Chapter 210

Wang Yuqing's ability to manipulate sand and soil is ranked 13th. It is a very strong ability. If it is in a specific environment, such as a desert, it is even stronger than the 11th Hurricane Bringer.

Of course, compared to the leader of the red organization at the peak of A-level, Wang Yuqing, who has not had much time to enter B-level, is still far behind. Even if he fully activates his ability, he will not be able to condense into a sandstorm, but it is still easy to lift up the dust and roll up the dirt.

Wan Li was speechless for a moment as he looked at the dust that was invisible to him two meters away.Of course he knows the effect of sand manipulation, but he can't control what aspect the ability awakener develops.

He was thinking of Gaara when he set up Sand Manipulation, how did this become Gaara?

The soft ground under her feet became a bit softer, and Wang Yuqing obviously couldn't see him, and she didn't know if he was moving or not, and she was using this method to determine his exact position.

"Don't say that this trick can restrain invisibility."

Two sandy palms condensed at Wanli's feet, snapped onto Wanli's calf, and then another pile of sand rose up behind him, forming a foot and kicking at Wanli's ass...

"Ha." Wan Li laughed, swung his right arm back, smashed it into pieces with a bang, and then stepped forward with both legs, the palm of his hand was naturally shattered, turned into fine sand and sprinkled into Wan Li's shoe...

Immediately afterwards, countless strange hands made of sand emerged from the ground, grabbing various parts of Wan Li's body in all directions.

Wanli shifted his center of gravity to the left, raised his right leg, swept across, bang bang bang... All the strange hands were crushed by him, followed by more palms, dense and penetrating.

Wan Li twitched his ears and frowned, not to mention that the move of Ai Mei Tai really made him unable to judge Wang Yuqing's position for a while.So……

His breath sank, and he frantically swung his fists and feet, hitting dozens of times a second, using most of his strength for each blow.The strong wind driven by fists and feet cleared the dust around him in a very short time, and he vaguely saw a figure behind the dust.

He stomped on both feet immediately, but failed to borrow strength, instead he sank deeply into the sand. The ground under his feet had been sanded by Wang Yuqing like a sandy beach. Shoot thousands of miles.

"It's much stronger than I imagined, and has a high combat IQ." Wan Li sighed softly, "Old Wang really deserved to beat her. There are still two contestants who beat her in the camp. I have to ask my classmates to work harder when I go back."

While thinking, hands made of a pile of mud grabbed Wanli's legs, restraining him so that he could not avoid the beating of sand waves.

"The amount of spiritual energy that entered the B-level for the first time is probably exhausted. I guess there are no new tricks. The information is collected, so be serious."

Wan Li's eyes were serious, and he swung his hands forward and slashed countless times. The dense sand waves were torn apart by him to create a gap for one person to pass through.The feet stepped on the ground again, and couldn't help but sink deeper, use more force, and more force, until the calf sank in half, and finally touched the thick ground, force!
boom! !

Deep in the ground, the ground exploded, causing dust to fly, and Wan Li's figure suddenly disappeared.

Wang Yuqing's expression tightened, and the sand under her feet condensed into a tight sand curtain behind her, and at the same time, she jumped forward.There was a violent bang, and countless sand and soil crackled on her back, letting her know that the sand curtain had been shattered by Wanli.

Then she quickly swung her arms back several times, and several small sand waves were formed in an instant. At the same time, she tilted her head and stared, panting violently to catch Wanli's figure.

However, at this moment, a hand behind her was suddenly placed on her shoulder, her body froze, she turned her head slowly, and let out a long breath: "I lost. Ah, this fight is so good, the difference in physique is too big, what? They were all cracked violently by you, and you didn't even see your second superpower."

Wan Li smiled, and was taken aback again: "How do you know I have a second superpower? Overheard..."

"No, who are you tying up... The wicker on Basong's body looks abnormal, is it the superpower to manipulate wood?"

"Oh...yes." Wan Li withdrew his hand, "You're quite strong, you always fight for nothing, it's just that your a bit dirty."

He looked down at the dust all over his body, as if he had rolled twice in a sandpit, even Wang Yuqing, the ability caster, was covered in dust.

While speaking, most of the dust that Wang Yuqing rolled up dispersed, and four spectators from a distance walked over... In fact, the dust all over the sky made them able to see the light and shadow and hear the sound.

"Yuqing, lost?" Sun Kai snorted.

"Ah, you can't beat it, so don't try it. People know your ability, and you are no match for him in fighting, and your physique is also far behind... He is the peak of B-level, and he should be a B-level just a little bit away from A-level peak."

Sun Kai's nostrils dilated a little, then retracted to the original shape, obviously not reconciled, he hesitated for a while, and said: "National election in the martial arts competition, I will win you."

Wan Li smiled politely yet disapprovingly, "Oh."

Sun Kai suddenly looked annoyed... Although the other three were their seniors, they were a little weaker than them in strength, and they had no desire to compete with Wan Li.When the strength gap is above 1000KG, it is difficult to make up for it with fighting techniques, not to mention that Wanli Fighting is obviously not weak.

After making an appointment with Wang Yuqing to fight again when he was free, Wanli hurried back to Manga Village, took a bath at Yu Wei's house for half an hour, and washed clothes for another half an hour... It was nearly six o'clock, and he put a dozen yuan in his backpack. The spirit stone used for practice in the evening, left the village and headed towards the urban area of ​​Xicheng.

An hour later, Wan Li tapped on the door of Jindi Hotel, Room 8312.

"who is it?"


"Old boy, hehe..." Yu Wei opened the door with a smirk, "Are you back...?"

"Yeah." Wan Li smiled, greeted Xiaoyu in the room, and then looked at Yu Wei: "Did you behave well today, did you exercise?"

"I have practiced, so tired, but I can't plant a small tree." Yu Wei pursed her mouth.

"Doesn't it feel strong?"


"That means not practicing enough and being lazy."

"'s long, ah, but, it's really not long."

"Okay, okay, keep practicing until you can plant small trees." Wan Li pinched Yu Wei's silly face.Her IQ problem needs to be solved, and her unreliable and cheap mother-in-law can't point it out. She has been in Xicheng all the time, but she doesn't show up.

"Mental care? The risk is too high, one mistake will be even more stupid... Nier, let her try it when she reaches B-level? A-level is safer, but I'm afraid it will take a long time."


The next day, Wan Li, who was rushing back to Manga Village, had just sucked ten spirit stones when a villager informed him that someone was looking for them.At the entrance of the village, he saw Wang Yuqing and Sun Kai again. There were eight people beside them, and all ten players from Yanjing had arrived.

"Wan Liyang, Deputy Chief Yue spread the news that you killed Basong throughout the base last night, and also explained your location. There will be many people challenging you today!" Wang Yuqing shouted with a smile.

Wan Li paused, blinked, and rubbed his ears. At first he thought that Wang Yuqing couldn't hold back and came to fight with him again, or that the other five people deliberately challenged him, but he didn't expect...

"I mean you don't need to hide it, but you can spread the news throughout the camp and announce my location... Could it be that I didn't agree to the kickback and was put on little shoes?"

(End of this chapter)

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