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Chapter 211 The Gifted Boy

Chapter 211 The Gifted Boy
Thinking back to the scene of the conversation with Yue Heng yesterday afternoon, Wan Li covered his forehead with a headache, and couldn't tell which of his words were true and which were false when chatting with a cross talk talker. "You won't be greedy for my hundred and ten spirit stones, right? The deputy chief of the Tangtang Martial Arts Bureau."

He is not afraid of people coming to challenge him, but if there are too many people, it will be a little distressed, and there are more than 370 spirit stones waiting for him to transform into strength.

Although Basong, the strongest in Southeast Asia, is self-proclaimed, his name is very famous. With Yue Heng's help, Wan Li feels that his life will not be able to calm down in a short time.

Of course, he could choose to avoid the battle, but since everyone has come to Manga Village, it is impossible for him to stay for a while without receiving them. This will inevitably delay a lot of time. It is better to accept the challenge to find out the enemy for Lao Wang and the others.

Right now, Wanli ushered in the first challenger, the senior senior of Yenching Martial Arts University and the team leader of this Yanjing comer—Zuo Yuan.

He is a bit taller than Wan Li, with a thin build, gentle and shy in appearance, he looks like a schoolmaster.Four years older than Wanli, currently 23 years old, is the upper age limit for the age group under the age of 25 to participate in the martial arts competition in two years.

As a student who has entered the Martial Arts University to receive rigorous training since the era of practice, all the senior students of Yanjing Martial Arts University who are not stuck in the bottleneck are already above B-level, and there are two A-level students, one of whom is performing a direct mission , and the other name is Zuo Yuan in front of him.

Wan Li didn't expect that the first one to challenge him would be A-level, which made him feel that accepting the challenge might not be a waste of time, so he shook hands with senior Zuo Yuan, and smiled politely: "You are welcome, senior, it's not a big deal. Challenges, everyone can learn from each other and make progress together.”

"Ah... oh, progress together."

Sun Kai clenched his fists. Now that he sees Wan Li smiling politely, he wants to hit someone...

Wan Li ignored Sun Kai and looked around.Right now, everyone is near the entrance of Manga Village, which has just been rebuilt. They must not fight here, or the village gate will be knocked down again.

Roughly, there are twenty or thirty challenges to be dealt with in the past few days, and a similar space is needed. After thinking about it, he said, "Wang Yuqing, can you use your ability to open up a square field of about [-] square meters over there?" ?"

"no problem."

"That's troublesome."

Ten minutes later, on a flat ground, Wan Li and Zuo Yuan exchanged hands.No superpowers were used, only fighting techniques were used, and the sound of physical collisions was endless, and the fights were back and forth.

The physique of a first-time A-level is actually not much stronger than that of a B-level peak. The key difference lies in the faint white light covering Zuo Yuan's fists and feet.

The release of spiritual energy can greatly enhance strength and defense. When confronting him, Wan Li's fists will feel pain and weakness, but he doesn't feel it.

Both of them are very fast, and they can often collide seven or eight times in a second. There are villagers in Manga Village who are watching from afar, but they can see some shadows, and they can't see anything. Beijing's other nine students.

"Wan Liyang's boxing skills are stronger. Senior Zuo Yuan can fight against the teacher. He still has the advantage in strength and speed. How could he not be able to suppress him for a while?" Wang Yuqing murmured.

"It is indeed very powerful, but with only this level, Zuo Yuan-senpai will definitely win."

"Didn't Yuqing say that he still has superpowers?"

"Ah, so it's hard to say the outcome... This level is better than ours, but can you kill that Ba Song?" One of them wondered, "Isn't it too weak to be the strongest in Southeast Asia?"

Wang Yuqing shook her head and said, "He must have a lot of cards that are useless. Sun Kai and I have seen a trick before, right Sun Kai?"

"...Sun Kai!"

"Ah," Sun Kai couldn't take his eyes off, and responded casually, "Do you think Wan Liyang's physique is a bit strange? The gap with Senior Zuo Yuan is very small, it doesn't look like there is only a B-level peak."

A girl with a round face echoed: "I felt it just now. It stands to reason that even if it is the B-level upper limit, Dazuo should exceed his 1000KG strength after using aura, but it doesn't look like the two of them are fighting. Dazuo is releasing water, Or does that elementary school boy have any special force-exerting skills?"

Wang Yuqing took a closer look: "It seems to be like about waiting for Senior Zuo Yuan to lose, and Senior Sister Siming to try?"

"Where is Yuqing from?" The round-faced girl smiled and shook her head: "I don't want to fight hand-to-hand with a sweaty boy. Besides, the big left may not necessarily lose. No matter how bad it is, it will let us see Wan Liyang's ability."

On the other hand, Wan Li, who fought against Zuo Yuan, also felt that the power gap was not as big as he imagined, and became more comfortable.

He had a rough idea of ​​why this happened.Yesterday morning, when his spiritual energy increased to five times that of the first grade B, his physique, which he thought had reached its peak, began to grow again.Perhaps because he has broken his physical limit twice, his upper limit of strength is more than 5000KG.

He doesn't know how much it is now, 5200? 5500?In short, there is not much difference compared with Zuo Yuan, a player who has just entered the A level.

Therefore, he let go more and more, from a slight disadvantage to a balance of power, and then to an advantage, until he completely suppressed Zuo Yuan and defeated Zuo Yuan!

The audience was stunned, and Sun Kai frowned and gritted his teeth: "No way?"

Wan Li defeated A-level for the first time with flat-A, and said with a smile on his face: "I have accepted it, senior."

Zuo Yuan wryly smiled and panted: "Excellent."

Wan Li shook hands with him politely, was startled for a moment, frowned and turned his head, another group of people walked over from afar, "The second round, it's coming so soon."


At the end of the day, Wanli took on three more challenges, which were fewer than expected.In this, I would like to thank Wang Yuqing, a brawler, for his help, and I would also like to thank the many teachers who are not led by students like Yanjing for their obstruction.

As for the other three challenges, of course Wanli won, and all of them were tied with A to defeat their opponents.His current strength cannot be said to be absolutely invincible among his peers, but he can also be said to be mostly invincible... At least it is unlikely that any of the strongest in the city will cause trouble for him after going through the mission. He is the champion of the domestic martial arts competition. go!

At six o'clock in the evening, Wan Li set foot on the mountain road back to Xicheng City again, but just after he ran out of the back mountain of Manga Village, his cell phone rang.

Taking out his mobile phone, Wan Li was surprised. It turned out to be... "Director Liao, how strange that you would call me?"

"Hahaha... Wali Sheep, you don't even know... Hahaha... You're hot!"

Wan Li looked confused: "This scene seems familiar, who made me into a ghost video again?"

"Ha... not this time, open the Martial Arts Forum and have a look, you are so fucking good!"

The phone was hung up, Wan Li blinked, and slowly clicked on the Martial Arts Forum app. There was no site short, but there was a new top post.

Ba Song sneaked across the border again and was killed on the spot by the talented Hua Xiatian! '

(End of this chapter)

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