Restart the world

Chapter 241 Power Unlocked

Chapter 241 Power Unlocked
Wanli didn't know that the beam of light he missed had accidentally injured someone, and the light magic had a burning effect. The tingling sensation from the collision between his wrist and the beam of light made him careless of anything else, his eyebrows tightened, and he rushed towards the river along the beam of light. Bai Hui.

As the light beam releaser, Jiang Baihui certainly felt the feeling of the light beam hitting the entity, but the distance was too far, and she couldn't tell whether it hit a person or a wall for a while, and Wanli came to her side in a blink of an eye, and she didn't Think about it, disperse the beam of light, flap your wings, and chop down with your gun!

boom! !A huge bowl-shaped pit with a depth of seven or eight meters was formed in an instant, and Wan Li's hands stretched out two reinforced wooden sticks at some point to hold the gun.One pushes down, one lifts up, one is thin and the other is tall, and they all exert their strength.

After a few seconds of stalemate, Jiang Baihui suddenly said softly, "I lost this match."

"Huh?" Wan Li was stunned, and the strength in his hand lightened. Jiang Baihui fluttered for more than ten meters after flapping his wings, "Are you... admitting defeat? Stop fighting?"

"In terms of sparring, it was all my means just now, and the hope of winning is almost zero if I continue to fight. My state consumes far more aura than you, so I lost the sparring."

Wan Li blinked: "What about...?"

"You still have energy, right? I'm using the next move for the first time. If it hurts you... I'm very sorry." Jiang Baihui bowed her head slightly.

"Uh, it's okay. Ah, no..." Wan Li scratched his head and said with a smile, "Let the horse come over."

"Well, it's coming." Jiang Baihui's blue spears in both hands dissipated suddenly, her wrists crossed and folded together, and the dazzling light overflowed from her wrists, expanding in a spherical shape, gradually covering her hands, until they expanded into a circle. A huge ball of light covering half of her body.

Wan Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a sense of threat from the light sphere. Cui Jie and Liu Miao, who thought that the discussion between the two of them had ended and walked towards this side, hurriedly stepped back.

"What is Baihui doing?"

"Director Cui, ask me?"

"Cough, I haven't seen this ball before. It should be her newly developed move... Huh, did it explode? Did the new move fail?" Cui Jie was startled.

Liu Miao was stunned for a moment, and her expression suddenly changed: "No, it's amazing, to be able to control the ability to such a degree, Wan Liyang is in trouble."

The moment the ball of light exploded, Wan Li also thought that the opponent's ultimate move had failed, but seeing Jiang Baihui panting violently while her eyes were dignified as if she was controlling something, he realized that the ball of light did not completely dissipate after it exploded, but turned into countless A grain of light, smaller than a grain of sand, attached to her wings.They are all pure white, that's why Wan Li couldn't find out at the first time...

"Hey, it won't be next... Miss, your nickname is Huang Yuan?" Wan Li twitched.

"Be careful." Jiang Baihui reminded him again, and then the wings oscillated again!
This oscillation is different from the previous one. With the oscillation of the wings, some of the light particles attached to the wings are shot thousands of miles away!
"Fuck, it really is!"

Wan Li's muscles tightened, his eyes became serious, and he crossed his arms and waved, boom!Snapped!Snapped……

There seemed to be a girl's yell of "Oh my god" from far behind, which made Wan Lijia's action of hitting the light particles paused.

Outside the arena, Liu Yuanyuan caressed her violently rising and falling chest, with lingering fear on her face... Although she was skinny and skinny, only her skeleton was heaving.

"Oh my God, Baihui is shooting that Wan Liyang with a machine gun, and he can't get in."

"Machine, machine gun? Discuss, how can she, how can she use a gun?" asked the straightforward boy Lao Wang.

Liu Yuanyuan rolled her eyes, and didn't bother to explain to him, "It's no wonder we have to watch the battle, this girl Baihui is getting more and more fierce, wait for another 2 minutes, that Wanli Yang is going to die soon."

"Wanli can't do it!" Wen Jing immediately retorted: "It's that girl who can't do it!"

Liu Yuanyuan glanced at Wen Jing up and down, and curled her lips: "The ignorant little girl who is dazzled by love, I don't bother to argue with you. First think about what to do with this guy who is in a coma. The certificate is real. I also have a little Impression, it should be to investigate the forced landing of the plane yesterday..."

Clueless little girl?Wen Jing stared, if it wasn't for the inconvenience, I would kill you, believe it or not?Damn it, my whole body hurts, Wanli Yang is going to beat that Jiang Baihui out and let me pinch her...

in the venue.

Wanli managed to take a few steps closer to Jiang Baihui despite the countless attacks of light particles, but found that Jiang Baihui took two steps back silently, flapping his wings one after another, sending out waves of light particles.

He had no choice but to find that he had no choice but to block all the light particle attacks at this time. There were too many of them, and he couldn't even dodge them.

Then take it.He uses all four limbs, hands and feet to block, and coupled with his flexible figure, he gradually becomes more comfortable in the dense light particles.

five seconds.

ten seconds.

half a minute.

The light particles gradually became thinner, and the light particles attached to Jiang Baihui's wings became less and less, and the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt towards Wanli.

However, Jiang Baihui's attack did not remain unchanged. At a certain moment, behind the light particle, two blue long spears shot towards Wanli!
"You actually threw the nitrogen gun out? It's still so far away from her body?" Wan Li was startled, and quickly put up his arms to defend. The moment the nitrogen gun touched his arms, it shattered and dissipated, but the surging force on it was still there. Passed to Wanli.

Boom!boom! ! !
Countless particles of light shot into the few remaining rockery with thousands of miles between them, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.Liu Miao's face tightened in the distance: "Wanli Yang!"

"Baihui, stop!" Cui Jie shouted.

Jiang Baihui shook her head slightly, flapped her wings again, and shot out all the remaining light particles on the wings, "He's fine! Don't worry, the two bureau chiefs, the fight is not over yet!"

She gasped violently for two seconds, folded her hands and wrists, and the light overflowed from them...

On the other side, Wan Li slapped the hollow stone beside him with a slap, stood up shaking, tore off the cloth strips on his body, with a helpless face, and walked out of the smoke with his upper body naked, and happened to see the huge ball of light in Jiang Baihui's hand It shattered and turned into countless particles of light attached to her wings.

This made Wan Li's face twitch slightly, he looked down at the countless 'purple beans' on his body, it really hurts, why do you want to do it again?
"Wan Liyang, are you injured?" Liu Miao shouted loudly: "If you are injured, stop, this is just a sparring."

"It's okay, class teacher, I'm not injured, it's just a little hurt." Wan Li waved his hand, then turned his head to stare at Jiang Baihui, "Excellent, if it weren't for me, you might really be able to win the martial arts championship... Hehe, you can't be underestimated haha , I will go all out in the future, be careful!"

Power unlocked!

On Wanli's forehead, veins flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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