Chapter 246
"what the hell!"

Old Shao Shao cursed in his mouth, but he was extremely alert in his heart. The nagging guy in front of him caught the cat owner several times but did not suffer serious injuries. He might be stronger than Brother Fei. Where did he come from?

Chu Wei didn't reply, he gently stroked the bloodstain on his arm, his eyes lingered on the flower cat and Shao Laofat who were licking their paws on Shao Laofat's shoulder, with a heavy complexion.

In the far corner, Jiang Baihui poked his head out from Wanli's side: "Did Special Agent Chu admit the wrong person? He seems to be injured, shall we help him?"

Wan Li nodded, then frowned and reached out to stop Jiang Baihui: "Wait, something's wrong."

"What's wrong?"

Wanli narrowed his eyes slightly.Chu Wei looked quite shrewd during the conversation yesterday morning, why did he make such a big mistake today?Even the upright old Wang can tell that Shao Laofat is definitely not the one who attacked the plane!And Shao Laofat dared to confront Chu Wei, proving that Chu Wei did not reveal his identity, which is another unreasonable move...

"Am I overthinking it?"

Bang! !

Huamao once again drew a crescent-shaped slash, Chu Wei's fists were covered with milky white light, and they blasted out in unison, the crescent shattered, and a huge crater was shattered on the ground under his feet.

"The strength is not weak, close to the peak of A-level or already at the peak of A-level, plus Jiang Baihui and I should have the capital to fight against S-level cats... Fuck, we can't! Save people!"

Huamao seemed to be getting impatient, and waved its paws together, eight crescent slashes criss-crossed towards Chu Wei, blocking all his escape routes.Wan Li and Jiang Baihui acted immediately, and instantly appeared beside Chu Wei, one on the left and the other on the right.

boom! !

The three of them penetrated into the far wall together.

"...Is this kid chasing after Brother Fat? Is he the one who is crazy? He's so deceptive!" Shao Laofa was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and looked at the three people who had collapsed the wall of the Daming Lake Scenic Area. With a relieved look: "Yes! Thank you master for venting my anger, we have to go, if it attracts...uh..."

He paused for a while, raised his eyebrows, and looked around. At some point, the three of them formed a triangle and surrounded him. At this moment, Wan Li was taking off his shirt and puffing up his muscles.

"Special Agent Chu, why did you stop this guy at night? He is not from the red organization, but just a thief who stole the Lingshi mine."

"S-class super-intelligent creatures can't be tamed by just anyone." Chu Wei said in a deep voice: "I have more experience than you in arresting members of the Red Organization. Their identities in outside activities are often unpredictable. This guy ...not easy!"

Uh?Wan Li blinked, and looked at Old Fatty Shao with a weird look. If Shao Old Fatty really belonged to the red organization, then he could be a film king...

Shao Laofa was stunned: "The red organization? Who is the red organization? Brother Fei? Don't make trouble, ugly, don't keep putting Brother Fei here to add drama to yourself!"

Chu Wei's eyes sank, but his face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile: "It's useless not to admit it, we will never let you escape tonight!"

Wan Li frowned and glanced at Chu Wei, did he avenge himself because he was called ugly?He looked at the cat on Shao Laofat's shoulder, trouble, I don't know how strong this cat is, ask?

The cat licks its paws for a while: "Meow ~"

"Meow meow?"


Fatty Shao: "..."

Jiang Baihui: "..."

Chu Wei: "..."

One person and one cat started chatting, Shao Laofa looked around blankly, and swallowed: "Master, it's time to eat cans, what flavor do you want to eat today, Feifei will take you there!"

Wan Li's eyes moved: "Meow--"


After exchanging a few more words, Wan Li frowned slightly, and said to Chu Wei: "Special Agent Chu, Huamao agreed not to do anything, but it won't let us do anything to its servant Shao Laofat, and wants us to provide the best Give it canned cat food."

Shao Laofat was stunned, tears welled up in his eyes for a moment, this master didn't recognize him in vain...

Chu Wei thought for two seconds but waved his hands suddenly: "We never compromise with criminals, let's do it!"

'Are you frankly retarded?What a good opportunity to delay time, and how on earth did you determine that Shao Laofat is the envoy of the Red Organization? Wan Li cursed in his heart, while Hua Mao's pupils stood up, and his front paws swung towards Chu Wei swiftly!

Eight chopping waves shot through the air again, Wan Li didn't bother to rescue Chuu Wei this time, his muscles bulged, the ground exploded, and his figure suddenly appeared beside Shao Laofat, punching out heavily!
"Jiang Baihui, cover fire!"

Bang! !

Shao Laofat crossed his arms to defend, but was still sent flying by Wan Li's punch, but the cat on his shoulder jumped down in time, and its right front paw brought a cold light to grab Wan Li's arm.Wan Li gritted his teeth and twisted his body, his figure fell backwards. The cat scratched the air with its claws, but its figure didn't land on the ground. Its body seemed to be light and weightless and floated across the air for thousands of miles. The speed was extremely fast, and its claws became afterimages...

Bang! !

A beam of light hit from the side in time, deflecting the cat and flying, Wan Li took the opportunity to distance himself from it, and retreated to Jiang Baihui's side.

"Are you OK?"

"It's okay." Wanli raised his right arm to look at a bloodstain on it, his face was solemn, but just being rubbed, the defense built by the combination of his body's super hardness and King Kong's indestructibility collapsed?
Shao Laofa grinned and rubbed his arms and got up from a piece of bricks and tiles, "Hey! Brat! You really listened to that crazy guy and did something to Brother Fat? Stop making trouble, and if you make trouble again, I will let the master scratch you to death." What about the neuropathy?"

Wan Li was taken aback, that's right, where is Chu Wei?Was hit by the flower cat and was seriously injured?Not so, what about people? ! !

"Damn it, you bastard!" Wan Li suddenly had a bold idea, "It can't be..."

Jiang Baihui moved her feet and stuck a few points on Wan Li's body, while two blue armors slowly formed on Wan Li and herself.

"Nitrogen armor, does it affect movement?"

Wan Li narrowed his eyes: "It doesn't matter, but I feel like we've been pissed off by that surname. This fight will be unjust, let's run... huh?"

All of a sudden, Wan Li noticed that the wind around him became noisy. The feeling of this wind was very familiar. He had experienced it four or five times, and he would never admit it!

Huamao's gaze on Wanli's body was also withdrawn, and it jumped back to Shao Laofat's shoulder, looking to the other side, there was a person wearing a robe and an ugly mask walking slowly, as she approached, The wind is getting louder.

It's her, where did the leader of the red organization follow me, her ghosts linger... Wanli cursed secretly, suddenly startled again, the leader of the red organization dragged a familiar figure like a dead dog by his hand.

"The Secret Martial Arts Bureau's way of doing things is still so disgusting. They can also use borrowed knives to kill their own people. Hehe, Wan Liyang... have you offended them?" A hoarse and deep voice came out from under the ugly mask, and she shook her arm. With a wave, Chu Wei was thrown at the feet of Wan Li and Jiang Baihui.

"Special agent!" Jiang Baihui whispered.

Wan Li pursed his lips and poked Chuuwei with his toe. He had fallen into a deep coma and did not respond.

"It's really disgusting. I have to thank you, the big sister angel, for letting me out."

"You're welcome, joining us is enough to repay you." The leader of the red organization said hoarsely.

"Can I get another reward?"

"You will join."

Wan Li frowned: "I think..."

"No, what's wrong with this?" Old Fatty Shao suddenly interrupted: "You have arranged to act to make Brother Fei happy tonight, right? How do you know that today is Brother Fei's birthday?

Hahaha, stop making trouble, Jin'er, quickly take off your messy clothes, the surprise is almost enough, if you make a fuss again, it will be a shock! "

The leader of the red organization froze.

Wanli's pupils suddenly shrank.

(End of this chapter)

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