Restart the world

Chapter 224 Secret Martial Arts Bureau

Chapter 224 Secret Martial Arts Bureau
Wan Li was groping around on Nobushige Okita, and at the same time squinted at the two people who were knocked out by his sneak attack.

Although I don't know the positions of the second-level investigators of the Secret Military Bureau, but from the A-level strength of these two people, we can roughly estimate their status, and the charges for sneak attacking them can vary.

However, Wan Li had thought of a countermeasure as early as the moment he attacked them. Anyway, he didn't know the secret martial arts department, so it was reasonable to knock them out as crooks.Not only that, Wanli will use wood magic to tie them up and hand them over to Yue Heng soon... together with other attackers.

There may be a small penalty, but it is estimated that there will be no major problems. The merits outweigh the demerits. Let's get the gravity field first!What's more, the Secret Martial Arts Bureau said that it would instruct him how to use simulated magic correctly, and Wan Li really didn't want to go...

Groping head-on, Wanli turned Nobushige Okita over.This unlucky imitation magic trigger condition is gay, and Wan Li has to be careful to avoid the place where he shouldn't touch when he touches the front, so the back is much more comfortable.Wan Li put his hands on the back of his head, and licked him from head to toe, and then from foot to head...

In the field of gravity, the imitation was successful!
"Per fee!" Wan Li smiled happily, and was about to try the effect, but suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him from behind, which made him feel cold, and immediately turned his head vigilantly, and then froze...

He quickly took back the hands that were placed on Nobushige Okita's head, and scratched his head with a smile. "Deputy Chief Hei, why are you really here?"

Hei Danyan stood at a distance of less than ten meters behind him and looked at him with cold eyes, until she saw Wan Li's heart trembling, then she smiled slightly: "Wan Liyang, long time no see... I came here like Isn't it time?"

Wan Li blinked, moved away from Nobushige Okita, and shook his head repeatedly: "No, no, he and I..."

"I didn't mention you and him. I know your new ability. I'm talking about the two of them." Hei Danyan pointed to two members of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, "Zhang Shuai and Qu Zheng."

"Zhang Shuai and Qu Zheng?" Wan Li muttered, suddenly showing shock, and jumped more than five meters high, "You actually know them?! So they are really from the Secret Martial Arts Bureau? Oh, my! I don’t know, this is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, the whole family is knocked out, when they wake up, I apologize to them, I’m sorry.”

Hei Danyan looked at Wan Li with a smile, making Wan Li's voice softer and weaker, his face gradually becoming uncomfortable, cursing in his heart that he might have acquired a melon skin acting ability...

"Haha...Deputy Chief Hei, why are you here?" He quickly changed the subject with a dry smile, and said, "It's just in time, these Siamese and Vientiane people are so bold that they dared to cross the border to attack me. And this island nation, Nobushige Okita, why did you escape from prison?"

"It's not a prison escape, it was ransomed back by the island country." Hei Danyan didn't care about him changing the subject, and explained: "After they were captured, the island country has been using various diplomatic means to please people, but we have no intention of letting them go. them."

"However, not long ago, Nohara Sawei committed suicide at the place where he was detained while the guards were not paying attention. The news was spread out somehow. The continued detention of Nobushige Okita would cause international disputes. Back to Nobushige Okita."

Wan Li thought about it, nodded slightly, raised his hand, and a wooden chair appeared behind Hei Danyan: "Sit down and talk slowly, what is the Secret Martial Arts Bureau?"

Hei Danyan smiled and shook his head: "Want to know what kind of punishment I will receive?"

"Hey, you're joking. Those who don't know are innocent. I apologize to them... I also blame them. I don't have enough things to prove my identity. You must know that I was just cheated by a pair of fake parents. I am very vigilant."

Hei Danyan shook his head speechlessly, and sat on the chair: "The Secret Martial Arts Bureau is a special intelligence agency attached to our Martial Arts Bureau. Under the jurisdiction of the Martial Arts Bureau. They are mainly responsible for intelligence work, as well as assassination, infiltration, etc..."

Hei Danyan paused, stood up, looked at the wooden chair, and frowned slightly: "You have no right to know this, so pretend you didn't hear it..."

Nothing to do with my chair.Wan Li smiled to himself, he probably understood what kind of organization the Secret Martial Arts Bureau is, the special department of the Martial Arts Bureau that is in charge of the dirty work...

"Also in charge of the assassination?" Wan Li looked at the two people who had been knocked out by him, "It shouldn't happen."

"Your new ability is too effective. It seems that all superpowers can be simulated. It is simply an enhanced version of Wang Xinlong. The director of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau has expressed concern about this many times, fearing that you will take the wrong path of violently collecting superpowers. However, the chief He and the higher-ups have never agreed to restrict your super power, so this time he sent someone to find you and acted privately, so you don't have to worry too much." Hei Danyan said softly.

Wan Li nodded: "Thank you, and also thank the Director General for me, and... the higher-ups?" He knew in his heart that this time, Heidanyan came here to prevent him from being taken away by the Secret Martial Arts Bureau.

Hei Danyan smiled: "I'll help you take them away. You don't need to apologize. If you lied about my arrival and deceived you, and you were knocked out by a surprise attack, no matter how much you apologize, they will hate you."

Her figure flickered, and she appeared in front of the unconscious two people in an instant, and the latter three disappeared together.Wan Li blinked and fumbled around in a daze.

"Why did I even lie about her coming? How long has it been? Fuck, do everyone like to observe secretly now? If you show up earlier, I don't have to knock them out. What's the matter?"

Wan Liping stretched out his right hand, and the corpses hanging on the surrounding trees were tied together by wicker and rolled into a big ball.Barney and Nobushige Okita formed small balls independently, and three balls were hung on him.

"Try your ability later, it's getting dark."


Two days later, in the morning, at the back of Manga Village.

Wan Li was shirtless, struggling to do push-ups, one after another, sweating profusely.

With six gravity rings, fifty times the gravity is exerted on his body, and push-ups can also exercise him.As for the seven-level gravity ring, it's not that he can't use it, it's just that it consumes too much spiritual energy and doesn't last long enough. It's not very suitable for Wanli to use the seven-level gravity ring at present.

In the past two days, Wanli's physique has completely stopped improving, and his spiritual energy seems to have reached a bottleneck, and he feels full... At this time, it is about 17.2 times that of entering B-level.He hesitated for a long time, and decided that he was not familiar with manipulating aura to break through to A-level, but ran to the back mountain to do push-ups under the gravity!
Under the terrible gravity, the two inexhaustible bodies collapsed once every 10 minutes, and the five simulated inexhaustible bodies collapsed once every 8 minutes, exactly one hour after each other, and the push-ups never stopped.

One hour, two hours, three hours.

3000, 6000, 9000.

At a certain moment near noon, a familiar feeling came, the bulging feeling in the body dissipated, the muscles itch, and the body slowly increased...

"I'm downgraded, haha ​​I'm downgraded!"

(End of this chapter)

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