Restart the world

Chapter 237 Forced Landing in Jicheng

Chapter 237 Forced Landing in Jicheng
It takes four and a half hours to fly from Xicheng to Bincheng. In order to ensure the safety of the flight, the plane needs to stop once at Jiangcheng International Airport, and everyone on board can get off the plane for more than ten minutes.

Wan Li and Wen Jing bought two large boxes of Jiangcheng's special spicy duck neck at the airport, and they went back to the plane and ate it with 'red faces'.When the plane took off again, the two called the stewardess to take away the garbage, their heads leaned together tacitly, and fell asleep.

Wan Li thought he would breathe the familiar air of Bincheng when he opened his eyes again, but he didn't expect to be awakened by a sudden jolt and ear-piercing shouts. In the confusion, someone in the back seat pushed his shoulders, and at the same time, Liu Miao's voice came.

"Wan Liyang, wake up, something has happened!"

Wan Li's eyes were a little hazy, he touched his shoulder soaked in the unknown liquid, and glanced disgustedly at Wen Jing who was still sleeping next to him...

A second later, the noise from the economy class and the people in the city behind him finally woke him up completely, and he was startled: "Accident?!"

Airplane accidents are not a joke. If the accident is serious, even he can't guarantee that he can survive.He immediately took off his seat belt and stood up. The bumps made his body shake constantly, and his feet struggled to grab the ground before he stood still.

Behind him, the head teacher Lao Wang was no longer in his seat, and the others looked anxious, but they must have been told not to move around by the head teacher, and they were still wearing seat belts tightly, and Lin Xiaoqi and Ni Er were holding a beautiful stewardess alone , to prevent them from falling down.

"What happened?!"

"On the wing! Someone on the wing!"

"What?!" Wan Li was stunned: "Help me take care of Wen Jing, don't let her move around when she wakes up!"

He ignored the repeated words on the radio, "Passengers please sit on the chairs and fasten your seat belts", and walked towards the economy class with two steps.

The economy class is much messier than the first class. There are many people and there are many old people and children. Some people even took out the emergency life jacket under the seat and called the flight attendant to instruct them how to put it on, but the flight attendant in this bumpy cabin did not stand Unsettled... so it became a mess.

People kept getting up and yelling, and then they bumped hard on seats or other things because of the bumps, but got up again regardless of the pain.

Wan Li frowned and glanced twice. Old Wang was comforting her beside Lin Yuling. Lin Yuling's psychological quality was unexpectedly good, and she held Lao Wang's hand with a smile to reassure him.Liu Miao looked out from the small side window in the back row with serious eyes, and saw Wan Li waving his hand to let him pass.

Wan Li nodded, but didn't go there immediately, but stretched out his right hand, dense vines shot out from his hand, and after a few seconds, all the passengers were firmly tied to the seats.

"What the hell is this?!"

"let me go!"

"Don't panic! Sit in your seat!" Wan Li roared at a very high decibel, which immediately attracted all eyes.

"Isn't this... the genius boy who killed Basong?" Someone recognized him.

"The one who competed for 99 consecutive victories? Are these ghosts his superpowers?"

"What are you doing with us?!"

Wan Li took a deep breath and shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, no matter what happens, the more chaos the more likely to be dangerous, first sit on the seat and wait for the staff on the plane to arrange!"

There was a moment of silence in the cabin. Some people obeyed his words, some expressed dissatisfaction, and some even wanted to break the vines.Wan Li frowned and glanced at them, ignored them, walked quickly towards Liu Miao, followed Liu Miao's gaze and looked out the side window, his pupils shrank immediately!
A man in a tunic and a grimace mask was standing quietly on the right wing, looking at Wan Li and Liu Miao!He is tall, so it can be seen that he is not the leader of the red organization, or the two leaders of the red organization that Wanli has seen... Maybe it is the S-class that attacked the Xicheng Airport.

"How is it possible... S-class can do such a thing?!" Wan Li murmured in confusion.

The plane is probably flying at an altitude of nearly 900 meters at this time, not to mention its speed close to 60 km/h, and the outside temperature is close to minus [-] degrees, which is quite resistant, but the outside oxygen should be very thin. Does the S-class not need to breathe? ?

Liu Miao put his mouth close to Wan Li's ear, and said in a deep voice, "Don't worry about surprising the other party's strength, the situation is very critical now, we can't sit still, if he launches an attack, the plane crash is inevitable, falling from a height of [-] meters, you Can you protect yourself?"

Wan Li thought for a moment: "It should be possible, and I can save a few people by the way, but the other party can fly, but I can't. If he attacks halfway through the fall, I'm afraid... Try it, it will work!"

In fact, Wan Li doesn't know how strong he is now when he activates Wang Zang or Spring, and whether it can be effective in this situation, but he still has a little bit of wood magic in his heart...

At this moment, the man in the robe on the wing suddenly moved, and immediately attracted the eyes of Wan Li and Liu Miao.He raised his right hand and beckoned to the two of them, as if to say hello, and then raised his right hand, pushing up the grimace mask on his face a little, exposing his chin and lips, opening and closing his mouth, and said a word.

He couldn't hear the sound, but the shape of the other party's mouth didn't change at all even in the strong wind. Wan Li and Liu Miao could easily distinguish what he said.

'Wan Liyang, how about joining us? '

"An invitation again? Or a threat? Kidnapped the plane, will you tear up the ticket if you don't join?" Wan Li frowned, looked at Liu Miao, turned his head and wanted to say "join" perfunctorily to try the effect, but found that the other party was so fierce Step on the wings and jump down!
The plane deflected sharply, and Wan Li and Liu Miao stretched out their right hands to support each other in an instant, stabilizing their bodies, and focused on guarding against possible attacks.

However, until the plane regained its stability, the imaginary attack did not come...

The emotions of the passengers gradually calmed down. Some gasped for their escape, some cried bitterly, and some shouted for Wan Li to let them go.Wan Li didn't respond immediately, and tied them up for another 2 minutes. Seeing that the plane was no longer turbulent, he reached out again, released his ability, paced around the cabin, and looked out the side windows of the cabin with Liu Miao, but they couldn't find it again. Robe man.

"Really gone? What do you mean, just come and invite me?" Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief, but was also a little puzzled, "Chi organized these lunatics!"

At this time, the radio on the plane rang again, and a slightly trembling male voice came out.

'Gentlemen and ladies, I am very sorry.Due to special reasons, for the safety of you and others, the plane will temporarily land at the airport in front, Jicheng International Airport, the loss caused to you...'

"...Jicheng International Airport?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "Yes, I went directly to the place."

 The next chapter is later.

(End of this chapter)

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