Deputy Chief Yue, let's go in and talk."

"Is it so serious?" Yue Heng pouted, and said, "Every time someone kills someone on the southwest border, except for these new children, everyone else is used to seeing corpses. The one you brought just makes them Get acquainted."

Wan Li pursed his lips: "This... is a bit special. Do you know another piece of information? There is a cat-like super-intelligent creature on the Shan Plateau. Its strength... is extremely strong, terrifyingly strong, and it is probably S-level."

"S-level?" Yue Heng frowned.

"The guy in my hand had three deep wounds scratched by that cat, and it took me more than an hour to die... Oh, and Yu Wei's mother was there to help."

Yue Heng blinked, and his expression became serious: "So, you killed an A-level? There are not many A-levels in Siam. Who would dare to sneak across the border at such a time? Are you crazy? Ba Song's broken arm The lesson from the past is right in front of us!"

Wang Yuqing and the others were surprised, killed A-level?Even if it is a seriously injured A-level, if they meet alone, they may have to flee in a hurry...

"Untie this bow tie of yours, I'd like to see what life-or-death is inside!"

Wan Li pursed his lips, took two steps forward, and leaned into Yue Heng's ear: "The inside is Basong."

Yue Heng was taken aback, and suddenly his face was full of sadness, "Mom, am I going to be deaf at such a young age?"

Wanli: "..."

"You repeat...well, don't repeat it. Kill Basong! My God~"

The corner of Wanli's mouth twitched, I've attached my ear to it for nothing, right?Looking at the small eyes of these people around you, how can you happily discuss and get some information for Lao Wang Wenjing and the others?

(End of this chapter)

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