Restart the world

Chapter 228 Expansion

Chapter 228 Expansion
The setting for the red organization is finally about to bring a large-scale and even fatal blow to the red organization, and Wan Li is very happy.

Although it is difficult to completely wipe out the red organization in a census, after checking with these two crystals, most members of the red organization will be exposed, especially those who are controlled by spiritual abilities.A large-scale turmoil is unavoidable, Wan Li walked towards Liu Miao and the others, but at the same time he was feeling the courage of the upper class, and was still thinking... Where did the third crystal go? "Because the effect is too strong, the apparition failed or the number is very small?"

Two minutes later, Wan Li found Wen Jing and the others, and was slightly stunned. He covered his forehead with a headache, and sighed softly: "Why did you forget this, and let them meet by such a coincidence."

In the distance, Wen Jing was staring at Wang Yuqing.There was a little friction between the two, and Wen Jing suffered a little loss. Later, the people from the super class came crazy and Cao Jinfeng avenged her before she calmed down.

However, after meeting again after more than half a year, her and Wang Yuqing's strengths have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the flame hidden in the bottom of their hearts has clearly ignited again.But the key problem is that Wen Jing is still not Wang Yuqing's opponent at this time, and if she can win Wanli, she won't have a headache...

The other four members of Wang Yuqing's team were all there, and Sun Kai seemed to be interested in Lao Wang, and was sizing him up... because in Wan Li's 99 consecutive victories, only the Jincheng boy with the same ability as Lao Wang had caused Wan Li some damage. trouble.

Seeing that the two sparring rounds were about to start, Wan Li hurried over, "Wang Yuqing, the three seniors met again, what a coincidence."

ignore me?Sun Kai's nostrils expanded two points.

"Are you guys going to compete? Wen Jing is not feeling well today, let's talk about it when we return from the Shan Plateau." Wan Li said again.

Wen Jing was stunned for a moment, then remembered that the aura in her body was still messed up, and she couldn't even use her super powers, so she snorted angrily: "Hey girl, I'll clean you up in a few days!"

"Inconvenient?" Wang Yuqing sized Wen Jing a few times: "Ha, I thought you were a boy, so you will come to that too..."

Wen Jing's forehead twitched: "Hei girl, you..."

"What, want to fight?"



Wan Li shook his head helplessly, are you two a joke sent by Second General Hum Ha? "Okay, okay, Wang Yuqing, if you want to beat me, I'll fight with you, Sun doesn't matter if you want to find someone to fight Lao Wang."

underestimate me?Sun Kai's nostrils expanded two points.

Liu Miao shook his head beside him: "Let's leave the fight in the martial arts competition. Our time is limited. It's already noon. If we don't enter the Shan State Plateau, we won't be able to go far before dark... We came late in the first place. The beasts have long been expelled to the depths of the Shan plateau, right?"


As Liu Miao said, when their group entered the Shan plateau, there were almost no living creatures on the mountain road of more than ten kilometers, and there were traces of soil being dug everywhere.

At this time, their group changed from 12 people to 17 people, and Wang Yuqing's small team who failed to compete also followed.They have entered the Shan State Plateau more than a dozen times during this month, and they are already familiar with the road. One of the seniors introduced them to some precautions here.

"There are two most dangerous situations in the Shan Plateau. One is encountering cross-border mine thieves from abroad..."

"What about domestic ones?"

"Domestic... usually run away when they see us. Of course, if we catch up, it will definitely be dangerous." The senior sister explained: "Another kind of danger is encountering wolves. Ordinary wolves are fine, but Shan State Plateau In fact, all the wolves are under the management of the same wolf king, that wolf king is very powerful, Deputy Chief Yue chased and killed it several times but failed to kill it."

Wan Li turned his head and nodded to Liu Miao, who was looking at him questioningly, indicating that the wolf king was indeed a super-intelligent creature.

At this time, Wang Yuqing suddenly said: "Hey, if we meet so many people this time, is it possible to kill that wolf king? Wan Liyang, didn't you kill that Siamese... Ba Song? He Is it better than the wolf king?"

"It's hard to compare, but... are you underestimating Basong? Let alone the wolf king with a pack of wolves, we will be in big trouble even if we meet Basong who is in good condition."

"Of course there will be troubles. When you meet Basong, don't you meet a ghost?"

Wan Li rolled his eyes, ignored her, and continued to listen to the senior sister's explanation.

The martial arts levels of the 17 people are all above B-level, and they are traveling at a fast speed. Gradually, there are fewer and fewer traces of the soil being dug, and occasionally some animal feces can be seen under the trees, and even the footprints of some giant beasts, which seem to be elephant's.

"There are wild elephants here?"

"Of course, I have fought against an A-level wild elephant." Wan Li replied, "But... we'd better not meet a wild elephant."

"Why... Huh?! Monster!" Wen Jing suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the large beast that was grazing under the tree in the distance: "What is this? Sheep? Horse? Cow? Do you want to fight?"

"Let's bypass it." Wang Yuqing's team middle school sister said: "As I said just now, some animals in the Shan plateau cannot be killed but can only be chased away. This one can't even be chased away. It's called a takin, and it was killed It is called six different animals, and it is an animal that is only found in this place in the world."

"Hey, is it only here?"

Wen Jing and the others immediately looked at the takin more carefully, "Wanli sheep, your kind."

Wan Li pursed his lips: "I'm uneducated, antelopes and sheep are different... Cough, well, let's take my kind as the flag sacrificer for this actual combat training. It can't be killed, so I can't beat it. It should have some strength due to its size. Grade B, whoever is going to warm up, be careful, just beat it up."

"...Is this okay? You are so cruel to your kind." Lin Xiaoqi laughed.

"No problem." Liu Miao agreed: "Wang Bo, you go to warm up, and the others will dig here first to see if they can dig out the spirit stone. The actual combat training should not delay the accumulation of spirit energy."

Wang Bo scratched his head: "Oh, oh, good."

The five members of Wang Yuqing's team looked at each other speechlessly. This was not the first time they saw a takin, so why didn't they expect to bully it like this...

Wang Bo confronted the takin and looked around thousands of miles away, digging up the soil rather boringly.With his current strength, apart from two super-intelligent creatures in the Shan State Plateau, there is nothing else that can make him serious. This bodyguard trip should be very boring...

At this time, he actually missed that old Shao who always appeared unexpectedly, "Where are you, old fat, old fat, come out to relieve boredom?"

At the same time, somewhere in the Shan Plateau.

Old Fatty Shao was humming a tune, and from time to time he raised his arm silly and happy to look at the faint white light above, "Hey, hey... Ah! Who misses Fat Brother? Who misses A-level Fat Brother? Hahaha..."

The leg injury is healed, and the level has reached A level. Shao Laofei feels that if he awakens a super power and beats Wan Li up, his life will be perfect.

"Huh?" His footsteps stopped suddenly: "Wu Na Huamao, why did you stop the A-level fat brother from going? Do you want to accept your head and worship? Hahahahahaha!"

"...I'm sorry, Brother Fat is bloated."

(End of this chapter)

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