Restart the world

Chapter 238 The Great Genius

Chapter 238 The Great Genius
After experiencing the thrilling experience before, the passengers did not raise any opinions on the temporary landing of the plane at Jicheng International Airport.

When the plane stopped and the door opened, they rushed out impatiently. The people in the first-class cabin who were supposed to get off the plane stayed at the end. Wen Jing asked sleepily why she didn't arrive in Bincheng...

"Because your snoring was too loud, the plane alarm was triggered and you had to make an emergency landing in Jicheng."

Wen Jing wiped her saliva in a daze: "Really...Wan Liyang, you lied to me again!"


Wen Jing pouted, and turned to ask Lin Xiaoqi, when she saw several flight attendants approaching, one of the older flight attendants thanked Wan Li for maintaining order earlier, thanked him for avoiding greater chaos, and asked They get off the plane first.

"You're welcome, it's a trivial matter." Wan Li accepted his thanks with a shy smile.

When I got off the plane, there was a dense crowd in front of me, including reporters with long guns and short cannons, airport special police to maintain order, and Air China staff.Seeing them, a middle-aged man immediately stepped forward and said, "Comrades! You have done a good job, very good! In the face of emergencies..."

Wan Li and Liu Miao looked at each other. This is Air China's leadership expressing appreciation to the crew for their unruffled behavior. In the face of a sudden 'man-made disaster', if the plane can land safely on the ground, these crew members will definitely get a lot of money. bonus.

After rewarding the flight crew, Air China's leaders began to talk politely to Liu Miao, and Liu Miao responded without saying a word.What he and Wan Li want to see now are not the leaders of Air China, let alone the reporters who keep coming around, but...

At this moment, a gap was suddenly separated from the crowd, and a curly-haired man in his 30s led people towards him. He stretched out his hand to Liu Miao and said, "Hi, I'm Cui Jie, the director of the Jicheng Martial Arts Bureau."

Liu Miao stretched out her right hand: "Hello, Liu Miao, deputy director of Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau."


Jecheng Budo Bureau.

Liu Miao and Wan Li told Cui Jie what happened on the previous plane, and contacted the Martial Arts Administration through him, and reported the situation to him.

"S-class can actually do this kind of thing?" Cui Jie expressed the same emotion as Wan Li, "Wouldn't it be impossible to take a plane after this?"

"I can ride but I dare not ride..." Lin Xiaoqi murmured softly, holding Lin Yuling's arm.

The others nodded in sympathy.

Liu Miao looked at them and said, "Let's go back by boat instead, take the high-speed train from Jicheng to Weicheng, and then take a boat from Weicheng back to Bincheng!"

Wan Li was taken aback: "Boat?"

"The air route from Weicheng to Bincheng is fine. Wan Liyang, are you going back to Bincheng?"

Wan Li thought for two seconds, then raised his hand and rubbed Wen Jing's head: "Forget it, don't worry about it, I have to come back in two days, and... I have a bit of high-speed rail phobia."

"...High-speed rail phobia?"

"Yeah." Wanli, who traveled by high-speed rail, didn't want to try to ride again.

At this moment, Cui Jie suddenly said: "Since you're here, why don't you stay for two days to see the style of our Quancheng (alias of Jicheng), and exchange ideas with our young contestants in Quancheng by the way."

Liu Miao was startled, showing hesitation.

"You Bincheng and our Quancheng can only meet in the national competition, and the chance is very small." Cui Jie said again, and he turned to Wanli: "The children in Quancheng have long admired the name of genius."

"Thank you." Wan Li smiled: "Teacher, it's fine to stay for two days. Doesn't the General Bureau of Martial Arts say they want to send someone to investigate the situation?"

Liu Miao looked at the others, and finally nodded lightly: "Okay."


So that night, they stayed in the five-star hotel in Jicheng arranged by Cui Jie.Wan Li got a pen and paper from the front desk of the hotel, and began to write and draw on the desk in the room, while Wen Jing watched curiously.

Not long after, a figure wearing a tunic, with part of his ugly face mask removed, only showing his chin and mouth appeared on the paper.

"Well, the painter is getting better and better." Wan Li put down his pen, picked up the drawing paper with his left hand, and flicked on the figure with his right finger, satisfied.

"Wan Liyang, is this the person who attacked our plane today?"

"Well, it's him. This guy forgot that I'm a cartoonist. He dared to show me his lips and chin. When the people from the Central Bureau come, I'll hand in the portrait. Maybe he can be found!"

"Oh." Wen Jing responded softly.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "Why are you unhappy? Because I lied to you that you snored and caused the plane to make an emergency landing? I was wrong, I was just joking..."

Wen Jing rolled her eyes: "You really think I'll believe it? I'm not unhappy, it's just... just... we almost died today!"

Wan Li blinked, smiled and pinched Wen Jing's sides and stretched outwards: "Are you scared? What are you afraid of when I'm here?"

Wen Jing stared, and slapped Wan Li's hands off angrily, "But this is the second time that the Red Organization has invited you, right? First they drove the wolf king, and then they hijacked the plane. I'm really afraid that one day I will suddenly hear You join them."

"Hmm... It's really hard to say." Wan Li nodded thinkingly: "Join it, join it, let me join in an unusual way, isn't that self-defeating? Hahaha..."

"stop laughing!"

Wan Li shook his head: "Wen Jing, you've been too nervous recently, and you need to vent."

"Vent? Okay, I really want to give you a hard time!" Wen Jing waved her small fist.

"Will you vent your anger by hitting me?" Wan Li pulled Wen Jing's arm: "That's not enough, come with me."

"Where are you going... hey? Wan Liyang, why are you dragging me to the toilet?"

Wan Li smiled, and suddenly pressed his body against the tiles on the side of the toilet, "Come here, listen."

"What are you listening to..." Wen Jing paused, her body froze slightly, her eyes slowly opened wide, and her face quickly turned red, "What, what is this voice... Wan Liyang, you hate me so much!"

"Ha, the old Wang and his wife are venting... Bian Bian, are you ready?"

"Don't call me Bianbian..." Wen Jing muttered, facing Wanli approaching, swallowed, and tightly closed her eyes.




The next morning, Wan Li met Liu Miao and others to eat breakfast provided by the hotel.

"Where's Wen Jing?"

"That little lazy pig is still asleep." Wan Li said with a refreshed face, "I'll bring her food later, let her rest for a while."

Liu Miao sensed something from Wan Li's expression, shook his head and smiled, but said nothing.He didn't speak again until everyone had finished choosing the buffet breakfast and sitting around a dining table.

"Today you will have a simple discussion with the contestants in Jicheng. I gathered some information for you last night. Wan Liyang, there is one person you need to pay attention to...

Wan Liyang, stop smirking! "

"...Hey, tell me, is there anyone else I want to pay attention to?" Wan Li shook his head, trying to get rid of the aftertaste.

"Don't underestimate others. Jicheng's direct task receiver is a first-year student like you, and she is a girl named Jiang Baihui. She is quite a genius."

"Uh, amazing genius?"

"She is very well-known in Jicheng, and she is considered to be a player who has the hope of winning the national championship on behalf of Jicheng."

"...such a powerful girl?"

Liu Miao nodded: "So you have to be careful, don't lose to her."

Wan Li pursed his lips: "No, no, I'm in better shape than ever before, the energy in my body is bursting, and I can beat S-class!"

Everyone showed anxious expressions, Liu Miao shook her head helplessly, and continued to explain other information...

(End of this chapter)

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