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Chapter 230 Elephants and Wolves

Chapter 230 Elephants and Wolves

At the edge of the temporary camp, the wild elephant running wildly stopped the car, turned a blind eye to Liu Miao who was blocking it in front of him and wanted to test his A-level strength, and mooed towards Wanli.

"It really is it." Wanli raised his eyebrows: "Hey! Big guy, do you still know me?"


"Do you still remember me? But elephant language is more difficult to learn than cat language, and it's all in the same tone..."

Wan Li pursed his lips, and took two quick steps to Liu Miao's side: "Teacher, this is the A-level elephant I said I fought against, but it only has A-level strength and resistance to beatings, and its IQ is not very high."

Moo~! !Boom!
The wild elephant neighed and raised its two front legs, which landed on the ground causing violent shock.

Wan Li scratched his head: "Look, it says I'm right. You don't need to do anything..."

Liu Miao smiled and shook her head: "Since the resistance to beating is also A-level, it's good to try it out."

Wan Li was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Liu Miao: "Don't, don't, it's different from that takin. Its backstage is harder...very tough."

Liu Miao:?
Wan Li looked at Wild Elephant: "Big guy, where's your... main cat? Why did you get lost again?"


"I don't understand, huh?"

One thousand miles, simulated language proficiency*6!

In an instant, his language talent increased sixfold again, and with the sudden increase in comprehension ability, he quickly grasped the general idea of ​​some things that he didn't understand before.He pondered for a few seconds before asking, "You said... your cat owner threw you away and doesn't want you anymore?"

"I don't want you anymore." Wan Li murmured, and turned to Liu Miao: "Teacher, come on, beat it."

Liu Miao:? ?


"Just kidding." Wan Li smiled, looked at the wild elephant in front of him, with its huge body, broad back, and sharp and handsome ivory, and blinked.

"The cat owner doesn't want you anymore, do you need a new owner? Be my mount!"

"Hey, can you ride? Wanli Yang." Wen Jing leaned over, clutching her bulging belly, "You have a wide circle of friends, why didn't I know you met a wild elephant here?"

"It involves some confidential content, so I can't tell you." Wan Li replied: "Let me tell you, do you need a new owner?"

Liu Miao frowned and said, "It's too big, even if you tame it, you won't be able to bring it back to Bincheng."

"Whatever it is, just accept it first."


At this moment, the wild elephant finally gave a soft growl in response.It bent its legs and lay prone on the ground, the meaning of the expression could not be more obvious.

Wan Li immediately beamed with joy: "Come, come, ride an elephant for a fee, one Lingshi once, does anyone want to go?"

Wen Jing pinched him angrily: "Wanli Yang, don't be ashamed... Sister Xiaoqi, Ni Er, come on, let's ride an elephant together!"

"I can't, the food is too high." Lin Xiaoqi lay down and waved her hands, but Ni Qinyu ran over quickly, and Wang Yuqing ran over with her at the same time, and Wen Jing suddenly showed displeasure.

"Don't grab it, everyone has a share." Wan Li quickly stopped the upcoming dispute, looking at the generous back of the wild elephant, "Now there are four people, there are still vacancies, let's have two more boys, Lao Wang!"

"Come, come."

"Teacher, what about you?" Wan Li turned his head.

Liu Miao shook her head, pointing at Sun Kai who was walking quickly: "You guys are enough, I'll wait for the next time. Don't run too far, come back early."


The roar of the wild elephant made Wan Li, who wanted to say something, choke back his words. He shook his head helplessly and muttered, "I'm still in a hurry to be ridden." He hugged Wen Jing and jumped to the front of the back of the elephant.

"Pippi Elephant, let's go!"


The wild elephant got up and ran out, gradually increasing its speed.Its speed didn't reach A-level, but it wasn't too far behind. Soon, it was faster than everyone else running at full speed on the elephant's back except Wanli.

The camp was getting farther and farther behind, and Wan Li suddenly remembered something: "Big guy, do you know the way? Don't be lost for a while."


"It's good to know the way." Wan Li smiled, hugged and played with Wen Jing, who was mocking him as a road idiot, and showed the faces of the four behind him.

Wang Yuqing muttered: "It's unreasonable, just this tomboy can still find a boyfriend? Wan Liyang is also blind...I like people who are not tall and have fair skin, so it should be Ni Qinyu..."

Next to her, Sun Kai snorted: "What matters to a girl is not her looks, it doesn't matter what she looks like, what matters is her character."

Wang Yuqing looked at him with a wooden face, then turned her head and continued to look at the scenery.

The wild elephant has good physical strength, running at full speed for 10 minutes without slowing down.As the sky was getting darker, Wan Li stopped playing with Wen Jing: "Big guy, turn around, we should go back."


"Are there soon?" Wan Li was startled, and turned to look at Wang Bo: "Did we turn around just now?"

Wang Bo scratched his head: "No, no, it should have been running in a straight line."

"Then where are we going?" Wan Li patted the wild elephant under his buttocks, startled suddenly, and seemed to hear the sound of water vaguely, "Water?"

The essence of Lingshi is born with water, and Wanli immediately thought of it. Could it be that the new mount is going to present treasures to its owner?Wonderful...


At this time, the speed of the wild elephant increased a little again, and it ran towards the direction of the sound of the water, and the sound of the water gradually became clearer.

"Brother Yang, something doesn't seem right." Ni Qinyu said suddenly, "The wild elephant has been very anxious."

"Always anxious?" Wan Li turned his head to look at Ni Er, frowned and patted the wild elephant under him: "Stop, this is not the correct wild elephant sightseeing bus."


"Help? How can I help..."

"What is that, is it a wolf?" Wen Jing suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the distance.

"It's a wolf." Wang Bo said, "Wan, Wanli!"

"Wolves? Sit still!" Wan Li's eyes narrowed, he stood up on the wild elephant's back, and stamped his right leg.


The wild elephant let out a scream, fell to the ground and slid more than ten meters out of inertia, and the six people jumped off it.The loud sound caught the eyes of countless dark green eyes on the open ground hundreds of meters away, causing Wan Li to frown deeply: "This unlucky it tricking us into surrendering? Why did it bring us to the gathering place of wolves?" ?”

"Wan, Wanli, what should I do?"

"Wolf pack, is the wolf king here?" Wang Yuqing whispered, "Wan Liyang, kill?"

"Kill a ghost, it's not easy to fight." Wan Li frowned: "We found it in time, the wolves are still one kilometer away from us, let's go, go back!"

"Then this wild elephant..." Wen Jing pointed to the wild elephant struggling to get up on the ground, feeling a little bit reluctant.

"This unlucky mount..."


"Let me save your companion? Your companion... the elephant herd?" Wan Li was taken aback, looking at the wolves that were gradually approaching. Why, was he kidnapped by them?

"I don't know if the wolf king is here, but for you to fight with the wolves, do you think I'm stupid..."

 It's too late.

  Recommend a friend's novel, The Seven Deadly Sins of Pirates.The old author has a new vest, and the writing style is guaranteed.Pirate fans with special angles are worth watching.


(End of this chapter)

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