Restart the world

Chapter 222 The Seventh Gravity Ring

Chapter 222 The Seventh Gravity Ring
From one-on-five suppression to one-on-three crushing, the outcome of the battle has been decided.The rest of the three just look at the distance they have traveled in the A-level, Wan Dehai... No, the unknown man from Vientiane Kingdom is the strongest, and the unknown Vientiane Kingdom woman is the weakest.

So Wanli focused his attack on the man from Vientiane Kingdom.Defeat the strongest first, and the weakest ones run away to catch up.

As for Nobushige Okita, he doesn't seem to have any intention of running away. Wan Li, who has a partial understanding of certain spirits of the island country, thinks that he may be "if he doesn't succeed, he will kill himself by harakiri", and he is doing his best to fight for his life.But the gap in hard power cannot be made up by desperate efforts. Wan Li no longer knows how strong he is with his growing physique, but... with this level of A-level, he can hit ten!
"Pretending to be my parents?"

"Do you know who I am? How dare you pretend to be my parents?!"

"I won't let you go even if you call me daddy!"

"B-level peak state, do you remember?"

"Do you remember?!"

Under the influence of the gravitational field, Wanli's movements slowed down quite a bit, but his fists and feet were still full of strength. The three people who were fighting him kept defending, repeating the movements of flying out and rolling up...

Until a certain tumbling, the woman from the Vientiane Kingdom got up and sat down again, the white light on her body shattered and dissipated, with a wry smile on her face.

Wan Li raised his eyebrows lightly: "I've run out of spiritual energy, can't get up? A-level is not as good as B-level peak!"

The Vientiane man's heart sank: "Okita, remove the ability!" Nobushige Okita panted violently and replied: "No, no, keep the ability, hold on for another 2 minutes, and the iron will definitely be... no good."

"Quickly remove the ability, Barney, she..."

"Oh? Her real name is Barney?" Wan Li interrupted, "What about you? Where did you find out my parents' names and information?"

"Heh, Lao Tie, your parents are... visiting our country!"

Wan Li was startled, shook his head and said with a smile: "Then there won't be such an ambush. Go ahead and make up a story. I'll give you 2 minutes to make up a story."

give me 2 minutesNobushige Okita was slightly happy, and the joy gradually fell on his face.

Barney sighed softly: "Sure enough, it's not a temporary increase in strength. Is it the peak of B-level? If I knew that the peak of B-level could be so strong before I was promoted to A-level, I would definitely investigate it carefully. I have no chance now.

child!Since you don't want to die in your mother's arms, let her die in your hands..."

Wan Li turned to her, his eyes fixed.

"Punishment, run away!" Ba Ni shouted in a hurried voice in Vientiane language, with her eyes closed, she seemed to no longer resist in the face of the rushing Wanli.

Bang! !

Wan Li's face was calm, and he threw out both fists, bombarding Tong Xing who came to rescue him.Then he turned around, avoided a mouthful of blood attack, and reached out to grab Barney's head.However, at this moment, Barney's body suddenly fell backwards, her right leg was shrouded in a thick white light, and she was kicking Wanli's crotch!

"Sure enough, he's an actor." Wan Li smiled.Having been prepared for a long time, he exerted strength with his legs, jumped up, raised his legs and chopped down!
Ba Ni, who rolled and dodged in embarrassment, had her other leg covered in white light and kicked fiercely, but Wan Li grabbed her ankle firmly with one hand, unable to break free.

She trembled, smiled wryly and closed her eyes again, being shaken by Wanli...

"Bani! Okita, save her! You bastard!" Tong Xing, who rushed back from a distance, shouted anxiously, making Wanli turn his head to look at him, and throwing with Barney in his hand!

The wind howled, and Barney, who was thrown flying under the gravity field, was mixed with terrifying strength. Tong Xing paused, gritted his teeth, and pushed with both hands.

Boom!Both of them rolled out.

"It's the first time you've done such a heavy hand to a woman. She should be disfigured, right?" Wan Li murmured softly, "It's good to be disfigured. Otherwise, if you really find your real mother, you can't always think of her face in your mind."

He looked at the two people, Barney must have been in a coma, and there was no movement for a while during the execution, it must have been severely beaten by Barney.In that case, if you choose to pick someone up, the two may be a real couple.

He turned to Nobushige Okita again: "Why, stand there still, give up resistance...huh?"

Wanli frowned, Nobushige Okita seemed to be in a bad state, he clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped up, and the sweat kept flowing...

"Fill iron, let's die together!"

Strapped with explosives?This thought flashed through Wanli's mind, and he saw a ring of light, the seventh gravity ring, shooting out from under Nobushige Okita's feet!

Shocked, his eyes widened, he jumped towards Nobushige Okita, but was oppressed by a terrifying blow halfway, and slowly knelt down on one knee!
Boom!boom! !The ground and the surrounding mountains made violent bangs, all trembled and cracked, and there was a scream in the distance.

"Ah! Fat Brother's legs!"

Shao Laofat had just climbed out of the pit at this time, and he was only one leg short of leaving the coverage of the gravity field... Fortunately, he was only one leg short, otherwise he would have died under the seven gravity rings.

Barely crawling out of the coverage of the gravitational field, he flipped over and lay down: "Broken leg, damn it, every time I meet that kid, nothing good will happen! What the hell kind of move is this, is that kid dead or not..."

He sat up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and the three intact hands and feet backed up together.Under the action of gravity, the mountain landslide violently, and he watched Wanli and Nobushige Okita being buried under the rolling sand!

"Hey, hey, it's not really dead, is it?" Half a minute later, the landslide stopped, and he murmured.

Wanli didn't die, lying on his stomach under the sand.

Nobushige Okita's gravity field ability has a total of nine gravity rings, with three levels in one gear.The first three gravity rings are 2, 3, and 5 times the gravity, the middle three are 10, 30, and 50 times the gravity, and the seventh gravity has a full 100 times the gravity!

Wanli did not expect Nobushige Okita to release the seventh gravity ring.Gravity is not exactly equal to the load, it will squeeze the internal organs. Before the practice era, anyone who faced 16 times the gravity would die immediately, and lived under the condition of two or three times the gravity for a long time.

Relying on the frightening realm of the B-level peak, Wanli is not a big problem fighting against 50 times the gravity, but 100 times the gravity is too reluctant.Coupled with the weight of the landslide, he was also unable to move.

There was darkness in front of him, Wanli frowned and thought: "Nobushige Okita was also buried, and he should not be able to move. As for those who are unconscious, it may be more or less dangerous. Now as long as Nobushige Okita can't maintain the gravity field, the battle will be over." It's over, but he said he would die with me...won't he be able to release the eighth layer?"

The eighth layer has a full 200 times the gravity, and now he will be seriously injured if he is not dead!

"No, no, even if he releases the eighth level, he will die immediately. It's useless... Huh, there's not much oxygen, is he trying to suffocate me? Naive, my lung function is better than yours, besides ...Although I can't get out, I can loosen the soil!"

Simulate your body*6!

Wan Li was propped up on his hands and feet, carrying more than [-] tons of weight on his body, and his physical fitness improved rapidly. He sighed softly: "It's been a long time since I practiced like this!"

(End of this chapter)

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