Restart the world

Chapter 239 Grace

Chapter 239 Grace
After finishing his breakfast quickly, Wan Li packed another serving without changing his blushing face, left the restaurant, and went straight upstairs.

Upstairs there is a little pig waiting for him to feed.

"Little lazy pig, get up and have breakfast!"

"Little lazy pig?" Wan Li smiled and lifted Wen Jing's quilt, pinched both sides of her cheeks and pulled her outward, "You're still pretending to sleep, you're an old married couple, what's there to be ashamed of?"

"Wan Liyang, you hate me so much!" Wen Jing slowly opened her eyes, her body swayed, "I feel... I'm going to fall apart, and there is no pain anywhere in my body."

"My fault, it's all my fault. Come on, I'll help you up, and I'll feed you breakfast."

"...that's about the same."


At the same time, Jecheng Budo Bureau.

Cui Jie held his forehead and looked at the girl in front of him with distress.The girl is not tall, only about 160, thin and slender, with big eyes and a high nose bridge, a gentle and mature face, with a shy smile on her face, and her eyes are fixed on Cui Jie.

"Jiang Baihui, I didn't ask you to come, did I?"

"Well, Sister Yuanyuan told me."

"...This Liu Yuanyuan!"

"Don't blame Sister Yuanyuan, I came here on my own initiative. Director Cui, Wan Liyang from Bincheng is here, right? I want to fight him."

"I knew it." Cui Jie raised his forehead: "I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would lose... Well, that boy is very strong. If you don't use the new ability, you might not be able to beat him, but I want you to use the new ability as a The hole card is reserved for the Martial Arts case of a disadvantage, do you understand?"

"I understand." Jiang Baihui said softly: "But the new ability will be known sooner or later, and it is just right to use it on Wan Liyang. I want to try..."

"It's better to be later than earlier." Cui Jie sighed: "Well, I know you kid won't listen to my advice, but there is one thing you must remember. When fighting him, use your first ability first. It's best if you can win, if you can't win... If you suddenly use the second superpower to catch him off guard, don't pay attention to etiquette and fairness..."

"Okay, okay, I know." Jiang Baihui responded casually, her eyes wandering.

Cui Jie patted his forehead with a headache: "Liu Yuanyuan, come in! All of you come in!"


An hour and a half later, somewhere in Jicheng.

"This place used to be a live-action CS game base. It has been abandoned for a while, but the facilities are very complete, with jungle trees and rockery. It is more real to compete in this environment. Just use your full strength, and it will be fine if you break it!"

Cui Jie explained loudly, and Liu Miao nodded in agreement: "Director Cui is very considerate."

While others are looking at each other.

Not all contestants from Jicheng showed up, only four men and two women came.It was just a casual sparring, and there was no need for 10vs10. Wen Jing, who was walking crookedly, was relieved, and gave Wanli a hard pinch...

Among the six people who appeared, Wan Li paid more attention to two girls because of Liu Miao's reminder. It's not quite like...

"Could it be that you didn't come?"

At this time, the short girl suddenly turned her head and smiled at Wan Li, which made Wan Li startled, suddenly surprised, and looked at her more... So Wen Jing pinched Wan Li again.

After a brief self-introduction, we entered the topic of discussion. There were six on the opposite side, and naturally there were six on the side of Bincheng.Liu Miao thought for a moment. Although it was a friendly match, he didn't want his side to lose. He had confidence in Wanli, so he asked Wang Bo and Lin Xiaoqi to make a move to ensure a draw.

As for the remaining three, he chose Yang Chaofeng and two seniors.

However, things did not develop as he wished.Lao Wang defeated a chubby boy on the other side ruthlessly, but Lin Xiaoqi was defeated in the confrontation with the skinny girl.

Completely defeated.

All of Lin Xiaoqi's attacks hit the air, and she was fighting with unwarranted monsters throughout the battle. Even after the battle, she, Wen Jing and the others felt that the superpower of the girl on the other side's "monster summoning" was too powerful, and there was no solution... …

Wan Li and Ni Qinyu looked at each other speechlessly. Monsters actually only exist in hallucinations. This is the 25th superpower: illusion interference.

Liu Miao is also very helpless, he can see through it as an A-level, and regrets not letting Ni Qinyu play... Fortunately, among the three behind, Yang Chaofeng is the strongest, and with his solid fighting skills, he won the opponent's strength and speed. Tall boys.

After five matches, Bincheng fell behind Jicheng by 2:3.Liu Miao and Cui Jie looked at each other with smiles on their faces, each having their own thoughts.

Liu Miao was thinking, "Ni Qinyu didn't make a move, and Wen Jing is inconvenient to make a move. In this case, a 3:3 tie is acceptable." Cui Jie was thinking, "Jiang Baihui fights, we can win"...

Wan Li took two steps forward: "It's our turn."

"En." Jiang Baihui responded softly, then turned to look at the five companions: "Sister Yuanyuan, please step back."

"Back away? No need..."

"Retreat...retreat outside this field." Cui Jie said loudly: "You don't have to watch the next battle, to avoid being accidentally injured."

Ok?Wan Li was slightly startled, looking at the shy girl, he finally looked a little more serious, Cui Liang's strength is not bad, he judged that the two of them would accidentally injure the B-level in the distance, then...

"Wen Jing, are you leaving too?"

The players from Bincheng looked at each other and looked at Liu Miao questioningly, while Liu Miao looked at Cui Jie.

"Let's get out. I'm ashamed to say, this kid Baihui is already stronger than me, so the two of us have to step back." Cui Jie said.

Liu Miao's complexion changed slightly, and she waved her hand to signal Wen Jing and the others to withdraw, "Sure enough, he is a genius... Wan Liyang is also stronger than Director Liao and me."

Two minutes later, there were only four people left in the field. Liu Miao and Cui Jie watched from a distance, while Wan Li and Jiang Baihui stood face to face and confronted each other.

five seconds.

ten seconds.

"Let's go!" Chui Jie shouted.

Another five seconds.

Another ten seconds.

Wan Li scratched his head, asking him to attack first?

At this time, Jiang Baihui finally made a move.Around her, a dazzling and dazzling pure white light suddenly radiated out. This light seemed to be able to purify people's hearts, making her face shrouded in the light beautiful and beautiful, so that people would not have the slightest blasphemous heart. The fairy descends!

The pure white light slowly converged, forming a pair of broad wings with a wingspan of more than one meter. She clasped her hands forward, and then a blue spear about two meters appeared out of thin air... This posture is dazzling!
Wan Li was dumbfounded, light magic?Plus the 15th superpower nitrogen control?

Girl, how much are you favored by your father? !
"It's a little difficult to deal with..." Wan Li muttered, "Heh, interesting, the 100th win doesn't look that easy."

Another five seconds.

Another ten seconds.

Jiang Baihui didn't launch an attack. After demonstrating the two abilities, she maintained this fighting state and stared at Wan Li silently.

Wan Li pursed his lips, meaning it's time for me to show my abilities, right?What's wrong with this...
(End of this chapter)

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