Restart the world

Chapter 249 Identity

Chapter 249 Identity
A-level peaks can run at full speed close to the speed of sound, and the speed of punching is also exaggerated.

Using the gravity field to gain the upper hand, after hitting Yan Jin'er hard on the ground, Wan Li punched her dozens of times in a second, smashing her into the ground more than ten meters deep.

These heavy punches failed to hit her body head-on, and she defended them with her arms, but the force through her arms still made her cute little face show a painful look, and Wan Li felt a little bit nervous. I feel a little unbearable...

However, the identity of the other party and the burning red thread in his body told Wan Li that this was not the time to feel sorry for the woman. His fist became heavier and heavier. At a certain moment, after rubbing against the air, the fist was covered with a layer of red flames!
Nothing is non-flammable, full power!


The temporarily condensed wind shield was easily broken by Wan Li. The effect of these two punches was stronger than the combined effect of the previous dozens of punches. Yan Jin'er let out a low scream. Seeing Wan Li hit two more flame punches, her eyes He squinted, gritted his teeth suddenly, and no longer defended, twisted his waist forcefully, kicked with his right leg, and hit Wanli's crotch directly!
At this time, Wan Li was faced with a difficult choice. With these two punches head-on, Yan Jin'er was either dead or seriously injured, but he couldn't completely defend himself against the kick aimed at his crotch. Sex becomes a eunuch... Do you want to bet or not?
After hesitating for 0.000001 second, Wan Li stopped attacking and tried to defend with his legs clamped.

After his legs clamped Yan Jin'er's right leg firmly, Wan Li wanted to attack again, but Yan Jin'er made an inch of it. The right leg clamped by Wan Li gave a strong hook, and his figure rose from the ground, following the strength to wrap around Wan Li from the side. The body and hands condensed into wind blades and cut Wanli's neck...

"Miss sister, this style of play is quite rogue. You trade your life for a serious injury, and you trade a serious injury for your life? You're so vicious, you don't want to invite me to join?" Wan Li grabbed Yan Jin'er's wrist and said with a smile.

Before Yan Jin'er could reply, Shao Lao Fatty shouted suddenly from a distance: "Bastard, you are too deceitful, let go of my Jin'er!"

Wan Li was taken aback, did Shao Laofat faint? Grade A is more resistant to beatings, he doesn't remember that he was merciful before...

"Bastard, Brother Fat told you to let go!" Shao Laofa blushed and growled thickly.

Wan Li and Yan Jin'er's posture is very ambiguous at this time.One leg of Yan Jin'er was clamped by Wan Li, and she was entangled beside Wan Li's side, her body was tightly pressed against each other, and when Wan Li was questioning her, her breath hit her face.

Yan Jin'er didn't feel shy, but her body was working hard all the time, wanting to have some 'closer contact' with Wan Li, whether it was legs or hands...

"Smelly boy, Brother Fat can't speak well, right?!" Old Fatty Shao couldn't take it anymore, regardless of whether the cat owner agreed or not, he rushed towards Wanli and Yan Jin'er.

Wan Li's eyes narrowed slightly, a chaotic fellow.With both hands holding Yan Jiner's wrist, he turned on nothing non-combustible to the maximum again, and quickly burned through Yan Jiner's protective aura and wind shield, causing her face to show pain...

Bang! !

"If you want it, I'll give it to you!" Wan Li elbowed Yan Jin'er towards Old Fatty Shao.

Shao Laofat stopped, looked at Yan Jiner who was flying towards him, with the expression of "Did happiness come so quickly?" on his face, opened his arms, and waited quietly for Yan Jiner to fall into his arms.

However, Yan Jin'er, who was in mid-air, twisted her body forcibly, and when she was approaching Shao Laofat, she adjusted her feet to face him, and kicked heavily on Shao Laofat's stomach... Shao Laofat's eyes protruded, and his expression changed Cheng couldn't believe it, and with the help of the old fat belly brand spring, Yan Jin'er flew back thousands of miles at a faster speed!
This move was a little unexpected, Yan Jin'er's mouth was still stained with blood from the elbow that was bent by him, and there might be cracks in the bones between her chest and abdomen... How desperate?
The strength lent to Yan Jin'er by the old fat brand spring is not small. After the loud noise, Wanli flew upside down for tens of meters, collapsing a landscape stone in Daming Lake Scenic Area.

However, he was not injured, and another trace of blood flowed from the corner of Yan Jin'er's mouth, who fought him hard.She raised her hand to wipe it, and hugged her hands into a ball in front of her, with the wind howling between her hands.

Wan Li, who came back in a flash, saw Yan Jin'er's face suddenly changed. He was deeply impressed by this move. After hitting Yan Jin'er with a flaming palm, she made herself spiral into the sky like this, and at the same time destroyed the North Mountain of Manga Village.

At this time, this move is not very false for him, but...

"Miss, calm down! Your trick is useless to me. This place is different from the North Mountain of Manga Village. Are you trying to destroy Daming Lake?"

"Tsk..." Wan Li frowned, and looked at the flower cat sitting next to Lao Fatty Shao who was lying on the ground with a confused expression on his face. Yan Jin'er also beat Lao Fatty, why don't you scratch her?Unreliable cat.

Seeing that Yan Jin'er didn't intend to cancel the magnification, Wan Li also lost the chance to interrupt her ult because she was sent flying earlier, so she could only concentrate and plant her feet deep into the ground...

"Daming Lake is going to become history. I'm sorry Emperor Qianlong... or Emperor Yongzheng? I'm sorry Xia Yuhe?" Wan Li felt that the red thread in his body had just burned halfway, and he was still thinking wildly.

'Resist this big, BOSS will enter a short period of weakness, can be overthrown! '

However, just when Yan Jin'er's big move was fully formed, a gentle male voice suddenly resounded in the field: "Jin'er, you are impulsive again. I said that after I finish them, I will come to recruit Wan Liyang. He risked his life?"

Yan Jin'er paused for a moment: "Brother Gui, he almost killed me just now!"

"Alas..." Walking slowly towards Yan Jin'er, the tall man in a robe shook his head slightly, sighing silently in his heart, you can fly, if you don't want to fight him, just go up early, how can he touch you?Are you still brooding over the palm of a month ago?
He gently put his hand on Yan Jin'er's hand, Yan Jin'er shook, and the whirlwind in her hand immediately shattered and dissipated, she frowned, turned her head away: "Brother Agui, can do whatever you want."

"Don't be angry, Jin'er. If we want to achieve our goal, we must have a strong enough partner. Wan the most suitable candidate at present."

Yan Jin'er let out a light breath, took two steps back with her hands in her arms, and signaled that she didn't care, while the man in the robe walked a few steps towards Wan Li: "Second meeting, Wan Liyang."

"...What about Jiang Baihui and the others?"

"Hehe, don't worry, I'm not dead."

"Oh, that's good." Wanli nodded.

The man in the tunic was slightly stiff, and was quite surprised by Wan Li's reaction... Oh, that's good?

Wan Li sighed softly. When the first envoy of the red organization who attacked the plane appeared, the outline of the first envoy's jaw and mouth flashed in his mind, and the outline suddenly overlapped with a person!
He felt that he also knew the identity of the number one envoy of the Red Organization!
(End of this chapter)

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