Restart the world

Chapter 235 Xiaoyu Injured

Chapter 235 Xiaoyu Injured
"You mean, you met the leader of the Red Organization earlier, and she rode the wolf king and directed the wolf king to attack you?" Yue Heng asked in the tent.

"Yeah." Wan Li nodded, and replied: "She talked nonsense with me for a while, and when she saw a lightning strike from the warrior base, she flew this way, leaving only the wolf king to fight with me."

"She didn't attack you?" asked a 30-year-old soldier nearby.

This man is tall and thin, his name is Zhao Xiaodong, he is the military leader of the warrior base, and his strength is also at the peak of A-level, but he has no superpowers.Seeing his question, Wan Li turned around and replied, "No, she has been inviting me to join the Red Organization."

"Invite you to join?" Yue Heng pouted and shook his head: "It's really whimsical... She saw my thunderbolt when she was talking to you? S-class... She was the one who rescued the leader of the red organization!"

"This person has never appeared in our materials, and he is probably the top three envoys of the Red Organization." Zhao Xiaodong agreed.

"The one in the west city is probably the same. Three people were dispatched at the same time. Did the dog jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Wan Li scratched his head, are you so sure that he didn't agree to join the red organization?Don't even ask, what if I join?
"Deputy Chief Yue, what's the situation in West City?"

"A person dressed in the same costume as the leader of the Red Organization attacked Xicheng Airport. Part of the crystal that was going to be transported to certain provinces was destroyed. Li Yi and the others were slightly injured."

"Destroying the crystal, is this a feint attack?" Wan Li was taken aback: "It's meaningless to be so far away..."

"Who knows why they are going crazy, and they have three leaders of the red organization to smoke bombs for us? Wan Liyang, I can't leave here. You can follow Lao Zhao to the west city and see the situation."

Wan Li blinked: "Deputy Chief Yue, do you need me? I haven't slept all night..."

"Hey, let's talk about kickbacks?"

"Puff..." Wan Li spit out, turned to Zhao Xiaodong, and said, "Upright soldier uncle...Brother soldier, Deputy Chief Yue is asking me for a kickback in front of you, can you stand it?"

"I can't stand it anymore. When I can beat him someday, I will beat him up for you." Zhao Xiaodong looked upright.

Wan Li was speechless and laughed, this soldier brother seemed to be easy to get along with, he stopped fooling around and said, "I'll go to follower to guide them to report that they are safe, and what about the wolf king's body?"

Yue Heng was stunned: "Let me here, I'm afraid it's full of treasures, and the reward for you will increase a lot after the value is verified."

"No, no, I mean, there are still many people in our warrior base who have never seen a super-intelligent creature. Don't be shy, let them see the wolf king as a specimen. It's best to let students from all over the world punch it twice and feel it. body hardness."

Yue Heng was startled, pouted and said, "If you pretend to be aggressive again, you bastard, I'll kill you!"



Wan Li felt a little regretful for not letting everyone appreciate the demeanor of the Wolf King, but seeing the awkward expression of disdain and admiration on Wen Jing's mouth, Wan Li felt that the 15 hours of hard work were worthwhile.

"I still have to go, to the west city?"

"Well, there's no way, those who can do more work." Wan Li spread his hands with helplessness on his face.

"After three days of awkwardness, I finally regained my stinky and shameless appearance." Lin Xiaoqi teased, "Familiar formula, familiar taste."

"It makes me miss Master Kong's instant noodles." Wan Li smacked his lips.

Wang Bo next to him said, "Wan, Wanli, last night when Yu Ling was chatting with me, she asked me if you were there. She seemed to need you for something. When I asked her, she said it was nothing serious. No, she didn't tell me."

Wan Li was startled: "That's it...Understood, I'll call her when I get to Xicheng."

Lin Xiaoqi turned her head to tease Wang Bo again: "What's wrong with my sister? Don't tell me..."

"Hey, hey, hey..."

After an hour and a half.

Wan Li, Ai Hui, and Lin Xiaodong rushed to Xicheng No. [-] Hospital by running.Li Yi and other members of the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau suffered minor or serious injuries at the hands of the leader of the Red Organization (fake). Wan Li and Lin Xiaodong came to ask the details of the attack by the leader of the fake Red Organization, and Ai Hui came to treat them. .

Going straight to the intensive care unit on the fifth floor, the three met Li Yi.As the strongest person in the West City, he suffered the most severe injuries, with seven or eight broken bones all over his body.However, his A-level physique and the hospital's treatment kept him conscious. After Ai Hui's treatment, he slowly described the attack process.

More than two hours ago, the cargo plane at the airport was loading the crystal. A man wearing a robe and an ugly mask suddenly fell from the sky and attacked the crystal. After a minute of fighting, everyone in the west city was injured. The enemy destroyed the crystal and walked away... …

Wan Li looked at Li Yi's dejected face, and felt sorry for him. This time, the position of director of the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau may not be secure...

"The enemy fell from the sky? A person with abilities?"

"It's not ability, it's S rank."

Wan Li frowned: "Another S-rank? There are now two S-ranks in the red organization?"

Lin Xiaodong looked solemn: "The power secretly accumulated by the red organization is stronger than we imagined, and the census may not be so easy."

"S-rank... Which provinces are the lost crystals going to be shipped to?" Wan Li asked.

"Lu Province, Liao Province, Kyrgyzstan Province."

"Uh..." Wanli frowned, what a coincidence?Not to mention Liao Province, Jicheng where he is going to is the capital of Lu Province.

"We don't need to worry about crystals. The stock is still there. As long as they don't get destroyed in large numbers, the census can go on as usual." Zhao Xiaodong said.

"That's good."

In the next period of time, Ai Hui went to treat other injured people from the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau, Zhao Xiaodong continued to ask Li Yi for some details, and Wan Li thought about this action of the Red Organization.

It's really scary that the red organization shows up with two S ranks at once.An ordinary A-level can already be called a humanoid self-propelled RPG, and the peak of the A-level is several times higher. As for the S-level, a humanoid self-propelled missile?

Only destroying the crystal, not killing people, the intention of deterrence and compromise is obvious, and Wan Li is worried that because of this incident, the census will change.

"If the crystal that I finally designed can't have the effect it should have... no, it won't be so easy, the upper level will not compromise so easily, the two S-levels will compromise, and if there is an SS-level in two years, then there will be nothing Playing around. The census will definitely go ahead, though the details may change...”

Zhao Xiaodong finished questioning Li Yi, asked Li Yi to rest, and waved his hand to signal Wan Li to go to the next ward to ask other people. At this moment, Wan Li's cell phone rang.

"Wan Liyang, I heard from Wang Bo that you came to Xicheng?" Lin Yuling's voice came.

"Well, there is a mission. What's the situation with you, where are you? I'll go find you after I finish the job?"

"I'm in Xicheng No. [-] Hospital, on the second floor."


"It's nothing serious, Xiaoyu was slightly injured yesterday evening, just come to us after you finish your work."

Wan Li looked down: "Xiaoyu is injured? I'll go now."

 The next chapter is later.

(End of this chapter)

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