Restart the world

Chapter 247 Yan Jiner

Chapter 247 Yan Jiner

The noisy wind gradually subsided, and since Shao Laofatty spoke, the northeast corner of Daming Lake Scenic Area fell into an eerie silence.

Wan Li squatted in front of Chu Wei, poked him many times with his fingers, but failed to wake him up, stood up, and broke the silence first: "Miss Yan Jiner, let's get to know each other again?"

"You bastard, don't go too far, flirting with Jin'er in front of Brother Fat?" Old Fatty Shao roared.

Wan Li couldn't help laughing: "You, Jin'er, Jin'er, are quite kind when you shout, aren't you afraid... of being killed?"

"Killed to death?" Shao Laofa was taken aback, looked at Yan Jiner's eyes full of murderous intent revealed in Yan Jin'er's mask, shrunk his neck, and then looked at the bruises on the unconscious Chu Wei's face in front of Wanli's feet. Master scratched it out...

He finally realized something was wrong.

After a moment of silence, he swallowed: "That...haha... Fat Brother had a very happy birthday tonight, have you arranged any other programs, birthday song? No, hahaha, Fat Brother sang by himself, wishing me a birthday Happy, happy birthday to Fat Brother, hi Pipo...hahahaha hiccup..."

He retreated while singing, and when he was about to disappear from everyone's sight, he felt someone tap his right shoulder, and his face immediately turned bitter.

"How did you recognize me?" The leader of the red organization has taken off his mask to reveal his real face. It is Yan Jin'er, the cute young lady who visited Daming Lake with Shao Laofat before!

"Super power or your master's sense of smell? I have treated this suit, but it still can't hide the S-class super intelligent creature?" Yan Jin'er said, narrowing her eyes: "You must not tell me... you guessed it , or a sixth sense?"

"Cough, that... your clothes... Fat Brother accidentally saw it earlier, um, accidentally saw it."

" suitcase has a combination lock."

"Accidentally, cough accidentally know."

Yan Jin'er was silent for a moment: "You pervert... are you trying to steal my underwear?"

"No no no, how is it possible, Jin'er, you are too sad to say that about Brother Fat. I was just a little curious to see your precious suitcase, and I accidentally opened it...Ah! Master help!"

Bang! !

Shao Laofat was thrown out by Yan Jin'er's punch, hit the ground a few times, and fell into the gravel thrown by Chu Wei earlier.

The flower cat changed from sitting on Shao Laofat's shoulder to sitting in mid-air, lazily licking its front paws, staring at Yan Jin'er, one person and one cat staring at each other, the atmosphere gradually became dignified and deadly.

In the distance, Wan Li slightly raised his eyebrows, did he and Jiang Baihui become theatergoers?But...tonight's harvest is really great, not only knowing the true identity of the leader of the Red Organization, but if Huamao is on his side, he may be able to keep her!

"No wonder she looks familiar... Uh, no, familiar... It's because she looks familiar. Apart from being the leader of the red organization, where else have I seen her?"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, shook his head and put all these things behind him for the time being, turned around and ran quickly to Lao Fatty Shao: "Brother Fei, are you alright?"

Jiang Baihui looked at Wan Li's back, and then at the confronting man and cat, showing a little hesitation.At this time, there was a sudden burst of noise from a distance, as if someone was evacuating the people, and she also heard Cui Jie's voice.After thinking for two seconds, she turned to meet him.

Among the piles of rubble, Wan Li dragged Old Fatty Shao out, "Are you dead, Brother Fei?"

"Oh, Brother Fat hurts so much, Jin'er is heartless!" Old Fatty Shao moaned.

If you didn't spiral up to heaven, count her mercy.Wan Li smiled inwardly: "Brother Fat, you have done a great job this time, seeing through the true identity of the leader of the red organization. If you can help me catch her, I can guarantee you, and your previous crimes will be wiped out!"

"The Red Organization...the leader?!" Old Fatty Shao's injuries stopped hurting, and he jumped up instantly: "Fuck, Jin'er is actually the leader? Brother Fei has completely offended the Red Organization now, Jin'er, are you serious?" You cheated... No, don't blame Jin'er, it's all your fault, you cheated Fat Brother to death!"

"Where did Brother Fei offend you? After finally falling in love with a girl, why did you become the leader of the red organization?!"

boom! !

In the distance, one person and one cat stared affectionately for a minute, and finally tentatively exchanged hands. There was a strong wind for a while, and the roaring sound continued.Wan Li took a look, then turned to Old Fatty Shao with a smile again: "I'm so stupid, your master doesn't listen to you, so what's the deal with you? Since it takes the initiative to attack, then you are useless!"

Shao Laofat blinked, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Bang! !

Among the broken rubble, the two thick thighs twitched a few times and stopped moving.

Wan Li clapped his palms, smashed half of the splashed square bricks with his fist, his eyes narrowed slightly, his figure flickered, and he appeared behind Yan Jin'er in an instant, crossed his hands, raised his fist and smashed down!
Yan Jin'er swung the wind blade in her right hand repeatedly, smashing the flower cat into pieces. Feeling the strong wind blowing above her head, she immediately lifted her left hand wrapped in milky white spiritual energy, and at the same time bent her right leg and kicked.

However, the strength of the blow above her head was somewhat beyond her expectations. With one leg raised, she staggered forward uncontrollably, and was knocked back by Huamao's chopping waves. Wan Li took the opportunity to kick her with a full swing Shoot it out!

"One-handed catch? Haven't you heard of Shibie three days ago?" Wan Li grinned: "Brother Cat, this wave of cooperation is perfect, let's come again... hey?!"

The flower cat suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, its two paws turned into afterimages and waved towards him.Wan Li's face changed slightly, he tensed his arms, and used all the indestructible wood magics for protection...

Wan Li's feet slammed into the ground, causing a large number of mud and stones to fly when he slipped. He didn't stabilize his figure until his back touched the fence of the scenic spot. , and thanks to the nitrogen armor that Jiang Baihui added to him earlier, it has not been dismantled, otherwise I am afraid that a piece of flesh will be scratched off.

"What's the situation, are you so moody even beating your own people?" Wan Li frowned deeply, his eyes caught the cat that disappeared after scratching him, his face turned black.The flower cat was squatting on the head of Lao Fatty Shao whom he had planted into the rubble, licking its paws and looking at him.

"You shouldn't have beaten Old Fatty Shao just now...but he really deserves a beating!"

On the other side, Yan Jin'er, who was kicked away by Wan Li, walked back slowly, dragging a fast spinning wind wheel with his right hand: "The speed at which your strength is improving is really terrifying. How long has it been since our first fight? Two months? At that time You can't stand in front of me without special means...Wan Liyang, join us!"

Wan Li squinted his eyes, concentrating his mind. No matter how fast his strength improved, he would still be no match for her if he didn't double it now. Plus, the flower cat who was an enemy...

What about reinforcements?Didn't Jiang Baihui go to meet them? Why is it so slow?Hope to have some strong helpers...

(End of this chapter)

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