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Chapter 229 The Fated Encounter

Chapter 229 The Fated Encounter

Because of the upcoming census, the Bincheng team has limited time to practice. With sufficient water resources, they decided to live in the depths of the Shan State Plateau that night.

For Wanli, it was easy to build a simple camp, and he didn't care if his wood-type magic was exposed. He built a lot of wooden houses, and the rooms and toilets were all available... probably due to the improvement of his status and strength, after the awakening of the simulation magic No one made him sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Dinner was a big B-level peak yak that they encountered before. Without Wan Li and Liu Miao's actions, Wen Jing and the others besieged the big yak for half an hour before killing it.

The weight of a big yak is more than one ton, and the edible meat after processing is more than [-] catties. Even though Wan Li and Lin Xiaoqi are quite edible, there is still half of the yak meat left, and everyone is lying on the wooden shelf unable to move. up.

"I've heard for a long time...the yak meat here is very delicious. I finally ate it today. It's really... hiccup! It's delicious." Wen Jing murmured softly.

"I heard that earlier? You are still a snack food. It's the first time I've been here for so long." Wan Li said with a smile: "But your appetite is not enough, and yak meat is very filling. Get up and eat some more."

"I really... can't eat anymore, I'm so envious of sister Xiaoqi, who can eat and grow..."

"If you are 183, you won't be envious." Lin Xiaoqi said quietly on the other side.

"183?" Wan Li grinned: "It's about the same height as the class teacher. You've just entered the B-level. You still have to grow. Sooner or later, you will be able to grow your legs by two meters. You don't need to practice martial arts at all. When you meet someone, you will kick him." It's over."

Lin Xiaoqi rolled her eyes, but didn't answer, she was really a little worried.At this moment, Liu Miao sitting beside him suddenly sat up straight, which startled Wan Li.

"Teacher, what are you doing? Do you want to compare yourself with Xiaoqi? Or do you want to eat more?"

Liu Miao shook her head, stretched out her right arm, a layer of faint white light slowly shrouded it, and said with a smile, "I'm A-level."

Wan Li was slightly stunned: "Ah, congratulations to Ban Dao for his great achievement, for generations to come, to rule the world!"

"Be less talkative, that's what you said when you were promoted to B-level." Liu Miao laughed.

Wan Li chuckled, and the others congratulated Liu Miao one after another.It's been more than a week since Liu Miao reached the peak of B-level. At this time, breaking through A-level has been successfully completed, which is not a surprise.

"Teacher, what does it feel like to be promoted to A-level? Also, is there a sub-level in A-level? I feel that entering A-level for the first time and A-level peak are not the same level." An A-level who can be beaten with one hand, and then think about the leader of the Red Organization, Deputy Chief Yue, asked.

Liu Miao closed her eyes and felt for a moment: "The speed of absorbing spiritual energy has increased by four or five times, and the strength of the body has begun to increase slowly... That's all. As for the subdivisions in A-level, I have never heard of it... I have not seen it with my own eyes. A-level peak shot."

"There is no subdivision." At this time, a senior from Wang Yuqing's team said: "But I have heard of a small-scale spread, which is divided according to the color of the aura attached to the body surface. Light white, white, milky white, and finally It is the A-level peak that no longer increases the amount of spiritual energy, four stages."

"Is that so..." Wan Li recalled for a moment.The six people who besieged him before were all pale white with white aura... oh, the black geese who fought against the queen bee had white aura, and he estimated that his current strength was probably at that level.

"Hurry up, no matter whether there are hidden strong men in Huaxia or not, the age of practice is less than four years, no matter how strong they can be, the distance between me and the strongest is probably... a super double? At most, Wang Zhan , and soon caught up."

Wan Li thought silently in his heart, and suddenly frowned, the ground seemed to shake.The shock became more and more intense, and gradually everyone felt it.Stuffed, they barely sat up, looked into the distance, their faces changed slightly...

"Wild elephant? It's so big, my stomach is so bloated, Wan Liyang, go and fight..." Wen Jing said softly.

Wanli frowned, this wild elephant... felt familiar. "Where is it? Can it be done? Put such a big mount there, throw it away if you want to lose it? It's not enough to lose it once, lose it twice? That cat...isn't it also nearby?"


At the same time, Xicheng District.

Old Fatty Shao looked at the heavy traffic in front of him, and didn't know whether to put his eyebrows horizontally or vertically, "Brother Fei this time... seems to have caused a big disaster."

People passing by him would pay attention to him, not because they recognized his identity as a wanted criminal, but they were all looking at the unusually handsome tabby cat sitting on Shao Laofat's shoulder.

"What are you looking at, I haven't seen a cat slave... woo..." Shao Laofa covered his face with his hands, hiding his grievances in his heart, "Master, where are we going?"

The flower cat lazily stretched out its right paw and pointed in a direction, making passers-by even more surprised, and gradually showing awe... It is not ordinary people who can afford to raise intelligent evolutionary creatures these days.

Fat Shao, with a dull face, walked in the direction pointed by the flower cat. Whoever wants to raise it, I will give it to you...

In the distance, in front of Jindi Hotel.

Two girls were standing at the door chatting.One of them was Lin Yuling, and the other girl was about the same age as her, with a baby face, small eyes, cute and well-behaved, and she was talking to Lin Yuling.

"Lin Yuling, my injury is really healed. You book your flight tonight and go back to Bincheng tomorrow. It's very dangerous here..."

Lin Yuling shook her head and said, "Yan Jin'er, you are heartless, you actually drove me away? I'm here this time because I don't worry about you... It just so happens that our guy is here, and I will stay in Xicheng for a few more days."

Yan Jin'er showed a slightly mischievous expression: "Hey...that guy from your family? Is that Wang Bo? Lin Yuling, are you serious this time?"

"I'm never serious." Lin Yuling rolled her eyes, "Old Wang is a nice guy, I'll introduce you to him another day, but you're not allowed to make up his mind."

"Yoyo, fireproof, anti-theft, anti-girlfriend? Don't worry, I don't compliment your aesthetics, and... I don't want to look for it for a while."

Lin Yuling frowned: "Yan Jin'er..."

"I know, I know, it's not easy to find a partner with your big pancake face, I don't worry, go back, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!" Yan Jiner waved his hands and ran away happily, while Lin Yuling was helpless Shaking his head emphatically, he watched her go away, turned and returned to the hotel.

Yan Jin'er, who was far away from the hotel, slowly put away her smiling face, her baby face was wrinkled together, as if thinking of something unhappy, she lost her mind, and almost collided with a strong figure.

She was stunned for a moment, turned her head, and saw an unusually handsome tabby cat, and then saw a big squinting face, frowned and took two steps back.

"What a cute girl, Brother Fat seems to be in love. Sister, do you believe in fate? It is fate that we meet today."

Yan Jin'er: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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