Restart the world

Chapter 209 Ass Kicking

Chapter 209 Ass Kicking
Inside the camp, Yue Heng carefully looked at Ba Song's body. "Fire burning? The fatal injury was pierced through the chest and throat by a sharp object?" He looked at Wan Li, "I imitated two superpowers, whose are they?"

"The wood ability is Yu Wei's just awakened, and the flame is Wen Jing's ignition ability." The five people didn't follow, so Wan Li didn't have to worry about answering.

"The silly girl has awakened her ability? Wen Jing... who is it?"

"Hey, classmate and girlfriend."

"Oh?" Yue Heng teased: "A girlfriend, a wife, our country has a complete set of marriage laws waiting for you."

"Hey, don't make trouble. Yu Wei is in a special situation. She and I are innocent." Wan Li hastily coughed lightly.

Yue Heng smiled and shook his head, looked down at Basong's body for a few more times, his complexion gradually became serious and became extremely serious.

Wan Li was startled, and frowned: "Is there a problem?"

"Ah, there is a problem. I just remembered an important thing. You can imitate the superpowers of the two of them, so you can change into their appearance, right? Then why do you need a girlfriend?" Yue Heng closed his serious expression and winked road.

Wanli: "..."

"Hahaha, I'm not joking with you, let's talk about serious business." Yue Heng squatted down and watched the three wounds hidden in the burns between Basong's chest and abdomen, his face became serious again.

Wan Li is numb, is he serious or fake this time?Talk about business?It doesn't look like...

"Look at this wound, maybe it's really an S-class cat. Trouble." Yue Heng said seriously: "Is it the one that hasn't been found? Or is there a third super-intelligent creature that appeared on the Shan Plateau? Its attitude towards humans is not the same. Clear, the degree of danger is difficult to judge..."

"There should be no malice." Wan Li explained the cause and effect of the cat's appearance.

"Wild elephant, mount? Do you still understand cat language?"

"A little bit, a little bit."

Yue Heng stood up, pondered, and said: "So Ba Song is purely trying to kill himself. The little brother who bullied others was scratched, and if he was injured, he ran away quickly, and was killed by you. I think he would be aggrieved. Tell him why? Sudden attack on Manga Village, or attack you?"

Wan Li scratched his head: "Maybe it's because of enmity with Yu Wei's mother, or maybe it's instigated by the red organization? Also, I'm pretty strong now, Bassong died at my hands... It's a well-deserved death, it's normal."

"Hey, shall we fight?"

"...How can you learn from Wang Yuqing, let alone Basong, who is as good as you."

"I love to hear that." Yue Heng said with a grin on his fat face, "You can re-bind Basong's body and put it here first. After all, he has a special status. Your reward will probably take two days to study in the General Bureau of Shenma." , go back and wait for the news."

Wan Li hesitated for a moment: "Deputy Chief Yue, how many spirit stones can you give me this time? Is it possible that the meritorious service is special?"

"Spiritual stones must be five hundred, special merit... If Basong helped you fight for it before he lost his arm, maybe it would be okay, but his strength is almost halved after his arm is broken, and he is not worthy of special merit."

"...Okay, then please get me some more spirit stones."

"Twenty percent rebate." Yue Heng said seriously.

"Hahaha, I'm teasing you, are you startled?" Yue Heng pouted, "The quota given to me by the country can't be used up, and it doesn't cost me a penny to practice...Listen up, it doesn't cost me a penny." .Really, it doesn't cost a penny, hiss..."

Wan Li scratched his head in distress. Occupational diseases are terrible. Let me talk to you well, and you talk to me about cross talk, my God~
"Let's go, oh, and," Yue Heng waved his hand, "Are you hiding the matter of killing Basong? I can help you seal the five outside."

" need, I should be able to deal with the troubles caused by spreading the word." Wan Li is not going to hide his clumsiness this time, his strength has reached the point where he can be a little more high-profile, and there are still many people who can beat him now, But I am afraid that there are not many people who can bring him life-threatening.

After walking out of the tent, the five people from Yanjing were waiting for him not far outside the tent. Seeing him coming out, Wang Yuqing immediately shouted: "So long? It's so boring, let's go and find a spacious place to fight!"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, still want to fight?Is it because you are drifting away, girl, or is it that Ba Song can't hold a knife anymore?
"What are you doing in a daze? Why, I don't dare to fight you because you kill someone who claims to be the strongest in Southeast Asia? I like the feeling of fighting, not the feeling of winning."

Wan Li laughed: "Are you already convinced that you will lose? Okay, I will send you a defeat."


15 minute later.

On an open space three kilometers northwest of the warrior base, Wan Li stepped on a shallow footprint, and the ground seemed unusually soft.Wang Yuqing who was on the opposite side said, "This place has been dug as a whole. The site is good for me. If you are not satisfied, let's find another place."

Wan Li shook his head: "It's fine."

Wang Yuqing's face became serious when she heard the words, and she put on an offensive posture, while Sun Kai and the other four retreated far away, their eyes lingering on Wan Li.

Wan Li was still standing steadily, with his legs naturally spread apart, and Wang Yuqing looked at Wang Yuqing for a few seconds. Wang Yuqing's eyebrows were fixed, and with a step on both feet, he jumped out of the ground to get closer to Wan Lila, and took the lead in attacking!

"How dare you use boxing techniques to test it first?"

Wan Li flipped his right palm, and hit Wang Yuqing's right wrist with his palm, bang!She didn't use all her strength, but she still tilted her body uncontrollably to the right, and then made a knife with her left hand, slashing her shoulder.

Wang Yuqing's fighting skills have obviously improved a lot in the past seven months, and she is no longer a beginner who only relies on instinct.She was at a disadvantage when she first came into contact with a move, she didn't panic, her body leaned back along the strength of Wanli, an iron bridge posture was formed instantly, and at the same time her right leg was raised, her body leaned to the left to follow the gravity to exert the maximum strength of her right leg, and the sound of the wind was caught Kick Wanli's left hip horizontally!

"Not bad." Wan Li was a little surprised. Although he had only done two moves, he could see that Wang Yuqing's talent in fighting skills seemed to be quite high. Maybe it was because he fought a lot?

He was about to raise his left knee to block the kick, but he was stunned for a moment, and the soil under his feet unexpectedly formed a ring to restrain his left foot.

"I thought I only used fighting to test it out, so I used my ability secretly?"

Wang Yuqing's right leg was very close to him, all kinds of countermeasures flashed through his mind, and finally the corner of his mouth slightly hooked his waist and hips, and kicked her foot with his butt.

That's right, butt kicking.

A strong force came from Wanli's buttocks, and Wang Yuqing's right leg retracted on the original route, causing her body to roll twice on the ground in embarrassment. After getting up, she looked at Wanli who was twisting her buttocks, and was speechless for a moment.

"A grade?"

"No, B-level peak." Wan Li chuckled: "The difference in physique is too big, don't get close to me, and I will kill you in seconds."

Wang Yuqing nodded, and slowly raised her hands, the dust gradually obscured her vision...

(End of this chapter)

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