Restart the world

Chapter 232 The Heart of Awe

Chapter 232 The Heart of Awe
The starry sky gradually thinned out, the Milky Way slowly faded, and the eastern horizon was stained with a faint glow.The rays of the sun change from white to orange red to golden yellow, gradually embracing the horizon as a whole...

Sitting on a big rock on the top of a mountain in the Shan Plateau, Wan Li yawned sleepily.This whole night, he cleared four or five packs of wolves, dozens of C-level wolves, five or six B-level wolves, let alone the wolf king, and he didn't even meet a B-level peak wolf that could warm him up. .

Seeing that it was about to dawn, Wanli, who didn't want to make himself busy all night, climbed up the highest peak nearby to enjoy the sunrise.When half of the sun wheel jumped out of the horizon, he sighed softly: "It's so beautiful... I've seen the sunrise, what should I do now, go back?"

He came out aggressively to kill the wolf king, but he couldn't find him, and Wan Li felt very sad.After he went back, he could have imagined that Wen Jing would ask him worriedly if he was injured, what did he say?It's okay, the wolf king is avoiding me, didn't you meet me?
"Hey, that's a good explanation."

Wan Li shook his head, stepped down the mountain, followed his own markings, and soon returned to the corpses of the last wave of wolves he had killed in the early morning.

Two hours later, the strong bloody smell of wolf corpses attracted a large number of wild beasts, who divided up the wolf corpses and ate them, and some clashed with each other, making the bloody smell here even stronger.When Wan Li arrived, there were still a few wild beasts, but they scattered immediately after seeing him.

"I smell very bloody? I tried my best not to let wolf blood splash on my body... I can't even smell it. Phew...I don't know how many hundred kilometers I ran last night, so I should go back and take a shower..."

Aww~! !
At this moment, there was a sharp wolf howl.The voice obviously came from far away, but it seemed to be close to his ears. It shook the air around Wanli slightly, making his eyes fixed and he stopped in his footsteps.

The air was filled with a sense of murder due to the howling of wolves, and the muscles on Wan Li's body also tensed up slowly, which appeared sharp and angular under the unlined clothing, "Wolf King? Did you follow the wolf's corpse? Is there another village in the shadows... But listen to this howl The sound is stronger than I imagined."

He immediately counted the red lines in his body and the abilities he could imitate, and instantly made a strategic plan in his mind, one, two, three, and stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for the arrival of the wolf king.Half a minute later, Wan Li's pupils shrank suddenly, and he saw the target he had been looking for all night - the wolf king, and...another figure, the figure riding on the wolf king's back!
A B-level wolf is as big as a scalper. Wan Li thought that the wolf king would be bigger, but he didn't expect it to look half a point smaller than a C-level wolf. The pressure is beyond recognition.

And the man on the back of the wolf was beyond Wanli's expectations, with a wide robe covering his figure, and a funny grimace mask covering his face...

"Why didn't the wolf king bring a pack of wolves, what the hell brought a leader of the Red Organization? Damn it." Wan Li's heart sank, and he took a deep breath: "That's...that's fine!"

If he can't beat the wolf king, he will still feel distressed if he doubles his use. If he adds another leader of the red organization, he doesn't have to hesitate, just do it!

"Don't be impatient, I have no intention of fighting you this time." The leader of the red organization and the wolf king stopped tens of meters in front of Wanli, and stopped moving forward. A hoarse and deep voice came from under her mask.

"No intention to fight?" Wan Li was taken aback: "No intention to fight, that's good, that's great..."

Wood magic, activate!
In an instant, countless wooden thorns pierced out from the belly of the giant wolf, with sharp points, trying to intersect the wolf king and the leader of the red organization.Facing the sudden attack, the Wolf King let out a low growl, jumped up slightly, swung his right front paw, a cold light flashed, and all the wooden thorns were broken!
"When we were born, we were fearless and fearless. A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers can be explained." The leader of the red organization remained unchanged, riding steadily on the wolf king, turning a blind eye to the more and more wooden thorns that came interspersed, " The more you know, the more you will feel in awe of those who are stronger than you. When the gap is infinite, you will not have any resistance to him from the bottom of your heart."

Wan Li was startled, and paused for a while to control the wooden thorn: "Are you pouring poisonous chicken soup on me?"

"No, I'm here to invite you."

"invite me?"

"That's right, Wan Liyang, I invite you to join the Red Organization, and allow you to replace Wang Xinlong as the sixth envoy." The leader of the Red Organization said.

"... Huh?" Wan Li laughed: "Are you crazy or am I crazy, and joined the red organization? Among other things, just the flame palm I hit you a month ago, can you not hold grudges, big sister?"

The figure on the wolf's back trembled, and said in a hoarse voice, "If you can join in, why not let you give me another slap?"

Wan Li was taken aback, and frowned slightly, sincerity was quite high, but why did she feel that there was some smile in her words?The hobby is very special...

"Then you come here."

" agree?"

"Yes, come on, let me slap again, I will join the red organization." Wan Li nodded solemnly.

The leader of the Red Organization was silent for a moment, then suddenly gently stroked the wolf king's head, and changed the subject: "You have killed so many wolves, is your goal this one? Want to prove that you are still fearless?"

"I'm not afraid at all, but you can't do it anymore. If you agreed to give me a slap, I dare not join an organization whose leader is a coward." Wan Li grinned: "Come on, now you should talk Speculative half a sentence, and then do it."

"No, I said that I have no intention of fighting with you this time. If the invitation fails, I can wait. Sooner or later, you will be willing to join us." The leader of the red organization said: "With your current strength, watch the video of the red-haired god attacking , you should be able to see more things, I hope you can still say that you are fearless."

Guisun shot video?Wan Li frowned, and suddenly raised his head to stare. Under the blue sky, a streak of purple thunder suddenly flashed, followed by a dull rumble of thunder. "Deputy Chief Yue's Lord of Thunder, the direction of the warrior base..."

"Have you started? Then... goodbye." The leader of the red organization pressed the wolf king's head, and his figure flew up, rising rapidly.

Wanli's brows froze, and countless vines burst out of the ground, winding towards her.But she only waved her arm, and a white sharp blade in the shape of a half moon slashed across, cutting off all the vines and hitting Wanli directly.

He hastily jumped to dodge.The sharp blade hit the open space, causing the ground to crack and shake, and a half-moon-shaped deep pit was formed in an instant.

"This guy... is S rank?!" Wan Li hesitated a little, and stopped to redouble his actions.

Bang! !

Then he crossed his arms to catch the wolf king's claws, but the huge impact force still took him to shoot backward.His legs took root on the ground, kicking up chunks of dirt and sand.After slipping backwards for tens of meters, his muscles trembled, and the wolf king flew away to catch the attack, but the leader of the Red Organization had already flown far away.

"Knowing that she is already at S rank, I was worried that I would not be able to win if I doubled, so I gave up... Is this the feeling of awe? An annoying emotion!"

(End of this chapter)

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