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Chapter 218 Birthmark

Chapter 218 Birthmark
Evidence after evidence is proving the same thing: Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan are really his biological parents.After asking Chief Liao to find out Wan Dehai's current situation, Wan Li sat down on Yue Heng's bed, dazed.

The evidence is solid, now it is only necessary to verify that this Wan Dehai is Biwan Dehai, and then go to the hospital for an appraisal, then the identities of the parents can be determined...

"I don't think there will be any mistakes. What I heard when I was invisible can't be fake." Wan Li sighed silently in his heart: "Parents, I have completely forgotten the feeling of getting along with my parents."

The memory of the previous life has gradually become blurred, except for the comics that repeatedly strengthened the memory, everything else is almost forgotten.If you think about it carefully, you can see that the favorite cross talk actor in his previous life saw him in this parallel world, but he couldn't recognize him at a glance.

"It's also because his identity has changed too much." Wan Li tapped his head, and the voices and smiles of his parents in his previous life vaguely appeared in front of his eyes, and he fell into reminiscence until Yue Heng returned to the camp.

"The results are out, get up!" Yue Heng grimaced.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and stood up with a wry smile, while Yue Heng sat on the chair, supported his hands, leaned back, and let go of his pouting face: "The results came out, they are indeed Siamese. The man's name is Tongchai, It's Ba Song's subordinate, and this revenge is his private action. The woman's name is Tuo Na, she's his wife, it's not important, she's only F-rank."

"Private action?"

"Private action. According to him, after the death of Ba Song, the power struggle in Siam was very turbulent. This is consistent with our intelligence."

Wan Li frowned: "Then he..."

"He was the Chinese translator of Basong before the era of practice, so his Chinese is very good, and he is very loyal to Basong. As for his wife, her Chinese is average."

Wan Li thought for a moment, and it seemed that the woman named Liu Mei hadn't spoken at all. In the end, she passed out without even screaming...

"As for your being an orphan, it's easy to verify, and you can get some basic information if you want to." Yue Heng continued: "You said there are still a pair of parents at home? Be careful, genius, now I want to be your father I’m afraid there are a lot of people here.” He pouted and looked at Wanli: “I would think about it too.”

Wan Li said hehe, that is to say, he can't beat you now, just wait, sooner or later... the Lord of Thunder will be ranked fourth, and let you be the fourth!

"You'd better take care of your own daughter, be careful that she follows you in appearance."

"Huh? How do you know I have a daughter?"

"Uh, I just remembered." Wan Li replied casually, feeling a little subtle in his heart, do you really have a daughter?Same as previous life...

Without thinking about it, he bid farewell to Yue Heng and returned to Manga Village at full speed. He stopped at the entrance of the village and confirmed to Uncle Kang that Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan hadn't left. He took a deep breath, calmed down, and returned to Yu Wei's house.

However, after ascending to the second floor, he failed to hear the voices of the two of them. When he opened the door, there was no sign of the two of them in the empty hall.

"Gone? Or... ran away?" Wan Li stood still for a moment, then unlocked the bedroom door, and the six and a half bags of spirit stones inside were intact.He fumbled under the pillow again, and found a small white jar, which contained some milky white liquid.

"There is no shortage of spirit stones and spirit stone essence."

The spirit stone essence is what he has accumulated these days. There are five drops in total. He wants to pour it down when he is about to advance, and use the surging spirit energy to level up for a few days, so that his physique can be further improved at B level. Take a look at the twelve major perfection realms of the B-level peak.

After reaching A-level, the improvement of strength is mainly the external use of spiritual energy. The speed of improving physical strength is not as fast as that of B-level. If it is not that there is no suitable exercise method that cannot break the limit of the body, Wan Li really wants to break through it twice.

I walked around Yu Wei's house, but couldn't find anything. Wan Li recalled the conversation between the two when he was invisible, "Isn't it because I didn't want to cause trouble for me, did I sneak away? But Uncle Kang said they didn't leave the village. Ah... the back mountain?"

He frowned slightly, the road behind the mountain was not easy to walk, it was very unsafe.

Just at this time, a sweet girl's voice came from outside: "Teacher! Are you at home? How long are we going to run, I'm exhausted!"

"Huh?" Wan Li was taken aback. It's been two hours, and the students in the back mountain are still running back and forth?Forget them all.

"I'm at home, let them stop, Yuhan. That's the end of today's practice, let's go home and rest." Wan Li went downstairs and asked, "Did you see a middle-aged couple leave from the back mountain?"

"Ah, yes. I just wanted to tell you that two people I have never met before left in a hurry. The man was not in good health and was coughing all the time. I went to ask him if he wanted to help..."

"You don't know how to stop strangers walking from the back mountain?" Wan Li stared, then shook his head: "Forget it, I don't blame you, how long have they been walking?"

"Half an hour."

"Oh, don't forget to practice when you get home."

Wan Li returned to the second floor, sat on a chair for a while, got up and paced back and forth, raising his hand to repair the damage caused by the previous battle.After a while, he took out his mobile phone and looked at it: "06:30, it will be dark in one and a half hours, the two of them may have to spend the night in the mountains, don't be eaten by wild animals... ah, I will deal with this matter You have to be too forward-looking and indecisive, so be decisive! Find them and drag them to the hospital!"

After waking up, Wanli headed towards the back of the mountain, and opened WeChat at the same time.I didn't notice it before, but I don't know when the message to Wen Jing was sent, and Wen Jing replied three messages.

'Ghost animal sheep, you hate it to death!How would I know if you have a birthmark on your butt! '

'Ahhh, you hate it!I'm going to be laughed to death by Sister Xiaoqi and Ni Er! (angry)'

The third was a few minutes apart.

'(shy) (shy) Why don't you even know the birthmark on your body?It's annoying, I remember that you do have one between your butt and waist, triangular, very obvious. (shy)'

"I know it's strange, can ordinary people see my butt? I don't have time to look at my own butt... Bian Bian, you look at it carefully, hehe." Wan Li murmured, and his footsteps stopped suddenly : "Triangle, very obvious?"

With a slightly condensed expression, he returned to Yu Wei's house in two steps, took off his pants in the bathroom, adjusted the angle of the vanity mirror, and turned his head vigorously. "It's true, obviously, even more obvious than the one on the arm."

He recalled Yang Shulan's words. 'There's a distinct birthmark on the left arm near the shoulder that's definitely still there.There is a shallow birthmark on the buttocks and the tiger's mouth on the right hand. I don't know if it has shed in the past 19 years. '

"I can't prove anything. The longer the birthmark, the more obvious it is." Wan Li took a deep breath, looked at the back mountain, went to the bedroom and put the jar containing the essence of the spirit stone into his pocket...

 Happy Dragon Boat Festival old irons.

(End of this chapter)

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