Chapter 215
"I'm from Suzhou, Tongcheng. In 95, I brought a few brothers from the same village to Bincheng to work and earned some savings..." In Yu Wei's home, a man named Wan Dehai slowly narrated his past.

He used to be a migrant worker from the south to work in Bincheng. He made a name for himself, became a small contractor, and met Yang Shulan.The two met and fell in love and became husband and wife.Wan Dehai bought a house in Bincheng and settled down in Bincheng.

In June 98, Yang Shulan became pregnant. Because Tongcheng and Bincheng were thousands of miles apart, the two thought it was a wonderful fate to be married to each other, so they decided that if they were pregnant with a boy, they would use their surnames and let the son be called... Wanli Yang.

Wan Li sat on a chair, quietly listening to his narration, his brows tightened and loosened.He never thought that he would be approached by his 'biological parents', and he really didn't know how to deal with this situation, and more importantly... how to distinguish between true and false?

He didn't quite believe it in his heart. Judging from the acting skills acquired in the third dream, these two people seemed to have acting elements when they spoke, whether it was Wan Dehai who was immersed in the past, or Yang Shulan who was sobbing all the time. flaw.

But this acting skill has not been verified, and what Wan Dehai said about the origin of his name is well-founded and slightly reliable... What if it is true?
He thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and interrupted Wan Dehai's narration: "There is no need to continue to talk about the reasons why you abandoned that child, and I don't want to know if I am that child, and I don't want to find out whether you are making up stories or talking about it." The truth is, I'm used to living alone... oh no, I have a lot of friends now, and a lovely girlfriend, and that's enough."

After the words fell, Yang Shulan covered her face with her hands, and her crying became louder.Wan Dehai paused, stood up trembling, and knelt down in front of Wan Li.

"It's my fault, it's my fault, it has nothing to do with Shulan, you can blame me... There was an accident on the construction site, two people died and six were injured, the boss ran away, I lost all my property, and I still owe more Debt, cough, cough..." He spoke in a hurry.

Wan Li frowned and raised his hand, pulled him up, and patted his back lightly, "Don't get excited."

"Cough... Shulan and I decided to go to my hometown in order to avoid debts. I still have a little field there... When I left, I was blinded by lard. I felt that I couldn't afford you who was still a baby, so I carried Shulan... threw you in the train station."

Wan Li was startled. Aunt Sheng did say that she was picked up from the train station and sent to her orphanage. Is it true?

No, this matter can be found by interested people.Wan Li denied it in his heart.

In fact, he really didn't want to suddenly have an extra pair of parents.The two of them didn't show up when he needed his parents, but now they didn't need them anymore, but they suddenly appeared after he had made a huge leap in wealth and status, which was always uncomfortable.

More importantly, there is one thing that only he knows, that he is not the original Wan Liyang, but a time traveler from another world, and he only passed through when this body was five years old.

"But if they are really the parents of my body...what should I do?" Wan Li sighed silently in his heart, his eyes turned on the two of them.

" don't want to recognize us, I can understand..." Yang Shulan sobbed and said, "I only have one request, can you... call me 'Mom'? That's enough, we will leave after calling, we won't bother you Your life, woo woo..."

It's another one who asked me to call mom, this time it's not the mother-in-law but the real mother?Wan Li said helplessly: "Don't cry, please forgive me for not being able to believe your identities for the time being. Is there anything you can prove? For example, the tokens left back then, the birthmark on my body, etc.?"

"The token, where is the token?"

Yang Shulan looked at Wan Dehai bitterly, while Wan Dehai shook his head in pain and said: "When I abandoned you, you were wrapped in a red quilt, and your birth certificate was inside the quilt, and no other tokens were left behind."

"Where's the birthmark?"

"Birthmark..." Yang Shulan murmured softly, thinking for a few seconds: "There is an obvious birthmark on the left arm near the shoulder, it must still be there. There is a shallow birthmark on the buttocks and the tiger's mouth on the right hand. I don't know if there are any in the past 19 years. shed."

Wan Li gasped, he hadn't really noticed whether there was a birthmark on his butt, but he did have one on his left arm, and his right hand... He stretched out his right hand and looked carefully, and he could see a tiny irregular birthmark, which was printed on the tiger's mouth on his right hand s position!

Yang Shulan reached out her hand violently, grabbed his right hand, and rubbed his thumb against his tiger's mouth. Tears streamed down her face, and she murmured: "It's my son, it's my son..."

Wan Li showed some hesitation and didn't move his hand.He had half believed in the identities of these two people, and the other half of his doubts came from a little bit of inadequacy in his heart.

"Do you want to use brainwashing superpowers? Their strength should be below D level. Using brainwashing superpowers may hurt their spirits... If they are really my biological parents in this life..."

Wan Li felt that he had more hesitation and entanglement today than in his whole life, but this uncomfortable situation really made him very embarrassed.

Just at this time, a voice came from outside the door: "Xiao Mao, someone is looking for you at the entrance of the village!"

"...Understood, Uncle Kang." Wan Li sighed lightly, this time the challenger came, right?Well done, let's have a fight!

He turned to the two of them: "Uncles and aunts... Well, I'll call your uncles and aunts first. Someone is looking for me. Please stay here for a while. I'll go and greet you, and I'll be back in half an hour at most."

"Well, we... are in no hurry, don't delay... you are busy." Yang Shulan trembled.

Wan Li nodded, walked out of Yu Wei's house quickly, and ran towards the entrance of the village, hoping that the challenger would be stronger, he wanted to have a good fight!

Halfway through, he stopped, and thoughtfully took out his mobile phone to dial.After a while, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Wali Yang, what do you want from me?"

"Director Liao, please do me a favor. Help me find out if there was a major accident at a construction site in Bincheng in 1999. Two people died and six were injured. If so, you'd better tell me who was involved in that incident. Who are the personnel?"

"In 99? Why are you checking it? The accidents at that time may not have been entered into the computer. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to check..."

"Please!" Wan Li said solemnly.

"Damn it, I know it's not good to answer your phone... Well, wait!"

After hanging up the phone, Wan Li thought about it, and then sent Wen Jing another WeChat message: "Wen Jing, is there a birthmark on my butt?" '

The small circle went around and around, the network was not smooth, and this message was never sent.Wan Li shook his head and smiled, he didn't intend to get an answer, he just teased and teased Wen Jing to soothe his mood.

However, the next second, his smile froze on his face.Looking at the entrance of the village, it is still not a challenger or a reporter waiting for him.

Another middle-aged man and woman.

(End of this chapter)

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