Restart the world

Chapter 233 Chapter 18

Chapter 233 Chapter [-]
The warrior base is already in chaos. Two minutes ago, a terrifying hurricane suddenly formed several kilometers away, sweeping across the world, destroying everything in its path, and directly hitting the warrior base.

Before the soldiers on patrol could report, Yue Heng reacted. He dashed out of the tent, watched the incoming hurricane and pondered for two seconds, then pierced the air with both fists, and a thunder shot into the sky, followed by a thunderbolt from the clear sky On top of the hurricane.

He exerted all his strength, thinking that he could split the hurricane, but in the end he came up with a combo skill——thunder cloud storm, which is much stronger than the pure hurricane...

When surrounded by several A-level attackers - the leader of the red organization in a robe, Yue Heng's expression was very ugly... A little half of the warrior base was destroyed, including a signal base station, causing more losses Billion, I'm afraid he has to bear a share of the responsibility.

He couldn't help thinking of the kickbacks and gifts that Wan Li had 'promised'...

"I'll ask that kid for it later." Yue Heng muttered, his whole body of electric light was almost solidified, and his eyes locked on the leader of the red organization: "You son of a bitch, dare to show your head?! Dare to take the initiative to attack?!"

Without waiting for the leader of the red organization to reply, he shouted: "For those who are new to A-level, go back to the al-Qaeda organization to keep an eye on the crystal and spirit stone warehouses, and don't let people transfer Hulishan! Others, support me by the side, today Don't let this guy get away!"

"Deputy Director General Yue, isn't Crystal..." Ai Hui yelled loudly, but saw Yue Heng wink at her: "Ai Hui, you go too!"


Inside the warrior base.

Hurricanes hit from south to north, so most people avoided to the northernmost point.Ten contestants from Bincheng gathered around Liu Miao, and one of them was surprised: "What the hell is this weather in West City? How could there be a sudden hurricane?"

The others looked at him speechlessly, Lin Xiaoqi shook her head and said, "Yang Chaofeng, how can you treat this kind of thing as a natural formation?"

"...Isn't it?"

"Of course not. Although I don't know the reason, but... is it possible that it is the legendary astronomical weapon? Which country is so bold?"

"Yes, it's man-made." Wang Bo said, "I, I have seen this hurricane."


After a series of exclamations, Wen Jing asked: "Old Wang, you said you saw it? When?"

"No, I can't say it. The agreement was signed. Wanli also knew, but he didn't tell you? Oh, the head teacher also knew." Wang Bo looked at Liu Miao.

"Is it really that guy?" Liu Miao frowned deeply: "I was seriously injured and unconscious. When I woke up, Xinghai Square had already started repairing. I don't know how much damage that guy caused. Is an A-level peak power user so strong? ?”

"Xinghai Square? Was it that time, that...yes, what kind of leader?" Wen Jing exclaimed, "Are you here for Wanli again? Fortunately, Wanli is not at the base, no, I Remember... the wolf king is also at the peak of A-level..."

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing, and after seeing this destructive power, she was even more worried about Wan Li going to attack and kill the wolf king.

On the contrary, Lao Wang had more confidence in Wan Li, and comforted him, "Wan, Wan Li is fine."

Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, deafening, and the ground shook violently.

"Did the deputy director general fight the enemy?"


"what should we do?"

Everyone looked at Liu Miao, and Liu Miao also looked around to see what other people were doing.At this time, there were several calls for help from a certain direction, making Liu Miao turn around... Lingshi storage warehouse?
"Wang Bo, Ni Qinyu, follow me! Lin Xiaoqi, you will lead the team here temporarily..."


On the other hand, Wan Li, who was worried by Wen Jing, looked really embarrassed from the outside.The clothes on his body have become 360-degree beggar clothes with no dead ends, and a pair of shoes under his feet are also leaking.

However, except for the soreness in his arms, there was no injury on his body, and his mental state was excellent, and the dignified expression facing the wolf king eased a bit.

"There's something wrong with this wolf king. If it's only at this level, Deputy Chief Yue should have taken it down a long time ago." Wan Li was a little puzzled, and raised his arms to catch the wolf king's body covered in thick white light for the nth time. Head on.Although it was repelled tens of meters away by it, it was still unscathed.

The confrontation with the wolf king has lasted for 3 minutes. Up to now, Wan Li has only used the King Kong indestructible ability opened by Mo Laowang to firmly deal with the wolf king. He is at a disadvantage but not defeated.

So he felt something was wrong.

The strength and speed of the wolf king are more than three times faster than him, which is in line with the strength of the peak A-level, and should be stronger than the peak A-level of human beings, which is in line with Wanli's expectations, but when fighting...why does it always feel weak?
With three times the strength and speed, he was able to survive only by relying on the indestructible King Kong?
It was another ferocious frontal attack, Wan Li raised his arm to catch it, and the huge force drove him to slide backwards.His feet were deeply rooted in the ground, a large number of mud and stones flew up, and the ground was plowed into two calf-deep ravines.After unloading the force for tens of meters, Wan Li shook his arms and sent the Wolf King flying. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of another thunderbolt passing tens of kilometers away.

The wolf king charged again in no time, and Wan Li thought to himself: "Super intelligent creatures... Could it be that they are playing a trick with me to show the enemy? The attack method is so simple... I don't know what happened to the base... His mother Yes! I’ve always been timid lately, hurry up and kill it!”

Simulate that nothing is non-combustible!Give it a try!

Facing the attacking wolf king, Wan Li didn't raise his arm to defend again, but looked at the right time, and passed him with a slightly risky backward lean, at the same time he punched his abdomen hard with his left fist as a feint attack, and his aura circulated, Turn on nothing does not burn to the maximum power, and grasp with the right hand with a high temperature of more than 1000 degrees!

Boom! !Aww~! ! !

The sound of the collision and the scream of the wolf king sounded at the same time, Wan Li was a little dazed, he did a backflip and returned to stand upright, looked at the wolf king who was thrown far away, looked at his left hand, then looked at his right hand... bingo?Injured the other party?
This is probably not a fake wolf king!
He stared at the wolf king curled up in pain on the ground in the distance for two seconds, before he came back to his senses, crushed the ground with both feet, and rushed away.

Although I don't know the reason, the thing I grabbed with my right hand just now is not deceiving. The current wolf king must have been severely injured... Take this opportunity to kill it!

Retaining the last bit of vigilance, Wan Li approached the wolf king and was bound by dense vines. Then he aimed at the wolf king's head, raised his leg and chopped down with all his strength!
Bang! ! !
This time it was hit head-on again!

The wolf king's head pierced into the ground in an instant, and the ground within a hundred meters around Wanli's body was blown up and exploded. Huge clods of mud danced and danced, rolling up dust all over the sky.

Wan Li crushed his right foot, his head was hard, it didn't explode, so let's do it again... huh?

A cold light suddenly struck, and Wan Li quickly retreated.In the deep pit, the wolf king, who had been severely injured, straightened up unsteadily, with a terrifying green light reflected in his eyes, staring closely at Wanli.

This gaze seems to be different from before.

 My body has improved a little, but I still need to consolidate my treatment and rest, which will be later in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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