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Chapter 236 Returning to Bincheng

Chapter 236 Returning to Bincheng
In Xicheng No. 204 Hospital, Ward [-], Wanli saw Xiaoyu lying on the hospital bed and Lin Yuling who was accompanying her.

Xiaoyu's injury was not serious, her arms were slightly fractured, and for a B-level she would recover in three to five days, but Wanli could tell at a glance that it was man-made, and probably only suffered one blow.

"what happened?"

Xiaoyu leaned on the bed, shaking her head helplessly: "I met a neuropathy, an A-level neuropathy."

"A-level neuropathy?" Wan Li frowned.

Lin Yuling nodded, suddenly smiled a little, and said, "If Xiaoyu hadn't been injured, I would have laughed out loud at the thought of that guy. Yesterday evening, Xiaoyu and I went to the bank to get some cash, but we met a bank robber."

" rob a bank?"

"Well, a guy, a tall, strong male with a stocking on his head robbing a bank."

Wan Li blinked: "Who is so stupid... er, a tall and strong man? It can't be old fat, right?"

"You know him?" Lin Yuling was stunned: "He seems to call himself Fat Brother or something... I'm so funny, I was so nervous and incoherent when I robbed the bank, I thought about letting Xiaoyu kick him and get him caught, but I didn't expect... …There is no IQ threshold in the age of practice, anyone can practice to A-level."

"It's really him." Wan Lifu said, "Level A went to the urban area? I said why didn't I see him on the Shan plateau. But why did he degenerate to rob a bank? Did he succeed?"

"It succeeded, but he had no accomplices, and he didn't drive here. In the end, he just grabbed two suitcases of cash and left." Lin Yuling smiled and said, "Can there be 300 million? It is estimated that he is wanted by the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau. They might all be caught.”

Wan Li chuckled and shook his head, A-level old fat is not that easy to catch, he is so resistant to beatings, I'm afraid Li Yi has to do it himself if he wants to catch him... But Li Yi is still lying upstairs.

"This douchebag, he's everywhere, he always comes out to make trouble." Wan Li sighed softly: "Okay, it's fine, Miss Xiaoyu is fine, I'll find a way to catch that douchebag... By the way, Lin Yuling, we You are going to return to Bincheng the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, how many days do you have to stay here?"

Lin Yuling shook her head: "My little sister has been recovering from her injury for several days. I handed over the rest of the work to her this morning. I can leave at any time, waiting for you to come together?"

"Okay. What about you, Xiaoyu? Are you going to Bincheng?"

Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "Forget it, I still want to be closer to the village, so I can go back and visit often."

"Ah?" Lin Yuling whispered, a little reluctant: "Bencheng is not far away, it's only four and a half hours by plane, come with us."

"Free bodyguards are useful, right?" Wan Li teased, "You don't even pay them."

"It's not salary." Xiaoyu shook her head: "I want to make my own way."

"Go for it yourself." Wan Li and Lin Yuling looked at each other without persuading her.Wan Li took out his mobile phone to check the time, and said with a smile, "It's noon, I'll go up and give you two boxes of working meals from the Xicheng Martial Arts Bureau. The food at the Martial Arts Bureau is generally pretty good..."

At the same time, Shao Laofat carried the cat master on his shoulders, and carried a huge suitcase in each hand, and ran out of the Xicheng area with big strides.

His brows were erect, with tears in his eyes: "Xicheng, a sad place, a sad place! Brother Fat doesn't want to come to this shitty place again!"


"Understood, fat, fat, master, that cute girl told me that there is a cat food manufacturer in Jicheng that makes the best domestic cat food. I'll take you there. If it doesn't work, we'll buy imported ones." Old Fatty Shao sighed softly. Said: "Master, do you think I'm going to chase after that cute girl? She said that she will go to Jicheng for a business trip for a while, and now she wants me to explore the way first?"


"Stupid? How could I be stupid, I... oh, I'm stupid, so stupid, I was dazzled by love, love... What a big pit! Fat brother feels that he won't be able to climb up this time. At the critical moment, master You have to give me a hand."



Two days later.

Everyone in Bincheng carried a small suitcase each, boarded the plane through a special channel, and embarked on the journey back to Bincheng.Wan Li was also in the queue, but instead of spirit stones and clothes in his suitcase, there were two kinds of crystals, 50 yuan each.

This is an insurance proposed by Yue Heng. If some of the crystals shipped to the three provinces are damaged again, Wanli has these in his hands, so that the census will not be postponed and the crystals will be transferred from other provinces.

The things in his hands were worth over 12 million yuan, and Wan Li's expression was a bit serious, until he sat down on the first-class seat smoothly, his expression calmed down.There are a total of [-] first-class seats, which were reserved by them. Lin Yuling also booked a ticket for this flight, so she could only sit in the ordinary cabin.

"The journey to West City is over." Putting the suitcase on the luggage rack, Wan Li sighed with emotion, "It's been nearly a month and a half, not short."

"Not enough?" Wen Jing turned to look at him: "Leave a lot of good memories, right? For example..."

"Stop." Wanli put his fingers together and poked!
"Ah!!" Wen Jing jumped up and was pulled back by the seat belt.

"If you eat Xiaofei vinegar again, I'll stab your waist."

"Wan Liyang, you bully me!"

"Just bullying you." Wan Li put his mouth close to her ear: "There are even more bullying ones. Have you digested the sixth drop of spiritual liquid? Now your physique should be able to...hehehe."

Wen Jing's face turned red immediately: "I think it's beautiful, I'm going to be with my parents these two days, and you're going to Jicheng again in two days, I won't give you a chance!"

Wan Li is full of smiles, is there any opportunity to create?He sensed the red spirit stone thread in his body for a moment, and accumulated four and a half more this week...

"You haven't reached the peak of B-level, right? I'll give you four drops of psychic liquid later. After you drink it, work hard to practice controlling your aura. I hope to see you at A-level when I return from Jicheng." Wan Li whispered.

"You still have spiritual liquid? Where did you get so much?" Wen Jing blinked: "Give it all to me...does it really not delay your cultivation?"

"I said that you are better than A-level, I can't wait for you to rush to S-level, this is also for my own happiness... Hehehe."

"……Stinking rogue."

"Speaking of which, I have to meet with Uncle Wen tomorrow to ask about the comics. Should I change my mind? Does he know about our relationship?"

"Know a little."

"A little bit..." Wan Li thought for a moment: "I remember the villa your family lived in? It's big enough, I can live in your house directly, and be a door-to-door son-in-law?"

Wen Jing didn't want to talk, and rolled her eyes at Wan Li.Wan Li smiled, stopped teasing her, and turned to chat with others for a while.

After a while, the stewardess reminded them to switch their mobile phones to flight mode, and then the plane started, taxied, and took off. With the blue sky and white clouds as its companions, it went straight to the far northeast and returned to Bincheng!

(End of this chapter)

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