Restart the world

Chapter 227 The upcoming census

Chapter 227 The upcoming census
The next morning.

Wanli carefully separated a drop of spirit stone essence with chopsticks and fed it into Wenjing's mouth.For Wen Jing at this time, a drop of spirit stone essence can almost double her spiritual energy, thus saving a lot of time for her to reach the A level.

"Is it going up?"


"Normal, take a while to get used to it. Your small body doesn't look like you can hold aura very well. After slowly digesting these six drops of spiritual liquid, you might be able to reach the peak of B-level, and you will be able to reach A-level after practicing aura control."

"Six drops...give them all to me?"

"Well, I can still get the ectoplasmic liquid. It's better if you get to A-level earlier." Wan Li yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Wen Jing's lips moved slightly, her face flushed, she closed her eyes to digest the essence of the spirit stone, and stopped talking.Wan Li took care of her for a few minutes, and seeing that there was nothing wrong with her, he dressed neatly and walked out of the room.

In the other room of Yu Wei's house were three girls. They had woken up early and had finished washing. They were chatting in the living room. Wan Li greeted them: "Good morning, senior sister Xiaoqi Nier, Did you sleep well? After I wash my face, I will go to the house of the female director to see if breakfast is ready."

"Morning." Lin Xiaoqi teased, "We had a good rest, but you seem to be..."

"Wen Jing snores, grinds her teeth, talks in her sleep, kicks her legs while sleeping..." Wan Lipa counted one by one with his fingers, his face full of helplessness.

"Oh?" The senior sister smiled jokingly: "Is this the reason? She hasn't gotten up yet?"

"Get up, come out later."

After washing his face, he went to the women's director's house to ask for breakfast for 12 people. After eating, Liu Miao took Wen Jing and the others to start a battle training in the open space, while Wan Li went to organize his students to wait for Yue Heng to review.

The wait lasted for two hours, and Wan Li was a little impatient, so the female director came late with her people.The person brought here was not Yue Heng, but a woman with a broad mind.

"Miss Ai Hui?"

"Deputy General Administration Yue is busy, let me inform you that the task will be completed."



After half an hour.

Following Ai Hui, a group of 13 people rushed to the warrior base together. On the way, Ai Hui explained to Wan Li: "Your task is literally to guide the children in Manga Village to practice, but in fact guiding the practice is only superficial. The real assessment content It is a response to various problems in Manga Village.

For example, you negotiated with Siam's mining team, but because of Lao Zhai's incident, the transaction with Siam has not yet been re-established. You will pass this assessment... and because of the North Mountain of Manga Village. mine thieves, but Beishan was bombed, and with the news about you later, no mine thieves would look for trouble in Manga Village..."

Wan Li blinked, and suddenly realized that his trip had solved a lot of troubles for Manga Village from the root... So the task was completed like this?The practice situation is not even inspected?

He was a little puzzled, and asked tentatively: "Sister Ai Hui, the reward for my meritorious deeds for catching someone last week..."

"This will have to wait for the decision from above."

"The decision hasn't been broken for a week?"

"Everyone has been busy lately."

Wan Li scratched his head, a little puzzled, but Liu Miao interrupted suddenly: "The action is about to start?"

Ai Hui nodded: "Well, probably next week, we can only try to minimize the loss..."

Liu Miao frowned: "In such a hurry, I thought I would have to prepare for another month or two..."

"The longer it drags on, the easier it is for the news to leak out... In fact, I think they should have already smelled the wind by now."

"There is no other way. It seems that the actual combat training time will be shortened. I have to go back before the operation begins."

Wan Li was dumbfounded when he heard this, and Wen Jing asked for him, "Teacher, what are you talking about?"


"Keep it secret from me?" Wan Li was taken aback.

"That's not necessary. You have to get involved. Deputy Chief Yue will tell you about the specific matters." Ai Hui said: "Haha, the stronger you are, the more things you have to be busy with. Don't even think about taking time off. Don't ask yet. Let's speed up, I still have a lot of wounds to heal... Speaking of what happened to you and Shi Yan, Deputy Director General Yue originally wanted him to come over, but he refused desperately, saying that you are a pervert and always want to touch him Face……"

"Ha, ha..." Wan Li laughed twice, and retorted: "It's nothing, how could Shi Yan defile people's innocence out of thin air." As he spoke, he took two steps slowly, walked to Old Wang, and followed him We chatted shoulder to shoulder...

The base was still the same base, with no change in appearance. Eleven people including Liu Miao, who arrived for the first time, underwent two crystal tests, followed Wan Li to find Yue Heng to report, and Ai Hui left on his own.

Yue Heng's appearance has changed a lot from four years ago. Among so many people, only Lin Xiaoqi recognized him at a glance, pointed at him with a look of surprise, and then smiled embarrassingly and retracted her finger.Yue Heng pouted and said with a smile: "You recognize me at a glance, female fan?"


"Do you want to sign?"

Wan Li didn't see where he was busy at all, and after teasing with Lin Xiaoqi for a long time, he called for someone to take Liu Miao and the others to get the tent, leaving Wan Li behind.With only two people left, Wan Li spoke more casually: "You are a man in your 40s with a family and a house, and you still flirt with little girls?"

"How can I be forty, I'm only eighteen." Yue Heng raised his eyebrows: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, let's talk about business, the seventh census that is about to be conducted is short of manpower, and you need to participate."

"...The census? Isn't the census once every ten years? The last time I remember it was 2010, and why am I participating in this thing?"

"This time is special." Yue Heng put away his smiling face and lowered his voice, "Specially for the red organization's early census."

Wan Li was startled, and suddenly said: "Is it those two kinds of crystals, there are a lot of them?"

"Well." Yue Heng nodded: "In order to prevent the red organization from jumping over the wall in a hurry, it is necessary to ensure that each city has 2A10B configuration. B-level is enough, and the number of A-level is not enough. After all, other places also need manpower. You can count Use it as an A-level... By the way, how close are you to A-level?"

"Uh... not necessarily."

Yue Heng was stunned for a moment: "Not necessarily? Didn't you say that you are a B-level peak?"

"Practice down the level."

Yue Heng was speechless: "I haven't heard of such a thing as losing a level after practicing, have you gone mad? Hey, practice whatever you like."

Wan Li smiled: "Then where do I conduct the census... Oh yes, there seems to be a hidden angel in Bencheng, so I'm directly in Bencheng?"

"No, the situation in Bincheng is special. Chi Zhao will go, and you should be assigned to Jicheng. Don't worry, it will take a week to complete the layout. You can take my fans to the Shan State Plateau first."

"Deputy Headquarters Chi? I'm going to Jicheng..." Wan Li pondered for a moment, muttering, "Where are the fans... there is only one?", and walked out of the camp.

(End of this chapter)

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