Restart the world

Chapter 216 See Through

Chapter 216 See Through
This pair of men and women is completely different from the pair of 'biological parents' in Yu Wei's family.They are dressed luxuriously, have excellent temperament, and look generous and calm.

In the man, Wanli also felt a bit of the temperament of a martial arts master, and his strength should be B-level, but what Wanli cared more about was his wheat-colored skin...

"What the hell, if there is another pair of parents, I will beat someone." The female director was not there, Wan Li only observed for two seconds, and walked quickly to the entrance of the village.

As they approached, the man and woman naturally noticed Wan Li.The middle-aged man among them showed excitement on his face, and he greeted Wanli.The woman's behavior was a bit strange, she looked at Wanli for a long time, and then walked slowly, and at the same time forced a perfunctory smile on her face, and there seemed to be some hostility deep in her eyes.

Wan Li looked at her inexplicably, and stretched out his hand to the man, "Hi, are you looking for me?"

"Uh..." The man paused slightly, and reached out to hold Wan Li's right hand firmly: "Hi, I'm Yang Zhenhua, and she's my wife, Liu Mei."

Surnamed Yang, very good, not dad.

Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on his face, "What's the matter, uncle and aunt?"

The man nodded and said in a deep voice, "I used to be from Bencheng, and I only moved to the south 19 years ago."


"I lost money doing business in the south. My ex-wife Wan Yingying couldn't contact me after she was pregnant for ten months, so she took the infant child to the south to find me, but accidentally lost it at the train station. child……"

"...Wan Yingying? What the hell about me!"

"Because Yingying just gave birth, she traveled long distances because her health was not well, plus she blamed herself for losing her child... I saw her again in the hospital." A few words, and before leaving, I just kept asking me to find the child, to find the child..."

The man took a deep breath, calmed down a little, and said: "I have been looking for my child and hers, but I have never been able to find it. I never thought... that child has the same surname as Yingying, and the surname is Wan. I think Yingying must have been there in the past. Blame me."

Wan Li narrowed his eyes slightly: "No, how can I blame you. That child is called Wan Liyang, and he traveled thousands of miles to find you, so how can I blame you."

The man was startled, with tears in his eyes, choked up and said, "I hope so."

"It must be so. The way of explaining my name is quite perfect." Wan Li sighed softly: "Come with me, both of you, go to my house and have a chat. I have two familiar strangers to introduce you to each other."

"……a familiar stranger?"

Wan Li didn't explain, and turned around to lead the way.There are many flaws in these two people, the expression of the 'stepmother' is very fake, and there are some loopholes in the life story he made up, but Wan Li still doesn't dare to conclude that they are fake, so he just brought the two groups back to confront each other.

At Yu Wei's house, Wanli helped the two groups of relatives introduce their identities to each other and carefully observed their expressions.Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan were surprised at first, and then they were full of anger. If Wan Li hadn't been there, this honest couple might have swearing.

Yang Zhenhua and Liu Mei showed a little panic at first, and then quickly turned to surprise and anger.Yang Zhenhua pointed at Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan and said they were fakes and liars. Their lips trembled with anger, but they were intimidated by Yang Zhenhua's aura, and their refutation was very weak, as if they had a guilty conscience.

Wan Li watched it for half a minute, then turned around and sat on the chair, tapping his index finger on the wooden table, making a crisp clicking sound to stop the quarrel.

The beating became more and more rapid, and gradually turned into a panicking sound. Yang Zhenhua showed a slightly uncomfortable expression, and said, "Son, don't trust them, they..."


Yang Zhenhua only spoke half of his words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he swallowed with difficulty.The table under Wanli's fingers turned into tiny pieces of wood and scattered all over the ground as if corroded by the power of time.

The other three had different expressions, ranging from panic to surprise. Wanli saw everything in his eyes, turned his palm hanging in the air, and raised his hand upwards. Several wooden pillars protruded from the debris, spun and grew, circling into a sheet similar to the one before. same table.

He tapped on the new table again.

"This is a superpower. You should come to me after seeing the news. I have won 99 consecutive victories, but few people know my ability. The more cards I keep, the more easily I will be able to deal with opponents." Wan Li Slowly said: "The reason for being exposed to you is very simple. If you are really my parents, there is no need to hide it. If not, you can't get out of this room!"

He thought for a moment, and then said: "I have been an orphan for 19 years, and suddenly my parents came to recognize my relatives, and two groups came here. I am a little confused, and I am not very confident in my sixth sense judgment. Think about it. Is there anything self-identifying?"


"Birthmarks are not counted. The ones on the arms and hands are exposed, and those who are interested can find out. As for the ones on the buttocks, I don't know. If there are no ones, you can also excuse that it fell off."

The room fell into silence, only the sound of Yu Wanli tapping on the table, and the atmosphere became more and more dignified.

After a while, Yang Zhenhua said hoarsely: "Son, I have something to prove my identity. Is your mother's death certificate okay? I haven't got your birth certificate, but I'm really your father..."

"Birth certificate! Yes, birth certificate!"

Wan Dehai suddenly shouted: "The birth certificate...I remember my signature on it, Wan Dehai! Wan Dehai!"

Yang Shulan showed joy: "Yes, the birth certificate needs to be signed by my father, how could I forget it, how could I forget it..."

Wan Li nodded slightly: "I will check."

He raised his eyebrows, turned his eyes to Yang Zhenhua and Liu Mei who were cowering and seemed to be running away, smiled slightly, and said, "You two, where are you from?"

The two looked at each other, and suddenly they exploded, one threw himself at Wan Dehai, and the other at Yang Shulan!

Before Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan could react, Wan Li's figure instantly appeared in front of them, grabbing Yang Zhenhua with one hand and Liu Mei with the other, and smashed it down!

Bang! !

There was a huge hole in the ground, Wan Li held them down, and shot them directly onto the firewood he chopped when he was a coolie on the first floor!

Liu Mei fell into a coma without saying a word.Yang Zhenhua groaned in pain, and struggled violently under Wan Li's hands, so hard that Wan Li couldn't hold him down with one hand.

"The strength is not bad, you are not ordinary liars, who sent you here?"

"If you still want to resist, let's understand the B-level peak and peak again?"

"Look at your face, it's full of blood."

"Stop struggling?"

"Are you still conscious?"

Wan Li sighed, picked up Yang Zhenhua, who was in a semi-comatose state, and shook his head disappointedly: "This is not enough? I don't even have superpowers, and I want you to know who the father is..."

 Is anyone who read my book already a father?happy holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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