Chapter 219
After the top of the mountain, Wanli looked around.

If the time mentioned by Yuhan is correct, then it should be about 40 minutes before Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan left Yu Wei's house.And if their strength is not as good as D-level as Wanli judged, they won't be able to go very far.

"Even if he didn't stop halfway, he probably couldn't climb over the mountain in front of him." Wan Li murmured, frowning slightly.After all, the birthmark on his butt cast a shadow over his heart. If Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan were pretending to be his parents, then if he chases after them, he may face...a murder!

He touched the jar containing five drops of spirit stone essence in his bosom, sensing 6 simulated magic + 2 inexhaustible body + 2 super aptitude in his body, squinted his eyes slightly, and jumped down the mountain.With these things, it's really hard work, two red organization leaders can kill them!

"If it's a counterfeit, I'm afraid I'm going to kill someone again today." Walking down the back mountain of Manga Village, there is a higher mountain in front of me, but because there is a dilapidated winding road, it is easier to walk than the back mountain of Manga Village a little.

Before Yu Wei was taken away by the cheap mother-in-law, he returned to the urban area by this road every day, and he was very familiar with the road conditions.Recently, he has grown a little taller, barely has a pair of big long legs, he walks two meters at a step, and runs along the road at a constant speed.

Two minutes later, Wan Li stopped in his tracks.

Ahead is a Y-shaped road. He is on the right fork of the Y-shaped road. The left fork leads to the main entrance of Manga Village. At the intersection of the forks, two familiar figures are sitting there resting.

Wanli looked around, concentrating slightly, simulating blindness, stealth!He approached them slowly, quietly, trying not to make a sound, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation again, but when he was about 50 meters away from them, Yang Shulan suddenly cast her gaze over!

At this time, Yang Shulan's eyes showed no tenderness or guilt, but became sharp and aggressive, which made Wan Li's heart sink and he sighed softly. "It's really a counterfeit, it's okay, it's okay like this..."

"Remove the invisibility. The two of us have no intention of causing mass murder in China, and the only target is you," Yang Shulan said slowly, "But if you want to use invisibility to escape..."

"You don't dare to do anything." Wan Li showed his figure and said: "No one dares to slaughter people in Huaxia, so don't threaten me with this kind of trick. Don't worry, I have no intention of running away, I hope you don't run away either... you can see through me The invisibility is the ear of the wind? Why don't you continue to disguise and attack me?"

Wan Dehai said in a deep voice: "You chose to approach incognito, I'm afraid you have already doubted our identities, what link went wrong?"

"Your information is very good. Which country's... spies? I don't even know the information about my parents. I also have invisibility superpowers, and even the birth certificate when I was adopted. The birthmark... The problem lies in the birthmark. You guys probably made up the birthmark on the butt to make it more real. But unfortunately, there is, and it's obvious."

Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan looked at each other, smiled lightly and shook his head: "I just said that it shouldn't be unnecessary."

"Yo, can you still laugh? Didn't you all see the end of pretending to be my parents? Do you understand this word?" Wanli crossed his fingers, moved his wrists, and said, "Tongcha and his wife Not your companions?"

"Those two... idiots!"

At this moment, three dark-skinned men suddenly jumped out from behind Wanli, and blocked Wanli's retreat in a triangular position. The man directly behind him said in stuttering Chinese, "Basong, Zhong Dog, good use."

Wan Li was not surprised. He glanced behind him, looked at Wan Dehai and Wang Shuhua again, and asked, "Siamese? You too?"

"They... Vientiane!"

Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan's complexion suddenly changed, they frowned and looked at the man behind Wanli.Wan Li smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid I won't be able to keep me, and the blame will be taken by Siam alone? Selling your teammates before the battle, how can you kill me?"

Even though he said that, his heart was already dignified.The news that he has won 99 consecutive victories and even defeated A-level has spread throughout China. These five people are confident that they will kill him, and their strength will not be weak.

Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan, who can hide their strength from Wanli, must both be A-level. In contrast, Siam is somewhat stronger than Vientiane. Perhaps...the three are also A-level!
"Five A-levels? Siam and Vientiane are so courageous... Eh, no, people from Siam should come to avenge Basong. How could Vientiane participate in eradicating future threats?" Wan Li frowned slightly. Eyebrow, puzzled.

But looking at Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan again, his desire to explore suddenly dissipated, no matter the reason, he just killed them all!

"Who came up with the idea of ​​pretending to be my parents? Oh, you." Wan Li followed everyone's gaze and looked at the Siamese behind him, and said, "You four, remember, he was the one who killed you!"

He took a deep breath and raised his hands.

Vine Forest!

Countless vines broke through the ground, spread for a hundred meters, and entangled the five people.Only the ground under Wanli's feet was still clean, and he was about to take advantage of the situation when his feet hit the ground, but suddenly he stopped.

Those five people didn't move at all, they were bound by dense vines without dodging or avoiding!
"what happened?"

Suddenly, a purple halo passed under his feet, and the vines couldn't resist it, and then the second, third, and fourth!


The sound of vines breaking kept ringing out, Wan Li's heart sank, his body sank, and his feet sank slightly into the ground.

"Filling iron, we meet again." The strange Chinese accent came from a distance, and when all the vines were broken, a man with a mustache came from afar.

"Gravity field, Nobushige Okita?!" Wanli's pupils shrank slightly: "How could it be you..."

He was very impressed with this island mustache who brought him a life-and-death crisis for the first time, but wasn't this guy defeated by his double and captured by Heidanyan?
"How could I...appear here?" Okita Nobushige's eyes widened: "Liotie, you let me bring...disgrace to the empire! Nohara-kun and I...have also become sinners, you did I appear here! "

As soon as he finished speaking, a fifth purple halo was emitted from his feet, and Wan Li's body became a little heavier, making it difficult to move.However, a faint white light shrouded the six enemies, and they seemed to be slightly affected.

"We can place five gravity rings, A-level spiritual energy can resist the gravity field a little bit, trouble, six A-level, wood magic is restrained, and the heavy footsteps can't be hidden even invisibility." Wan Li thought for half a second, and decided action. "There is a gravity field, just right for...violent crushing!"

He took out the pot in his arms, and smiled at Nobushige Tian: "Although I don't know how you appeared here, but I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the shame you brought to the island country may... double today!"

Super qualification, fusion burning!
(End of this chapter)

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