Restart the world

Chapter 243 Chapter 19 Special Agent

Chapter 243 Chapter [-] Special Agent

Wretched squinting eyes, wrinkled face when smiling, and big yellow teeth, Wanli never expected that a first-level special agent of the Secret Military Bureau would have such an image.

After cultivating to level D, the change of spiritual energy into the body will produce a bonus effect on appearance, and it is rare to see such a look after the addition.

His name is Chui Wei, and he is scornful of Ai Chuo.

Although he was sent by the General Administration, Cui Jie seemed to have a bad impression of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau. Even if Jiang Baihui accidentally injured a second-level investigator during the sparring with Wan Li, he didn't give Chu Wei any face. Brought to the hospital.

According to the bad impression left by the two second-level investigators with low EQ last time, Wan Li thought that there would be a small conflict, but he didn't expect Chuu Wei to ask why his subordinates were injured, so he gritted his big yellow teeth and waved his hands, saying 'It's okay, it's okay', looking like a good old man.

He was very polite, and Cui Jie didn't want to take too much airs of his seniority: "I don't know what to learn from the special agent's trip to the airport?"

"It's nothing, it's nothing... Oh, there is a little gain. According to the memories of the crew involved, the plane had already entered Jicheng when the attacker jumped off the wing, so the attacker is probably still in Jicheng now." Chu Wei said: "I hope Director Cui can coordinate the manpower to investigate."

"No problem." Cui Jie answered straight away.

"If I find out his whereabouts, I will ask my superiors for help. Chief Cui, don't act privately..."

"I know that."

Chu Wei nodded: "Liu Miao, is Deputy Director Liu right? And Wanli Yang, can you give me a brief description of the process of the red gang's attack on the Air China plane yesterday, and...why did he suddenly retreat?"

Liu Miao and Wan Li looked at each other, then turned to Chu Wei, and slowly explained everything, not even hiding the invitation from the Red Organization to Wan Li.

"Oh?" Chuo Wei smiled, as if he wasn't too surprised, and turned to Wan Li: "Student Wan Li Yang, is it convenient for you to chat with me alone for 5 minutes?"

Liu Miao's complexion changed slightly, but Wan Li shrugged indifferently: "Yes."

The two walked out of the ward one after the other. Liu Miao wanted to follow, but was stopped by Cui Jie shaking his head: "Inquiring about you or Wan Liyang alone is within the normal scope of investigation. Don't worry, the Secret Martial Arts Bureau is not so blatant."

Wen Jing and the others were waiting outside the ward. When Wan Li came out, Wen Jing immediately went up to meet him, holding a hospital gown in her hand: "Wan Liyang, you can just make do with it first, don't keep your upper body naked."

"Why, I can only show you?" Wan Li shook his head and smiled, "This thing is not very auspicious, don't you have any other clothes?"

"Lao Wang and the others don't wear coats, the few of can only wear sister Xiaoqi's coat, do you want it?" Wen Jing laughed.

"Yeah, I'd better wear this." Wan Li put on the hospital gown: "I'll tell you about the previous battle later, I'll go and have a private chat with that uncle, don't follow."


At the edge of the corridor, Chu Wei's opening remarks surprised Wan Li a little: "Student Wan Li Yang, I have to apologize to you for Qu Zheng and his two ignorant children. There was some misunderstanding."

"Uh... It's my mistake to knock them out as enemies. It's all a misunderstanding. It's okay."

Chu Wei grinned and showed his big yellow teeth: "Just clear up the misunderstanding, and Zeng Ju is also thinking of you, lest you, a genius, go astray."

"No, I know, hehe."

"It's good to have a few." Chu Wei smiled: "The trigger conditions for your new ability are too special. Zeng Ju was afraid that you were still young and could not control yourself. The temptation to imitate superpowers is very strong. But it seems that you are self-made. The power is very strong, you must have not taken advantage of Jiang Baihui in the previous discussion, right?"

Wan Li's face was slightly stiff, and he looked at Chu Wei, who was smiling like a chrysanthemum, and also smiled: "How can bumping and bumping during the exchange be called mopping? Haha..."

Chu Wei shook his head and smiled: "Look, Zeng Ju's worries are not unreasonable. We don't want to and can't restrict your personal freedom. We only hope that you can control yourself. It's okay for enemies, but for companions like Jiang Baihui... ..."

"Yes, I know."

"That's good." Chu Wei turned around and said, "I won't bother you about the Red Organization's invitation, you must know it in your heart. I have other tasks, and Xiao Lin will ask you to take care of them for the time being."

Watching Chu Wei disappear at the top of the stairs, Wan Li frowned: "Heh, smiling face. But the trigger conditions for the simulation magic are indeed a bit too much... Jiang Baihui is the only one for girls this time."

Back in the ward, Cui Jie and Liu Miao were a little surprised that Wan Li returned alone, Wan Li explained a few words, thought for a few seconds, and asked Cui Jie tentatively, "I don't think you like the Secret Martial Arts Bureau very much? "

Cui Jie was slightly stunned, nodded and said: "It's not a secret. People in the Martial Arts Bureau who know the Secret Martial Arts Bureau don't like them. It's one thing to do things unscrupulously. The key is that they are obviously affiliated organizations of the Martial Arts Bureau, but they are not very willing to do it." Listen to the dispatch of the General Bureau of Martial Arts."

"This...subordinate? But disobedient?" Wan Li frowned, puzzled.

"A large number of third-level executives, a small number of second-level investigators, and first-level special agents form the Secret Military Bureau. But in fact, apart from them, the Secret Military Bureau also has a special intelligence officer position. The number and identity are unknown. These Human strength may not be very strong, but they are definitely the top agents, hiding in various parts of the world, even in red organizations, and sending back a lot of useful information for the country."

Wanli raised his eyebrows, spy?Are there also red organizations?It's normal, but the status should not be high, otherwise the red organization will be able to solve it... "The identities of these people don't even know the identities of the chief?"

"There should be three or five." Cui Jie said uncertainly, "It's none of our business. You and Bai Hui have to graduate after graduation if you want to get in touch with these. After lunch, let Bai Hui and the others take you to appreciate our spring city." The best spring in the world, and the music fountain in Quancheng Square at night..."


The day passed quickly.It was night, on the bed in the hotel, Wan Li hugged Wen Jing, and told her how he and Jiang Baihui fought in the morning.

"Unlock power? Wan Liyang, you can still turn into a muscular monster. Quickly change it and show me!"

"Wow, so handsome..."

"Don't pinch, keep pinching, doesn't it hurt anymore?" Wan Li laughed.

Wen Jing's face tightened, she quickly withdrew her hand, and said angrily, "It hurts, stay away from me!"

" have to hurry up and practice. We will go back to Bincheng by boat tomorrow, and we will have to part for ten and a half months. When we meet again, can you be A-level?"

"Go for it..."

Wan Li smiled and pinched Wen Jing's little nose: "Come on, it's getting late, go to sleep."


The bed lamp was turned off, and the room fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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