Chapter 244

Next door, Pharaoh's room.

Old Wang was also talking to Lin Yuling about his experiences during the day, "Wait, wait for the next opportunity to come to Jicheng, I, I will show you around."

"Oh, I still need you to bring it. I have been to Jicheng, Baotu Spring, and Daming Lake."

"Ah, have you come, have you been here?"

"Well, five years ago, the summer vacation of freshman year. Don't even think about it. If I hadn't been here, would I have been bored in the hotel all day?" Lin Yuling smiled.

"oh oh."

"There were a lot of people here last time, Qiangqiang and Zhang Qiuyang were also there, things are different, and the opening of the era of practice has made many things different..."

"He, they just went the wrong way for a while, wait, wait until the transformation is completed, and it will be fine."

Lin Yuling paused, smiled and nodded.

"You seem... not very happy, I, did I say something wrong?"

"No, I thought of something I shouldn't think about... It's all over, I don't want to think about it!" Lin Yuling smiled, turned over and pressed Lao Wang under her body: "Looking at Wen Jing's appearance, there should be no one next door tonight." The guts to listen to our corner, hehe..."

"Listen to the corner? Yesterday, last night...uh..."


The next afternoon.

Wan Li sent Wen Jing and the others to the high-speed train to Weicheng, where they will take the boat at [-]:[-] tonight and arrive in Bincheng at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning.

Then Cui Jie sent someone to take Wan Li to the Jicheng Budo Bureau to discuss the census matters.

The census is scheduled to start the day after tomorrow. Jicheng will divide up four teams. The chief and deputy directors will each lead a team, and Wan Li and Jiang Baihui will each lead a team. call for help.

Facing the map, Cui Jie told Wan Li about the scope of his census on the first day and the second day, "As fast as possible, for a city of the size of Jicheng, the time given above is ten days to half a month." , strive for ten days to solve it!"

Wan Li looked at the map and was silent for a long while before he said, "Director Cui, can you assign me a few team members with a better sense of direction?"

"...Okay. Let's do this today first, come over tomorrow morning, and I'll introduce your team members to you." Cui Jie laughed.

Wan Li scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry for your trouble."

Cui Jie smiled and shook his head: "I really didn't expect you to have a bad sense of direction. I originally wanted to suggest that you go around Daming Lake at night. Now, let's forget it. Don't get lost, haha..."

"Not at all." Wan Li waved his hand: "You have mobile phone navigation, and you can ask passers-by. If you come to Jicheng once, you will always go to Daming Lake."

"I'll take you there."


Jiang Baihui looked at Wanli and repeated, "I'll take you there and show you the way."


An hour later, it was dark.

Standing in front of the entrance of Daming Lake, Wan Li looked at Jiang Baihui beside him, and said hesitantly, "I said, isn't it suitable for the two of us to visit Daming Lake?"

"Don't think too much, I haven't been to Daming Lake for many years, so come and have a look."

"You are from Jicheng, haven't been here for many years?"

"Tiger Beach in Bencheng is famous, when was the last time you went there?"

"Uh... primary school spring outing?"

"Yes." Jiang Baihui smiled, and led Wanli into the entrance of the Daming Lake scenic spot, "Wow, it's changed a lot. There used to be a lot of snacks at the entrance, but they're all gone. Has it been rectified?"

"When was the last time you came here?" Wan Li looked around, but there was no trace of the existence of the food stall at all.

"Five years ago, I was still in junior high school. Come here, this way, I remember there was a coin throwing bell game here, I don't know if it is still there."

When you come to Daming Lake, shouldn’t you mainly look at the scenery of the lake?A coin toss game?Wan Li shook his head helplessly and followed Jiang Baihui's footsteps.

"Ah, it's gone too." Jiang Baihui muttered disappointedly, "That's right, it's easy to throw clocks with copper coins in the cultivation age... Sigh, let's go, let's find a place to sit."

"Sit? Are you tired?"

"No, it's completely dark and Daming Lake looks better when the lights come up. We still have to wait for about half an hour."

"oh, I see……"

It is better to listen to the local guide in an unfamiliar place, and found a bench, Wan Li and Jiang Baihui sat side by side, chatting without saying a word, Jiang Baihui quickly talked about the visit to Daming Lake five years ago. "There were a lot of people that time, my brother and his friends came to Jicheng to play..."

"You still have a brother?"

"It's not my own brother." Jiang Baihui shook his head: "It's the brother of my uncle's family, and my uncle's family is in Bincheng."

Wan Li was startled: "Oh? It's a coincidence."

"I'll show you the photo." Jiang Baihui took out her phone and handed it to Wan Li. The background of the lock screen was a tall and handsome boy carrying a shy little girl Bi Scissorhands on his back. Behind them was Daming Lake.

Wan Li was taken aback, looking at the slightly shy Jiang Baihui, who actually had the attribute of brother control, interesting...

Looking carefully at the photos again, Wan Li was startled suddenly: "Your brother, I seem to...where have I seen it?"

"Really?" Jiang Baihui murmured softly, unlocked the phone, and showed him another photo. Two tall teenagers each held her high in the middle with one hand, "This is from my brother and aunt's house." Brother, have you seen it?"

"Hmm... not this one, er, no, I seem to have seen it somewhere before." Wan Li raised his hand and scratched his head in thought: "They are all from Bincheng, it's not surprising that they have met each other after living in Bincheng for so many years, but I am Don't know them."

"Oh." Jiang Baihui nodded, put the phone back, and sighed, showing a deep look of loss, "My brother has been missing for more than three years."

"Uh... missing?"

"Well, he's missing, I want to find him, can you help me?" Jiang Baihui begged.

Wan Li frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong with Jiang Baihui's mood, "Helping's fine, but why did your brother disappear?"

Jiang Baihui smiled: "You promised to help me, don't go back on your word, you're a puppy."

"Woof...haha, just kidding."

At this moment, a street lamp next to the bench suddenly turned on, and when he turned his head, the sky had become completely dark, and the lights were brightly lit in the distance, illuminating the blue waves of Daming Lake, which was beautiful.

"Light up the lights, let's go, let's go to that bridge, the scenery on the bridge is the most beautiful!" Jiang Baihui said.

Wan Li kept up as he said, and stepped onto a stone bridge in the distance. Looking far away, he was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery for a while, until a disturbing voice came.

"Jin'er, do you want Fat Brother to carry you to the lake to see the scenery? Fat Brother is A-level, can tread water!"

Loud and ostentatious.

Wan Li blinked and followed the sound, how the hell can I meet you anywhere?You are a wanted criminal and you are still in the mood to pick up girls, hey, why does the girl next to him feel a little familiar?

"No matter how I look today, everyone looks familiar."

Wan Li frowned, feeling that the tabby cat on Shao Laofat's shoulder looked a little familiar, so he took a closer look, and the tabby cat also looked over.


(End of this chapter)

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