Chapter 221

Under the pressure of terrifying gravity, the turbulent aura gradually allowed Wanli to control it, and there was a slight tingling sensation in his body, his strength increased bit by bit, Wanli became stronger and stronger, and he was able to firmly suppress the opponent with one enemy five Five people!
It's a pity that except for the A-level who was caught off guard by him at the beginning, the five of them formed a group to defend and counterattack after being psychologically prepared for his strength. .

But Wanli is not in a hurry, it is the other party who is in a hurry, his most famous super power is the inexhaustible body!

Nobushige Okita understands this very well, and his heart is indeed getting more and more anxious. He knows that the five people's cooperation seems to be in perfect harmony now, but in fact, they have already thought more carefully internally.

The proposal to trap and kill Wanli was initiated by him, and Siam and Vientiane were able to participate, partly because of the hatred for Basong's killing, and partly because of his demagogy and temptation.

The two people from Vientiane were the ones who got stuck the most and were taken care of by Wanli. He was in the third place, and in this disadvantage, if not for one of the few A-levels from Siam who passed out on the other side, among the five The two Siamese nationals in the camp may have already withdrawn and fled.

"The situation can't get any worse. If it gets worse, the two of them will definitely run away!" Nobushige Okita thought to himself, thinking about countermeasures: "It's impossible for a B-rank peak to be so strong. Just like last time, Lao Tie Ying used some kind of forbidden move. According to the intelligence, he was hospitalized for three months after that, is there a time limit, or the longer it takes, the more damage he will cause to himself?"

"Take it as a time limit for his move!" Nobushige Okita crossed his arms to catch Wanli Chong's punch, and slipped out backwards. Seeing Wan Dehai make up in time, he took the opportunity to growl: "The abnormal strength of Lao Tie , there is a time limit, hold on!"

"Hold on, you guys can win?" Wan Li smirked, and three punches flew to Wan Dehai, "Oh, I'm afraid you don't know the B-level peak yet!"

He can also analyze what Nobushige Okita can analyze, but he has no intention of letting go of any of these five people.He was waiting, waiting for his physique to grow a bit, waiting for the opposite side to make a mistake for a long time, and waiting for the weakest Yang Shulan to run out of strength.

Either way he can beat his opponent.

However, opportunities always come inadvertently. At this time, there was a sudden muffled bang in the distance, which made one of the two Siamese who had made up the defense a little distracted. Although it was only for a moment, Wanli also caught it. Chance!

A muffled punch hit his lower abdomen, and he immediately turned his eyes outward, vomited a mixture of blood and digesta, and his face was distorted in pain.

Then Wan Li ignored another Siamese who hurriedly offered a helping hand and the other three people who rushed over, and punched again, twice, three times!
Bang bang bang bang!

Four consecutive attacks landed on the body, flying backwards into the mountain, making a huge bang, but walked out again in just a second, slapped the body as if nothing had happened, wiped the blood from the corner of the mouth, shook his head, and looked at the limp lying on the ground with a smile The Siamese who was foaming at the mouth looked at the other four people with ugly faces, and said, "Do you know the muscle hardness of the B-level peak state?"

Just now, when the attack was approaching, Wan Li only slightly shifted his body, exposing the non-vital parts to the front of the four A-level attacks. The A-level of the team has been unable to participate in the battle!
Wan Dehai and Yang Shulan looked at each other, their eyes flickering and they were already thinking about the way out.The last Siamese man's face was even more ugly. He and the other two belonged to the same faction in the country. He thought it would be easy to get some political achievements by smuggling here to make soy sauce, but he didn't expect that the two of them were all folded here because of their stupidity.

"If you don't leave, I'll be an idiot too." With erratic eyes, he secretly took two steps back.

Nobushige Okita kept staring at him, and when he saw this, his heart sank: "Hold on, the four of us can kill him. It's been 10 minutes. He's in this state the most, and he can only last another 10 minutes!"

Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Then can you hold on for another 10 minutes?"

"He admitted!" Okita Shinshige shouted in surprise: "He only has 10 minutes left! Just now a fool broke into my gravity field, no accident, alternate defense, he took us, there is no way!"

What have I admitted?Wan Li was speechless, looked back curiously, and saw a big pit appeared one kilometer away, beside the pit, a chubby hand was scraping the soil vigorously, as if he wanted to climb out, but he couldn't do it for a long time.

"Is there the boundary of the gravity field? Someone broke in, but he helped me, huh..."

There was a sudden wind blowing from the back of his head, and Wan Li was stunned. The last Siamese took the initiative to attack him. It didn't seem like it was premeditated, because the other three were panicking and reaching out to stop him...


It was impossible for Wanli not to seize the good opportunity that came to him. He immediately pulled his left leg back, twisted his lumbar spine forcefully, swung his hips horizontally, and swung his arms to punch vertically. With the buzzing sound of piercing through the air, his right fist hit the opponent's chest and abdomen straight.

However, at the moment before the confrontation, the opponent's face suddenly showed pride, and the original attacking posture was withdrawn in an instant, the center of gravity was moved back, and the arms were crossed to defend, "Idiots believe that this kid will not have the strength to be slaughtered by us in 10 minutes. With the power of this punch, I can escape...'


Less than half a second after he was proud, the expression on his face became ferocious, and at the same time, he let out a miserable scream.Wanli's fist turned into a palm grip when he was facing him, and the aura was stable enough to be used, and nothing is incombustible!

He rushed forward with his left fist, one punch, two punches, three punches!The person in front of him fell limply to the ground, the corners of Wanli's mouth curled up, and he looked at the remaining three people: "You two impostors, rushing to get iron, your helpers are all idiots... This time, there are only three of you left, come on!" , Feel the iron fist of the B-level peak!"

He stomped heavily on the ground with both feet, the ground trembled and cracked, and rushed towards the three with green faces.


At the same time, in the pit in the distance.

Shao Laofa's face was contorted, he gritted his teeth and propped up his body, "Listening to the screams, I was dealt with by that kid again. Brother Fei has to hurry up, I won't be able to leave in a while! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

He crawled down, panting violently: "Curiosity...killed Brother Fat, what the hell is going on!"

Time goes back to 2 minutes ago.

Shao Laofat watched from a distance for a long while, his eyebrows gradually became erect, and he realized that something was wrong.Wan Li and the five A-levels fought fiercely, but they didn't do much damage to the surroundings, and their movements were slower than his.

Gradually, the white light on the five A-level bodies came and went like a special light and shadow effect, which made him more and more confused, so he decided to take a closer look.

He moved slowly, slowly moved...

Hey, the road in front seems to be about ten centimeters lower. How did the road be repaired, and there is a sudden step, so that people are not afraid of falling down, or knocking on cars?

He steps down, and...

Pfft! !

(End of this chapter)

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