Restart the world

Chapter 212 Calling Mom

Chapter 212 Calling Mom
"This...isn't this the word I use when I chant the bass song?" Wan Li looked innocent, he didn't feel that he was not worthy of the title of genius, the manga he draws with his ability, who is a genius if he is not a genius?

But he never thought that being so high-profile would affect his daily life, right? "What the hell, the content of this post..."

'Hua Xiatian's talented young man, Wan Li Yang, was born on March 1999, 3. He is a freshman super class student at Bincheng Martial Arts University. He has excellent grades during school. The second-class meritorious service of the Budo University system three times, and the third-class meritorious service...'

"You got excellent grades in school, is this embarrassing to me?" Wan Li pursed his lips and continued to look down.

The following post briefly introduced the cause and effect of Wanli's killing of Basong. The detailed process was not mentioned, but the last sentence shocked him.

'As a reward, Wanli Yang is now given a first-class meritorious service in the Wudao University system, several pieces of spiritual stones, and the files are included in the Martial Arts General Administration. When the studies are completed, he will be directly awarded the alternate position of the deputy director general. '

"Candidate for deputy director general? This... I can directly challenge for the position of deputy director general after graduation?" Wan Li murmured softly, "It's a good thing, why is it so sudden?"

He scrolled down to see the comments of the crowd, but the phone rang again.

"Hey, Wen Jing. Well, I saw it. How about it, am I good? I didn't get hurt, I really didn't get hurt this time. It's not that Ba Song is weak, it's that your boyfriend is too strong... I'm not lying, I'm fine."

The phone calls continued throughout the journey. Wen Jing called Jianchao after Jianchao, and Lin Xiaoqi called after Jianchao. In the end, even Qunhao Manager Jiang called to congratulate him.

The original one-hour journey turned into two hours. After arriving at Jindi Hotel, the ringing of the phone finally stopped.Yu Wei complained that Wan Li was late, and Wan Li comforted him helplessly.Lin Yuling was also in her and Xiaoyu's room, and said with a smile, "You are a genius, are you busy?"

"Don't make trouble." Wan Li smiled wryly: "I'm still in a daze, I don't know what's going on."

"Set up a model, like the national goddess of Heidanyan, and increase the credibility of the Martial Arts Bureau among the people." Lin Yuling analyzed.

Wan Li was stunned: "Well, why did you choose me? Then I am now a national male god?"

Lin Yuling looked carefully at Wan Li's face, then shook her head slightly, making Wan Li's face darken.

"Old boy, male god, hehe..."

"Young girl still has eyesight." Wan Li rubbed Yu Wei's head and said, "No wonder Wen Jing was so nervous when she called earlier."

"She is afraid that you will be hurt." Lin Yuling ruthlessly exposed it, "Stop being narcissistic, you should think about how to solve the current trouble, you are a genius."

Wan Li fell silent for a moment, thinking about the impact this post would have on his life.The increase in popularity will bring many conveniences, but in contrast, troubles will definitely follow.

Although he didn't want to admit it, he knew that his appearance couldn't be a national male god, and he wouldn't have to cover up when walking on the street like Hei Danyan.There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The temptation to defeat an officially recognized genius is great.

Thinking in another way, if other people of the same age have achieved such achievements, he can't help but explore the strength of the other party.Fame is something that some people are indifferent to, but more people are willing to pursue it.

"Tomorrow, the number of people who will challenge me will probably double, and I have to beware of revenge from Siam... I don't know that Basong is unpopular. Also, unlike the ghost boy, this time my basic information is clear, Will there be interviews with reporters?"

As soon as he thought of this, the phone rang again, and it was Jianchao again, telling him that many reporters went to the school to interview him, and as Wanli's roommate and the one who knew Wanli best, he was going to be popular.

Wan Li's face darkened: "What the hell, why don't you say everything, say something reliable."

"I understand, I understand, hehe..."

"Hey, you are tall, let me mainly talk about my other identity..."

"Ghost boy? Wali sheep?"

"Go to death, cartoonist, cartoonist, Superman Academy is helping me promote it!"

"Oh, okay, don't forget to treat me to dinner when you come back, you still owe me a barbecue."

"Say something wrong and go back and roast you."

Hanging up the phone, Wan Li looked sad. A reporter really wanted to interview him.Although I did not disclose my location in the post, there are too many people who know it. I am afraid that a reporter with great powers will come to the door tomorrow. Will they find Manga Village?

"That part of the mountain road is not easy to walk, and here is the problem now." Wan Li looked at Yu Wei.

Reporters are all-pervasive, and it is a bit troublesome to touch Yu Wei from Wanli.Not to mention that she is easy to be deceived by her silly appearance, just that her identity as the daughter of a hero is exposed, which will bring a lot of uncontrollable troubles.

The reason why Yu Wei's mother took her back to live in Manga Village is not clear... "Huh? By the way, Deputy Chief Yue knows that I am taking care of her..."

"Honey, why, look at me?"

"Girl, I will be very busy for a while, and I may not have time to come and see you for about half a month. Be good, and listen to sister Xiaoyu and sister Yuling, okay?"

"Half a month, I won't come..." Yu Wei was stunned, and stepped forward to grab the corner of Wanli's clothes, "It's not good."

Wanli was helpless, and looked at Lin Yuling and Xiaoyu as if asking for help. The three of them coaxed Yu Wei for a long time before she agreed with an aggrieved face.

As the night darkened, Wan Li finished washing, made a few phone calls, and sat on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed in deep thought.He didn't like the feeling of being suddenly set up as a model by the Martial Arts Bureau and became a celebrity, but this behavior of not telling him made him feel a little awkward and uncomfortable.

But thinking about the distressed look on Hei Danyan's face when he mentioned the goddess of the nation, it is estimated that she did not become a typical example voluntarily.They are all soldiers under the Martial Arts Bureau system, which is equivalent to the tasks assigned by the above, and they cannot be picky.

"It's okay, the rewards this time are great. After graduation, I'll get rid of that annoying Chi Zhao...Deputy Chief Wan, hehe." He lay on his back on the bed and murmured, "Tomorrow... the soldiers will come and cover them up!"

Da da da.

There was a sudden knock on the door, causing Wan Li to straighten up in a daze, with a slightly helpless expression on his face.It should be Yu Wei outside the door, because he won't come for a long time from tomorrow, when she just walked out of her and Xiaoyu's room, she had a look of reluctance, wanted to come to Wanli's room to sleep, but was persuaded by Wanli's good words, why did she find it by herself, Xiaoyu also don't stop...

Thinking of Yu Wei's pitiful appearance, he sighed: "Girl, come in, the door is unlocked. I'm afraid of you, so I'll sleep with you one more night tonight."

"Girl!...Not a girl?" Wan Li frowned, could it be the reporter who came here?

The door was slowly pushed open, and a thin middle-aged woman stared at Wan Li with clear eyes.

Wan Li's face suddenly changed: "Uh, you, good evening, do I call you?"

"Just like Xiaowei, call me mom."

(End of this chapter)

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