Restart the world

Chapter 223 Chapter 17

Chapter 223 Chapter [-]
It has been a long time since Wan Li experienced the feeling of practicing the untiring body.With one hundred times the weight of gravity and the weight of sand and gravel on his body, Wanli can only slightly support his body with the maximum strength of his limbs, loosening the soil on his body, and his physical strength is rapidly depleted every second.Because of the previous fierce battle, the first Body of Inexhaustibility lasted only 2 minutes before collapsing, while the second Body of Inexhaustibility lasted for about 3 minutes.At this time, Wan Li started to use the third body, which is the inexhaustible body that simulates magic, and was surprised to find that the two are somewhat different.

When using the simulated inexhaustible body, he can choose two methods.One is the same as the normal body without fatigue, and the other uses the consumption of aura instead of the consumption of the body without fatigue.

Three minutes passed, and one-fifth of the aura in Wanli's body was consumed, while the body that was being used was not exhausted at all.

"In this way, if the aura is enough, wouldn't I be able to never get tired? However, I was at the top of the B-level, and one-fifth of the aura was drawn in 3 minutes. This consumption is a bit scary, and the total is less than 15 minutes?" Thinking about it, Wan Li cut off the supply of spiritual energy and replaced it with physical exertion.

As time went by, one body after another was exhausted, Wan Li gritted his teeth, endured the unbearable itching of the muscles on his body, felt the rapid increase in body strength, and felt itchy and happy.

It's a pity that there is a limit to improvement after all. When Wan Li can do plank movements under gravity and sand, the sense of growth in strength becomes negligible, but it is still far from the level of breaking through the ground.

At this moment, the weight of sand and stones on his body suddenly lightened, and his body was so light that he seemed to be able to float.Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his waist and hips, exerting strength...

The soil was blown up and exploded, and Wanli, who was incarnate as a little gray man, broke through the ground, took a deep breath, and looked around.Everything around him was buried by the landslide just now. Those who besieged him should all be buried under the sand and stones. In the distance, there was a burly figure jumping away on one leg...

"Bah!" Wan Li spat out the sand between his teeth, ignoring Shao Laofat, and frowned slightly: "Okita Nobushige exhausted his spiritual energy or did he suffocate himself to death? How many people who besieged me are still alive?"

He thought for a while and raised his hands.

Wood magic - hang it all on the tree!

Countless small trees burst out of the ground, rolled out one after another from under the sand, and hung them on it.Wanli looked at Nobushige Okita who was on the small tree in front of him with his mouth open and sand in his mouth, and punched him in the chest and abdomen!
"Pfft... cough cough cough... grab... iron..."

Seeing that he couldn't let go of the gravity field, Wan Li didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he punched him, knocked him out, turned around and walked towards the others.Siam has 1 dead, 2 dead, 3 dead, all destroyed.Vientiane Kingdom dead 1, the dead...huh?

He was stunned, sentenced to death, Bani alive?Obviously, the injuries caused by torture are lighter.

Looking at the posture of Tong Xing hanging on the tree with Barney in his arms, Wan Li's eyes moved slightly, "It's really a couple, the relationship is pretty good, they didn't fly separately in times of crisis, and saved Barney with all their might? Not bad, but it's a pity that they are enemies... ..."

Looking at the bloody and embarrassed Barney, he hesitated for a few seconds, shook his head and turned to walk towards Nobushige Okita.If you don't want the ear of the wind, you don't want it, or you can find another opportunity in the future...

But the Gravity Domain needs it!
However, at this moment, two strange men suddenly appeared in the field, blocking Wan Li in front of him, blocking his way.

The two were young, handsome, and good-natured. They wore black short-sleeved uppers and red martial arts characters printed on their chests, which made Wan Li feel a little less vigilant. He tentatively said, "Has the Martial Arts Bureau changed its uniform? Red short sleeves and blue short sleeves, this black dress is indeed more handsome."

There was no response to these words, the two looked serious and meticulous, one of them handed Wan Li a certificate, Wan Li frowned and took the glance.

'Secretary Investigator of the Secret Military Bureau, Zhang Shuai'

"Secret Martial Arts Bureau?" Wan Li suddenly remembered what his mother-in-law said. Huaxia is not just a martial arts department, but the Secret Martial Arts Bureau is another one?

"What level is the second-level investigator? I don't know. The strength is not weak. It looks like A-level in terms of speed. Zhang Shuai looks handsome, but what does he mean by being so serious?"

Wan Li thought for a while, returned the certificate, and said politely: "I have never heard of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, what is it for, and what are you two doing?"

"For diplomatic matters, we want to take away Nobushige Okita and Barney Accord who are still alive."

"...The two of you have been watching the battle for a long time?"

"No, just arrived."

Wan Li pursed his lips, and nodded indifferently, even if they had arrived early, they would still be messing with him, so it doesn't matter.

"Give me some time, I'll check if there's anything dangerous on Nobushige Okita's body, this guy is crazy." Wanli smiled, and soon his smile collapsed again, looking down at the two arms blocking him, The corner of his eye jumped.

"What do you mean?"

"We'll check his belongings ourselves."

"Let me help you."

"No. You pack up, and you need to go with us. Your newly awakened superpower is too dangerous, and you need to use it correctly under the guidance of our Secret Martial Arts Bureau." One person said.

Wanli blinked, knew my simulation magic, and used it under the guidance of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau...?
"Sure enough, not every department is as easy to talk to as the Martial Arts Bureau." Due to the first impression he got from the cheap mother-in-law, coupled with his general impression of these two people, Wan Li had a bad impression of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau that he came into contact with for the first time. great.

But he looked at the two of them, and found no trace of performance, and he didn't think that someone would use this method to ambush him a second time. They should indeed be public officials affiliated to the state, and it's not easy to offend them.

Wan Li thought for a while and discussed, "It's okay to go with you, but since you know my new super power, let me collect my spoils before leaving?"

"Your new ability needs to be used under the correct guidance of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau." The two repeated.

"That is to say... no?" Wan Li scratched his head, "I'll save face, for the sake of my contribution to the country, or for the horror of my B-level peak?"


"Hey, I'm a B-level peak, the two of you..."


"That's it..." Wan Li nodded lightly: "Okay, I understand... Huh? Deputy Director-General Hei!"

The two were taken aback, turned their heads, and then realized that a big hand was pressing on the back of their heads.

Bang! !

Casually throwing the two twitching bodies aside, Banri clapped his hands and walked towards Nobushige Okita.

"Mom's mentally handicapped, EQ is really low, everyone said that I was giving face to the terrifying realm of my B-level peak, and I have to ask for it myself? What kind of department is the Secret Martial Arts Bureau... It's really annoying!"

(End of this chapter)

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