Restart the world

Chapter 242 Deserving it

Chapter 242 Deserving it
After breaking the physical limit for the fourth time, Wan Li's physique changed day by day, and he was improving by leaps and bounds every minute. He didn't know how much strength he had, so no matter what he did, he would save some strength, especially yesterday. Night……

The power to unlock this move was born.

He didn't block his power, but subconsciously he wouldn't use the strongest power, he would only tense his muscles at a critical moment and use the strongest defense.

But this time, after the veins on Wanli's forehead flickered, the muscles of his upper body began to swell, swell, and swell again. The whole body expanded a circle, and the piled muscles became large and sharp, and they never returned to their original shape!
Only when the muscles are tense all the time can we use the maximum strength and exert the strongest physique!

"Hey, this muscle, if you break the limit a few more times, you'll probably become a bodybuilding champion. I wonder if there's something like returning to the basics." Wan Li pinched his pectoralis major, um, it's similar to Wen Jing.

"It's on, be careful!"

"Hmm." Jiang Baihui's wings oscillated, and countless light particles shot thousands of miles away again like overwhelming the sky.

Wan Li took a deep breath, leaned over, and punched the ground with both fists, boom!The ground within a radius of [-] meters was torn apart, and the earth and rocks were flying, extending to Jiang Baihui, who was [-] meters away.

The light particles are submerged in the flying mud and rocks, and their power is slightly reduced after piercing through them. Wanli protects the vital points, and rushes forward against the light particles without hiding or evading!

Jiang Baihui didn't show her panic, she floated backwards, and continued to flap her wings. At a certain moment, she grasped forward with both hands, condensed into a blue spear, leaned back, and threw it vigorously!
The flying speed of the blue spear was much faster than the particles of light, as if it could cut through the space and jump directly to Wanli's chest.

"Again." Wan Li stretched forward with both arms, and they clashed together. The blue spear was crushed by him, and it didn't stop him at all!
Jiang Baihui frowned slightly, fluttered her wings again, but was shocked to find that her wish had not been fulfilled, as her ankles were entangled tightly by two vines at some point.After struggling to lift her foot to break free, she raised her head again, and a big hand covered her sight.

"caught you."

"Yeah." A low cry came from Jiang Baihui's mouth, and she quickly got up and leaned back, kicking Wanli's chest with her feet.

Wan Li's body swayed, his chest felt tight, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he grabbed Jiang Baihui's ankles with both hands.Jiang Baihui immediately flapped her wings and struggled, Wan Li grabbed her tightly, tug of war!

The part held by both hands was pulled from the ankle to the crook of her calf by Wan Li, and Jiang Baihui's body was about to be lifted upside down by Wan Li.At this time, her body trembled suddenly, and she giggled twice, the voice was crisp and clear, which made Wan Li startled, and her strength relaxed for a moment, and she took the opportunity to break free.

Looking at Jiang Baihui whose face was flushed ten meters away, Wan Li was stunned: "You laugh... what kind of tactic is this?!"

"Sorry, there is an itchy flesh on the bend of the leg."


Wan Li was speechless, but the simulation progress was almost 70% at this time, "Come again!"


The blows and collisions continued.

1 minutes.

2 minutes.

The progress of the simulation is also slowly increasing.



In recent months, this is the first time that his peers have supported him for such a long time with his full strength... Although it is useless and the full force of the gravity field, it also makes him hold back a little bit from the geniuses of the same age Look at the heart.

When he grabbed Jiang Baihui's small face with his big hand again, Wan Li smiled: "It's over, this time I won't let go even if you itch to death."

Jiang Baihui quickly backed away, panting and said: "Be careful, this is the last move!"

"Huh? Is there another trick?"

"I surrender!"

"...What?" Wan Li was taken aback, hovering his hand in front of Jiang Baihui's face, neither advancing nor retreating.

Jiang Baihui raised his hand to push Wan Li's arm down, and supported his hand to breathe: "My spiritual energy has been consumed for most of it, and if I continue to fight, I can only use the move of mutual destruction."

"Uh." Wan Li showed a little distress, staring at her face and said, " you need to see it?"

Jiang Baihui quickly took two steps back: "No, you always seem to want to slap me in the face, are you jealous of his beauty?"

Wan Li was taken aback for a moment, and laughed dumbfounded. These words sounded like a cute 19-year-old girl's words. The calm demeanor during the battle earlier was not cute at all.

"Yes, I'm jealous of your beauty, and I want to beat you up." Wan Li laughed.

Cui Jie and Liu Miao had already run over, so he could only give up touching her face for the time being. Anyway, the two would probably cooperate during the census, and they had been together for a long time, so there was always a chance to touch her face...

sin, sin.

"Wanli Yang (Bai Hui), are you injured?"

"It's okay, but the clothes are torn (the spiritual energy consumption is a bit high)."

Wan Li was a little distressed about the situation where he ruined a suit of clothes in a fight, and he was thinking about whether he should set up a battle suit next time he draws manga, the kind that won't break even when he transforms into a gorilla...

Jiang Baihui's clothes were also damaged, but because she had paid more attention to protection and Wanli had put in a little effort at critical moments, the situation was much better than Wanli's. Cui Jie found out a coat from somewhere and put it on for her.

Wan Li looked at Liu Miao, who spread his hands.

"Hey, go back to the hotel and change."

At this time, Liu Yuanyuan's voice suddenly came from a distance: "Is the fight finally over? Who won?"

"I lost! Sister Yuanyuan."

"What?! Baihui, you lost? What kind of trick did that kid use..." Liu Yuanyuan was surprised, and almost blurted out what was in his heart.

Wen Jing immediately jumped up behind her, and almost fell down with a sway: "Hey, I said Wanli will definitely win!"

"Little ignorant girl..." Liu Yuanyuan glanced at her, then turned her head and shouted, "Director Cui, come here quickly, someone here is dying!"

"...Someone is dying? Who?"


After half an hour.

Jicheng Second People's Hospital.

"Did the burning injury on the chest come from Baihui's beam of light?" Cui Jie frowned: "Second-level investigator of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, hell..."

"It's from the Secret Martial Arts Bureau. Hehe, I'm responsible. I remember that beam of light was deflected by me." Wan Li shrugged.

"No, it's my responsibility. I didn't take back the beam of light in time." Jiang Baihui said.

The two looked at each other, and Wanli raised his eyebrows: "I won the duel, I have the final say."

"We didn't gamble on anything in our sparring."

"Okay, why are the two children still fighting to take responsibility?" Cui Jie interrupted: "It was just an accidental injury, an apology is fine."

Liu Miao shook her head: "It is rumored that the Secret Armed Forces Bureau is not a reasonable department, and it is impossible for him to be the only one to investigate the forced landing of the plane this time, right?"

Cui Jie frowned, took out his mobile phone and dialed a few numbers: "There is also a first-level special agent who went directly to the airport. It is as bad as the rumors, and the position of the first-level special agent is half a level lower than mine. The subordinate came to inform me? Was knocked out... deserved it!"

(End of this chapter)

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