Restart the world

Chapter 220 Understanding the B-level Peak 1

Chapter 220 Learn about the peak of B-level

The moment Wanli took out the jar, one of the Siamese people made a move.Under the indifferent gravity field, his footsteps were very heavy, and his pace was not fast. When he rushed to Wanli, he stepped on a row of deep footprints on the ground, and when he reached the front and back of Wanli, the footprints were a little deeper.

He twisted his waist and lifted his hips, and his right leg pumped!

At this time Wan Li had just drank the essence of the spirit stone in the jar, his right hand grabbed it violently, crushing the jar, and his left hand reached down to defend against kicks.

A huge force struck, and Wan Li, who was affected by the gravity field, was unable to defend against the A-level whip leg with one hand, and immediately flew upside down uncontrollably, flying towards Yang Shulan.She was already ready, her right leg was shrouded in white light, she lashed out, bang!

Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom!boom! !

Wanli, who was floating in the air, was kicked by six people passing the ball, and finally was hit in the chest and abdomen by Okita Shinshige's heavy blow, and penetrated into the side mountain in a large font!

"Die! Get the iron!" Okita Nobushige yelled ferociously, jumped up and kicked Wanli, "Wash away, shame!"

Amidst the dull sound, the mountain on the side exploded with a bang, gravel flew, and smoke and dust rose everywhere. Nobushige Okita jumped a few steps away, with a slight pain on his face, and pleasure at the scorched black handprint on his calf.

That kick just hit it!
"Mr. Chongtian, did you hit him?" Wan Dehai frowned and said, "Is this the solution? With this kind of strength, it's unnecessary to pretend to be his parents to lure him out. The two of us can kill him!"

"No, under my gravity, I can't use my strength to fish for iron. But, be careful, don't let him hide and run away."

Yang Shulan's ears moved slightly, and said: "He didn't move, he was crushed under the boulder. His breathing was rapid, he must have been injured. you feel that there is something wrong with the aura in the air... Be careful! He moved!"

boom! !

Suddenly, the scattered gravel splashed in all directions as if explosives were buried in the middle, and boulders of all sizes were still flying towards the six people under the influence of the gravity field.With Yang Shulan's reminder, they smashed the huge boulder with ease, but their spirits tensed up, and they focused on the starting point of the stone.

Behind the smoke and boulders, a figure stood, raised his right hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, then shook his head, bouncing around. "Liotie, Nohara Sawei, who was arrested with you, didn't come?"

Nobushige Okita smashed the boulder: "Nohara-kun...look at me in heaven, watch me kill you!"

"Dead?" Wan Li was slightly stunned: "Oh, I don't think he can go to heaven. But it's just right, I will send you to hell to reunite with him!"

"Don't be brave." Yang Shulan shook her head and said softly: "The medicine you drank just now is some kind of special medicine, how long will the medicine last? Come here, child, it is a very good destination to die in mother's arms, haha Ha ha……"

Wanli was slightly silent.The smoke cleared away, and his figure appeared in front of the six people.Apart from the dust all over his body, he was unharmed.

"It's not a potion, it's an elixir." He said flatly, "Don't be nervous, I don't have an A-level, I'm now a B-level peak. Hey? Do you know what a B-level peak is?"

"B-level, the pinnacle?" The Siamese who can speak Chinese laughed, "Kunsang!"

It was still the Siamese who rushed towards him before, still stepped on a row of deep footprints with heavy steps, still twisted his waist and raised his hips, and kicked his right leg, trying to kick Wanli away again.

"Alas..." Wan Li sighed softly: "Rush straight to me, I am a B-level peak! It don't understand the B-level peak!"

Bang! !

Wan Li instantly held the head of the rushing man with one hand, and pierced him into the ground!Grabbing his hair, he pulled it out, penetrated it again, pulled it out again... until his body convulsed and he lost consciousness, Wan Li casually threw him on the ground, stood up straight, and looked at the dumbfounded five people.

"Why didn't you come to rescue him? Now you should know a little bit about what a B-level peak is?" Wan Li said slowly, turning to Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan: "If you pretend to be my parents, you have to grab the ground with your head... Be careful ,I am coming!"

The ground exploded, and Wanli's figure disappeared instantly.Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan's pupils shrank suddenly, they raised their hands together to defend, and after two muffled sounds, they flew upside down one after another, penetrating into the mountain!
"Go together!"

"It's right to go together, facing the peak B-level, one person is not enough!" Wan Li roared.

Five drops of spirit stone essence combined with super aptitude doubled, and the amount of spirit energy in his body instantly increased from 10 times to 17 times.The surge of spiritual energy was temporarily uncontrollable, but his physique increased steadily by a small amount.

Not only that, but under the influence of the gravitational field and the aura gradually controlled by him, his physique is improving every minute and every second, and he is getting stronger and stronger!

He himself doesn't know how strong his current strength is, but the influence of the five gravity rings is already insignificant to him, and no one of the remaining five A-levels in front of him can fight him alone!
"Pretend to be my parents, right? Take a kick from a B-level peak! Then get a punch from a B-level peak!" Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan were taken care of by Wan Li, and soon became embarrassed and no longer calm.

Five A-levels were crushed and beaten by Wanli in the gravity field. Nobushige Okita's expression gradually became flustered. He warned himself in his heart not to shame the country again, and he gritted his teeth and released the sixth gravity ring!
Wan Li attacked Lipton, standing there and frowning slightly, the five of them finally had a breather, and quickly backed away to distance him.

"How is this possible? It's the pinnacle of B-level?" The Siamese who can speak Chinese had an ugly face.

Nobushige Okita panted heavily: "I don't know, but the aura of fishing for iron is not released outside. Under my gravity field, the impact will be greater than ours. Six gravity rings, kill him!"

As soon as the words fell, Wanli shook his head again, jumped up and down, and looked at Shinshige Okita with a smile. The gravity field made his physique grow faster. Good man, but...kill yourself?Why can't they understand how strong the B-level peak is?
"Then let them know more about it."

Wan Li murmured, and his body shot up again, rushing towards Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan.Under the influence of the six gravity rings, his speed was a bit slower, allowing the two of them more time to react.

However, when the two raised their hands, they found that their movements had also become quite strenuous, and the white light shrouded in their hands was almost blurred and disappeared due to the oppression of the six gravity rings.

Wan Li held down one of them with each hand, and drove them into the ground. After several loud noises, he was forced to retreat by the other three.

"It's the first time to grab the ground with your head." He raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: "I thought that the aura of A-level can resist the gravity field infinitely, but it turns out that there is a limit... Sure enough, the peak of B-level is the best!" The strongest realm! The second time, here we come!"

The faces of Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan who had just got up in a panic suddenly changed, and they went to the fucking B-level peak!
At the same time, a few kilometers away, in a mountain forest unaffected by the gravity field, a burly figure was hiding behind a big tree and looking at the battlefield.

"Damn it, why is this kid everywhere? Stealing Fat Brother 400 spirit stones, making Fat Brother stop at the peak of B-level and not A-level... no, I haven't reached the peak of B-level, this kid can match five at the peak of B-level It's unreasonable for me not to fight an A-level fight. Yes, that's it!" Shao Laofat murmured softly, his eyebrows were raised vertically, and his face was slowly weeping.

"Damn it, you're still at the peak of B-level for being so fierce, Brother Fat will take revenge in his next life..."

(End of this chapter)

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