Restart the world

Chapter 248 Redoubled

Chapter 248 Redoubled

The reinforcements are indeed strong.

After receiving the summons from the upper echelons, the Jicheng Martial Arts Bureau and the Jicheng Army took action at the fastest speed, evacuated the masses below B-level, and maintained order. The Martial Arts Bureau had two A-levels, and the military had four A-levels. Level, after meeting with Jiang Baihui, he immediately ran to the northeast corner of Daming Lake.

However, they were stopped on the way.

There was only one person who stopped them, a tall man in a thick robe and an ugly mask.He seemed to be exuding heavy pressure naturally. Since his appearance, Cui Jie and the others felt that a big stone was pressing on their hearts, and it was even difficult to breathe.

According to the description obtained from Wan Li and Liu Miao, everyone immediately concluded that the one who attacked the Air China plane... was him!

"So strong? Is it S-rank?" Cui Jie gasped heavily, "Just standing tens of meters away can make it difficult for me to breathe?" He turned his head and asked Jiang Baihui, "Where are Wan Liyang and Special Agent Chuu?" ?”

Jiang Baihui opened her mouth slightly, muttered for a moment, and was interrupted by Cui Jie: "Okay, I got it. The enemy's strength is beyond expectation. After the battle begins... Baihui, remember to find a chance to escape!"

Jiang Baihui was startled, and slowly closed her small open mouth, revealing a slightly complicated look.Cui Jie didn't look at her again, took a few breaths, and said with a wry smile: "Deputy Bureau Li, Lao Zhang, work hard, if you don't do anything, I'm afraid we won't even have a chance to do it!"

"Don't worry, Ju Cui... Huh... something is not quite right, the enemy may not be that strong, this may be a superpower to manipulate oxygen!"


"Let the oxygen become thinner and boil the frogs in warm water? I thought it was the oppressive force from the enemy. It's so sinister... go!"

The six people set off in unison, all wrapped in white light, and attacked the Tuopao man in various directions.

The man in the robe pushed the mask on his face: "I was discovered, and I lost consciousness due to suffocation... Isn't it good? Now you have to suffer a little bit."

boom! !


On the other side, Wan Li, who was confronting Yan Jiner's cat in a triangular position, waited for a while for reinforcements, but only got a deafening roar.

He immediately knew that the situation had changed. The reinforcements might have been intercepted, and the interceptor was probably the angel who attacked the plane.

"I knew it wouldn't go so smoothly, and I'm going to be killed by the bastard from the Secret Martial Arts Bureau tonight."

Wan Li sighed secretly, kicked a piece of gravel angrily, and accurately hit Chu Wei who was throwing himself in the street in the distance, causing another bruise on his face.

Yan Jin'er was startled, and the whirlwind in her hands stopped for a moment, and asked, "Wan Liyang, do you agree to join us?"

Wan Li thought for a second, then smiled and said, "Is there any change in the conditions for me to join the Red Organization?"

"That's right, we will give you the position of the sixth envoy, and the grievances between me and you will be wiped out."

"No, in the Shan plateau, that's not what your envoy said. She said that if I can join, you can call me again."

Yan Jin'er's figure trembled, and she gritted her teeth: "Damn pancake, gloat!"

pancake?Are you really cautious to call each other by nicknames?After the routine failed, Wan Li listened to the sound of fighting in the distance for two seconds, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said again:
"Who is the number one emissary of the Red Organization who attacked the plane? Where is the pancake in your mouth?"

"First and second."

"Huh?" Wan Li was taken aback, did he really answer?

Seeing Wanli's doubts, Yan Jin'er suddenly showed a sweet smile: "Since you know my identity, you can either become one of your own, or..."

"Die here? What about old fat?"

"He'll join us."

"Tsk!" Wan Li frowned deeply. After waking up, that coward might not be able to join the enemy. The situation with the reinforcements is not good either. We can no longer count on unreliable cats. Alas, let's solve it by ourselves.

Simulate the body of inexhaustibility*2, double!
Surging strength surged into his body, and Wanli's bulging muscles bulged a little more.

Yan Jin'er's eyes were fixed, and the wind in his right hand spun faster, making a piercing scream: "Have you used the special state last time again?"

"No, hehe, last time it was Wang Bo, this time, double it is enough." Wan Li grasped his hands suddenly, and there was a sonic boom.

boom! !

Like a volcanic eruption, the ground exploded and shattered, as if moving in an instant, Wanli appeared behind Yan Jiner in the blink of an eye.She stretched her body, turned around abruptly, and the wind whirled straight to Wanli's chest!
Bang! !

Wan Li stretched out his hands, grasping Fengxuan in his palm, veins flashed on his forehead, Fengxuan was shattered by his grip, and instantly turned into a tenth-level gust, blowing Wanli and Yan Jiner staggered back a few steps, and then smashed the ground together , suddenly struck together.

"It caused me to burn two more red threads. It's not too late for the next apparition, alas..." Wan Li sighed inwardly, the attack became more and more violent, whether it was the wind turning or the wind blade attack, it was all crushed!
Doubling can increase his physique by two times, super doubling four times, and Wang Zha's eight times.Facing Yan Jin'er two months ago, Wan Li was still at a disadvantage after improving his physique by eight times, but now, his physique was similar to Yan Jiner's after improving twice!

Close combat is Wanli's strong point, with similar strength and speed, he firmly held the advantage for a while.Wood magic is not very useful in this kind of battle, but when nothing is inflammable and King Kong is indestructible, it is more powerful than Yan Jiner's simple hurricane messenger.

In the distance, Shao Laofat, who was in the rubble, suddenly raised his head and lifted the cat on his head: "Hey, you brat really doesn't have a long memory. Did Brother Fat knock you out if you said you could knock him out? Come on Jin'er, Beat him up! Fat brother... it's better to sneak away first!"


"...don't go?"


"Wait a little longer? Do you want to wait until they both lose, and the master wants to avenge me? Fat... I'm so touched, woo..." Old Shao's brows stood erect, and he buried his head back in the rubble: "Scratch that brat to death!"


Two punches shattered the spinning wind blade, and Wan Li narrowed the distance with Yan Jin'er again, interrupting the whirlwind she had just condensed under her feet.Yan Jin'er has been trying to distance himself from him, while Wan Li is trying to maintain the state of the two fighting close to each other.

Warriors must fight mages closely!
"Don't run away, miss."

The muscles on his face trembled, and he pulled out an ugly smile, which made the corners of Yan Jiner's eyes twitch. He clasped his hands together, and spun around, turning his body into a tornado!
However, at this moment, three purple halos suddenly gushed out from under Wanli's feet, and the instant increase of eight times the gravity caused Yan Jin'er's steps to become chaotic...

Iron Mountain!
Bang! !

Wan Li, who knocked Yan Jin'er into the air, was stunned for a moment, then he rubbed his body and caught up, cursing himself inwardly for what kind of iron mountain he had used, and agreed that Jiang Baihui would be the last one...

The second came first, appearing behind Yan Jin'er who was flying upside down, Wan Li raised his fist and smashed it down!
boom! !

"I hit!"

bang bang bang bang bang...

(End of this chapter)

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