Restart the world

Chapter 225 Reunion

Chapter 225 Reunion
Breaking through the limit of his body for the third time, the amount of aura that Wan Li can hold in Class B has increased.He is no longer a B-level peak, but gradually becomes stronger than the previous B-level peak.

After enjoying the benefits brought by his strong physical fitness, Wan Li decided to stay at B-level for a while longer, waiting for himself to reach his true limit.

There are two possibilities for this real limit. One is that the strengthened internal organs can’t bear his own strength and can only break through. The other is that the 300 times gravity under the nine gravity rings in the gravity field can’t let him break the limit of his body. .

If it's the latter, Wan Li feels that he might have a day when a B-level peak can tear up an S-level...

Of course, that kind of future is still far away now, and Wan Li still needs to practice step by step.He returned to Yu Wei's house, used simulation magic to simulate six super aptitudes, and then sucked up the spirit stones.

Because maintaining the simulated super aptitude needs to consume aura all the time, the current six simulated super aptitudes have the same effect as the original two.But in fact, now that there are enough spirit stones, the ability of super aptitude has become useless.

Naturally absorbing one hour is not as good as absorbing a piece of spirit stone, and Wanli can absorb a piece of spirit stone in only 6 minutes at this time... The white spirit stone slowly turns into powder in the hand, the red dot on the right arm +1, Wan Li checked the time, half an hour before Cengfan, and picked up the next Lingshi casually.

"Why hasn't the punishment for knocking out the two members of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau come, and why hasn't the feat of killing the master of Vientiane Kingdom of Siam? It's been two days." Wan Li wondered: "The merits and demerits equal? I don’t accept it. Director Liao, who helped me find out my real parents, doesn’t believe me anymore. What’s going on? Forgot about me?”

The left can't wait, the right can't wait, for some reason, he didn't take the initiative to ask.As time passed without stopping, Wan Li's teaching career in Manga Village gradually came to an end.

July 4, afternoon.

In the last class, Wan Li took the students to the ruins of Beishan. They were all exhausted after some drills. He took out the manuscript he wrote last night from his trouser pocket and began to preach in Shan.

"One month is really fast. In the short time we get along, your hard work and your progress teacher are all in the eyes..."

"Among you, there are F-levels, E-levels, and D-levels, and there will be C-levels soon... After reaching the C-level Mao Duoli, you don't need an ax when doing coolies chopping wood, ha ha."

"But you can't be satisfied with this, you must have goals and dreams!" Wanli stepped on the ground under his feet: "More than half a month ago, the North Mountain of Manga Village was destroyed by a tornado. You were all in a coma at that time, but After waking up, you should more or less know what happened, that tornado is also the power of a person, the power of a peak A-level power user!"

"There is only one lucky one among you, Yuhan, who has awakened superpowers, but that doesn't mean you can't have this kind of power. As long as you keep practicing, one day, you too will be able to move mountains and fill seas!
This mountain is huge, but it is still too small compared to the whole world.I hope more of you get out there!
There is a saying in Chinese that goes well: a teacher for a day, a father for life.I have given you my contact information. If you want to go out and make a living, you are welcome to contact me as my father... Cough, contact Master!
That's all for now, tomorrow the deputy director general Yue Hengyue will come to check on your practice progress and give the teacher some cheer.Now...well, there are still 15 minutes until the end of get out of class, let's say goodbye briefly, and the teacher gives each of you a hug?
Don't be so sad, the teacher hasn't left yet, Yo, are you crying, Yuhan? Wan Li walked over with a smile, gave her a big hug for five or six seconds, then patted her on the back, shook his head and turned to go to the next one.

Water magic, the imitation failed.

"Hey...forget it, water magic doesn't improve my current strength much."


After a simple farewell ceremony, Wan Li asked the students to disband on their own, and walked quickly to the female director who was watching from a distance: "I have been taking care of you for three meals during this time."

The women's director shook her head and said, "It's the children in the village who have been taken care of by you."

"Small matter, if you don't mind if I encourage them to go out of the mountains and out of the village."

"Of course I don't mind."

Wan Li smiled: "Don't look at them as a whole being left behind by the children in the city, but after being properly guided, I think they have better prospects than most of the children in the city.

I didn't show mercy to their practice this month. The self-discipline practice is very tiring, but there are only five or six little brats with relieved expressions when they hugged each other just now. "

The female director nodded and said, "I hope so. But Xiao Mao, you are only 19 years old, and many of their children are older than you. It's awkward for you to call them skin boys..."

Wan Li blinked: "It's not awkward. I will be a teacher for a day and a father for the rest of my life. I'm serious..."

The female director shook her head helplessly, and went back to the village from the north of the village with Wan Li, and walked to her eat the last supper.

However, on the way, the messenger Uncle Kang appeared again, "Xiao Mao, someone is looking for you at the entrance of the village!"

"Someone looking for it?" Wan Li was taken aback. Since two sets of parents came, he felt guilty when he heard someone looking for him. "Male and female, how old are you?"

Uncle Kang thought for a second: "There are quite a few people, like eleven? There are men and women, and they are not very old."

"Eleven? Which city's team leader brought the players to challenge me? The [-]th consecutive victory is finally coming?" Wan Li grinned: "Director, let me go there first, you and uncle will have dinner first."

"Well, let's save some food for you."

"Thank you." Wan Li nodded, and ran to the village gate. For obsessive-compulsive disorder, 99 consecutive victories can't make up 100, which is super uncomfortable. It's twice as strong, but it's too weak to win... eh?"

Wan Li looked at the gate and was stunned.In the distance, a petite figure flew over and plunged into his arms.

"Wan Liyang, are you surprised?"

"...Surprise, surprise." Wanli raised the corner of his mouth: "Wen Jing, why are you here? Didn't we chat last night? Didn't you tell me?"

"It's no surprise after all, hehe..."

Wan Li pursed his lips, and patted her on the back with a smile: "Be reserved, be reserved, the class teacher Lao Wang and the others are watching."

Wen Jing shook her body and pulled herself out of his arms. Her face was reddish, she glanced back, turned around again, and circled in front of Wan Li, "Anyway, they all know... Hey! Wan Liyang, you see Has mine changed?"

"Change? The strength has improved a lot."

"Didn't say that." Wen Jing weighed her feet: "I have grown taller, two centimeters taller!"

Wan Li blinked and glanced at her chest: "Oh, size..."

Wen Jing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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