Restart the world

Chapter 234 Two Bosses

Chapter 234 Three Chiefs
Wan Li immediately noticed the change in the wolf king's eyes, full of ferocity of wild beasts, but with a touch of human agility.

He didn't think much about it, he just thought that the wolf king became angry under his heavy blow, and before the smoke cleared, he stepped on the ground again, and in an instant in front of the wolf king, raised his leg and chopped down, and then chopped the wolf's head!

At the same time, through the intense white light on the wolf king's body, he also saw that the head of the wolf king was deformed, approaching an inverted triangle, which proved that although Wan Li's kick in the middle did not blow the wolf's head off, it also brought it a life-threatening injury. hit hard!
Bang! !

This time, the blow smashed through the air.The ground trembled and cracked as before, and the pothole expanded a little more.The wolf king dexterously leaped back a few meters, and then rushed back at a faster speed following the force of the ground's mud turbulence!

"Are you able to use strength to fight?" Wan Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised his arms, imagining to catch its attack as before, but his expression changed suddenly... The wolf king who jumped in front of him abruptly withdrew his front paws, Use the smelly giant mouth to bite his arm instead!
Wan Li could also change his tactics temporarily and hit the wolf's head with a punch, but he knew that the wolf king's bite force was terrible, he didn't dare to take the risk, he gritted his teeth and retreated.

Amidst the piercing sound of teeth colliding, Wan Li dangerously pulled his arm away, and shot backwards. The Wolf King missed a single blow, but his movements were faster than him, like an arrow flying from a string, he pounced on Wan Li in an instant forward.

Bang! !

Wan Li, who was shot backwards, couldn't root his feet to the ground, and he immediately flew up uncontrollably after being attacked. The huge force drove him to smash through more than a dozen trees in a row, and flew hundreds of meters away!

With his strong physique and indestructibility of King Kong, Wan Li didn't suffer any damage. When he landed, he was still able to stand firmly, but seeing the wolf king rushing towards him with his bloody mouth open again, his expression became serious.

"What's going on? He was obviously seriously injured, but it seems to be more difficult than before, arousing fierceness?"

During the handover between flashes and flints, Wan Li decided to try again to play the black hand!He leaned back and passed the wolf king, his left hand hit the wolf king's chest and abdomen heavily as a feint attack, and his right hand fully opened everything, grabbing the wolf king's vitals!

In the next second, Wanli's pupils shrank suddenly.

Bang!boom! !

The body of the floating wolf king twisted and curled up, kicking with his hind legs, he was facing Wanli's hands.Wanli, who hadn't expected the wolf king to fight back in this way, was pierced into the ground by this heavy blow, and the wolf king flew tens of meters away with this force!

Seeing that he was about to be ridden in the face by a flying wolf, Wan Li quickly pulled his hands off the ground and shot two thick wooden pillars at the wolf king.The wolf king swung his sharp claws, and the wooden pillar was cut off layer by layer, and in an instant he was in front of him, but Wan Li took advantage of the delay of the wooden pillar to get himself out of the pit as a whole, avoiding being scratched to the ground. Facial.

"It's not right, something is not right."

In the next period of time, Wan Li could not find a way to fight back, and was crushed and beaten by the wounded wolf king, and gradually added more injuries and bled, and the situation became unfavorable.But he didn't intend to double it, he felt that he must have overlooked something, if he could remember...

"In the beginning, its attack was clumsy, and it went straight. Except for its powerful strength and speed, it was not even as good as an ordinary beast."

"Now it can be regarded as flexible and changeable in attack, but it should be a little short of the level that a super-intelligent creature should have, and it is also a bit short of the level of escaping from Deputy Chief Yue."

"The change started when I severely injured it. I hit its head and opened it up? Huh..."

"Enlightenment!" Wan Li cheered up, "Why does it listen to the leader of the Red Organization? Is it subdued by force? But creatures like wolves... have psychic abilities that can control animals, let alone super intelligent creatures with human IQ. !"

"Does the red organization still have such strong spiritual ability users? Bian Ting from the Martial Arts Bureau is far from being able to do it, and the cheap mother-in-law should not be able to do it either..." Wan Li licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, watching another pounce come Wolf King, "Try it and you'll know!"

Simulated brainwashing ability*5!

I am your father!
The wolf king's eyes were really dazed for a moment, and his pouncing movements came to a halt. Wan Li kicked it out with a sideways kick, and then the corners of his mouth curled up, and he slammed the ground up!

"It's actually a mentally ill wolf, and it really has been manipulated? Poor... Your death is coming!"

The offense and defense are instantly dislocated.

Wan Li, who had been ravaged by the wolf king for several minutes, began to ravage the wolf king in turn, until the wolf king kept screaming.There is a limit to brainwashing ability. After 5 minutes, even the traumatized wolf king doesn't like it much anymore, but at this time the wolf king is already scarred, with multiple fractures and fractures, and the intense white light around his body has also dropped by two times. degree.

Wan Li easily dealt with it again, and at the same time began to beware of the wolf king escaping.However, unexpectedly, the wolf king had no intention of escaping, but kept uttering mournful and penetrating wailing, full of desperate meaning.

Wan Li was very puzzled at first, could it be that his previous Flame Palm turned him into a eunuch wolf, and he never retreated.Only when he was surrounded by wild wolves big and small all over the mountains and plains...


The sound of howling wolves spread all over the mountains and plains, Wan Li's eyes moved slightly, and he murmured softly, "Give me some strength in your acting skills!"

A real panic expression appeared on his face. He wanted the wolf king to relax his vigilance, but found that it was unnecessary. The wolf king didn't just use his subordinates to drag him to death, and rushed towards him with the pack of wolves!
In an instant, six successive purple halos overflowed from Wanli's feet, and the pounced wolves fell to the ground one after another. The wolf king also paused, and was trampled under his feet by Wanli, who had long been familiar with this level of gravity. At the same time, the seventh purple halo came out. !

"Today, Dad will wipe out all the wolves!!"


More than half an hour later, Wanli hurriedly returned to the warrior base with the body of the wolf king with a triangular head on his back. He found that the camp buildings in the base were damaged and the warriors were cleaning up and rebuilding.

He didn't see any wounded, so Wanli felt a little relieved. With a glance, he saw Yue Heng standing in front of the damaged signal base station and pointing.

"Is it really impossible to fix it? Try again. Why is this thing so irresistible? Did you cut corners!" He pouted his fat face, full of unhappiness.

"Deputy Chief Yue."

"You back... Hui, Hui Fei... the wolf king?! Did you really kill him?!" Yue Heng turned his head and exclaimed.

Wan Li looked at the amazed gazes from the people around him, and smiled shyly: "Cough, keep a low profile, low profile. Is that...the red group attacking? Is there any loss? Our Bencheng...are you okay?"

"It was really killed by your kid... The base is fine, there are only a few minor injuries, not yours. A lot of spirit stones have been destroyed, but fortunately, Li Yi has taken people away the crystals this morning , Their goal should be that, these turtle grandchildren are really bold!" Yue Heng reached out to lift the wolf king, "The head is deformed, it can't be done with one or two strokes, how did you do it?"

"It's a long story, and I have to thank the Red Organization...Who is attacking, have you caught it yet?"

"It's the leader of the Red Organization. He was not caught, but was rescued by a masked man." Yue Heng pouted: "The guy who rescued her was an S-level member. I didn't expect that the Red Organization already has members with S-level strength."

Wan Li was taken aback: "The leader of the red organization...isn't he also S-rank?"

Yue Heng was also taken aback: "Who did you listen to, it's still A-level, I'm still close to S-level..."

"Huh?" Wan Li was at a loss.

At this time, a soldier came running from a distance, handed Yue Heng a mobile phone, and said loudly: "The backup signal base station has been successfully activated, this is your mobile phone!"

Yue Heng nodded, his eyes signaled Wanli that he was busy, he unlocked the phone and dialed, but before he dialed out, a call came in.

'Ah~ fifth ring~ you are more than fourth ring...'

Wanli blinked and smiled helplessly.

Yue Heng picked up the phone, and after saying a few words, his face darkened: "What are you talking about? The leader of the red organization attacked you half an hour ago, and part of the crystal was destroyed?! Nonsense, the leader of the red organization attacked you half an hour ago Still fighting with me!"

Surprised, another one? !

Did the leader of the Red Organization clone himself?I haven't set up the clone ability...

(End of this chapter)

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