Restart the world

Chapter 214 Unexpected visitor

Chapter 214 Unexpected visitor
'Nine months from grade H to grade B, the first three years let the stupid bird fly first'

"I've been drawing comics for three years, but I'm still better than you"

'Academy of superpowers, appreciate the era of practice from the perspective of a genius'

'99 consecutive victories, who can give me a defeat? '


"These media are just telling the truth."

The corner of Wanli's mouth curled up, and he was sitting on a big rock in the back of Manga Village, holding a spirit stone in one hand, and browsing various reports on his cell phone with the other hand.In the distance, there were a lot of heavy panting faintly, it was the boys and girls of Manga Village running up and down the mountain.

At this time, 15 days have passed since the post on the Martial Arts Forum was published, and Wanli ushered in the last week of Manga Village missions, and the enthusiasm for his genius has finally almost dissipated.Maybe it's because all the challenges that should be taken have been taken, or maybe no one is willing to be a stepping stone for his 100-game winning streak. From this morning until now, no one has come to challenge.

In the 99 games he has completed, it is not that he has encountered troubles. The most difficult opponent is a B-level peak with the same ability as Lao Wang. Without the reluctance to use the non-combustible and stealth superpowers, Wan Li exhausted himself with him. It took half an hour to finally win the battle, and he was slightly scratched.

It was the 16th match. The boy who caused him the scratch was from Jincheng. It became popular and aroused more people's enthusiasm for the challenge... But Wanli's fighting skills made another breakthrough in that battle, and he has been invincible since then. Now that the injury has won, it is estimated that everyone's enthusiasm has been almost extinguished.

The spirit stone in his hand slowly turned into powder, Wan Li sensed the spirit energy in his body for a moment, sighed lightly, cheered up again, and took out another spirit stone.

It is currently April 4th, and it has been nearly three months since the discovery of the spirit stone. The effect of this accelerated practice is reflected. Coupled with the bottleneck breakthrough agent, the population of Huaxia's B-level and C-level population has ushered in a sharp expansion, but Wanli ...still a B-rank.

His current level can be simply called B-level peak and peak and peak again.

The agreed five to eight times is not good for him at all, probably because he has broken his physical limit twice, his physique has risen again and again, and now he has the upper hand with Zuo Yuan in strength, and the amount of aura has already It is ten times that of the first B-level, and he will never give up after using his ability a few times. Now he can plant a small forest by raising his hand...

Anyway, his strength has been growing, so Wan Li is not in a hurry for the light and shadow effect of the spiritual energy, sacrificing a little promotion speed in exchange for a spiritual energy far superior to his peers, he feels it is worth it, anyway, there are still spiritual stones, so suck it up.

The speed at which he absorbs spirit stones is one piece every 10 minutes. If he is not disturbed by trivial matters, he can absorb about 80 yuan a day, but because there are too many messy things these days, there are more than 600 spirit stones left, which is enough for him to pile up his spirit energy to 17 times 18 times the look.

This situation reminded him of the fact that he had entered the B-level for the first time when he used the measuring crystal to measure his strength half a month ago. That may be accurate. The five times the amount of aura at that time was the first time for him to enter the B-level. So seventeen or eight times It should be almost the same, right?

It doesn't matter if you can't, buy Lingshi, if you have money, you don't need Wen Jing's money...he's rich!
In this world where the manga and animation industry is sluggish, no matter how he promotes his school of superpowers, it is not popular. Even if Cong Chen helps him make manga into animation, the ratings are still mediocre, and the sales growth of the booklet is only [-]%.

But it turns out that not being popular is just not enough promotion.When various newspapers and media reported on his genius who killed Bassong, even if the manga was only mentioned in passing, it ushered in a wave of explosions, the ratings increased sharply, and the sales volume rolled upwards.It is not clear how much money it will bring him, but Wan Li can probably have the same wealth as Wen Jing through this comic.

"It would be great if... Guisun didn't start the age of cultivation." He would think so occasionally.

The original dream of time travel has come true, to draw a big IP manga, to lie on the copyright, to have fun and wait for death... But the age of practice has pushed him to this point, it is impossible to eat and wait for death, unless one day he Strong enough to admit positively that he is the father of a capable person, even after he beats that turtle grandson.

The spirit stone turned into powder again, Wan Li picked up the last piece of spirit stone beside him, but was interrupted by the call of 'teacher', 'teacher'.

He looked up at the panting and well-behaved Shan girl in front of him, and said with a smile, "What, Yuhan, can't run anymore? Let's rest for a while."

"No, huh... just now I saw Uncle Kang at the foot of the mountain, and he said... that someone is looking for you at the entrance of the village."

"Oh?" Wan Li was taken aback. Is the 100th consecutive victory coming?He stood up immediately: "Yuhan, help the teacher watch them here, don't let those boys be lazy."


Wan Li smiled, jumped down the back mountain after a few leaps, and rushed to the entrance of the village.Among the students under his leadership, Wanli cares most about this girl named Yuhan, not because she is cute and cute, but because she is the only magical girl in the village so far... She has awakened water magic, and her future is relatively bright. Yue Heng has already informed Li Yi that she will be specially recruited into the new West City super class.

Near the village entrance, Wanli stopped far away, looked around, and frowned slightly.The people who came were not challengers or reporters, but a middle-aged man and woman in their 40s.

The man has a simple and honest face, regular facial features, dark skin, hair that is neither long nor short, half of it is gray and some are curly.The woman has a gentle face, with many wrinkles on her face, and deep tiredness in her eyes. While talking to the female director, she is still looking around, as if she is looking for something.

The clothes of the two are very plain, and with their weather-beaten faces, they look a bit like farmers facing the loess and back to the sky. "Find me?"

Wan Li walked over quickly, attracting the attention of the three people who were talking. The female director hesitated to speak, then stretched out her hand to lure the couple, stepped back quickly, and motioned for them to chat.The man and woman looked Wan Li up and down, their expressions gradually becoming agitated.

"Uncle and aunt, who are you?"

Hearing his words, the expressions of the two became even more excited. The woman among them took two steps forward, wanting to reach out to Wanli, then retracted, wiped her hands on her trousers, her lips trembled, and said in a trembling voice: "I …My name is Yang Shulan, from Bincheng."

"My hometown? Auntie, you..."

The middle-aged man also took two steps forward, his voice hoarse, and he said slowly: "I am..."

He took a deep breath, and the rest of the words stuck in his throat for a long time.Wan Li's brows became tighter and tighter, the mood of these two people was a bit abnormal, did they get excited when they saw this?

He turned to look at the women's director, and heard the middle-aged woman behind him tremble again: "Son, you were born on March 1999, 3, right?"

"Well, it says on the Martial Arts Forum."

"Ahem..." The man suddenly coughed violently, and the woman quickly patted his back for him.

"Cough...I'm...cough cough cough...Wan Dehai."

Surname Wan?Wan Li was startled, looking at the middle-aged couple in front of him, his heart stopped beating suddenly...

(End of this chapter)

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